March 2009 Ready2ACT Newsletter
Our goal is to provide you with news that you can use to improve your business or enhance your professional development.

Please provide us with feedback on this newsletter so that we can create one that you enjoy and forward to others (we will never ever rent or sell your email addresses). Thanks for your help!

Be Lucky and Thrive
  Tiffany's Tip of the Month Tiff's photo
How do you get the luck of the Irish? You make your own luck. Many of you have heard of the concept of the Law of Attraction, popularized in the book and movie, The Secret. You expect great things to happen, and they will; but, it also takes commitment and action on your part. In the book, The Answer: Grow Any Business, Achieve Financial Freedom, and Live an Extraordinary Life, John Assaraf and Murray Smith explain how to create the business and life of your dreams. They advocate that when your dreams come true, it's not simply luck but a matter of physics manifested by conscious and unconscious effort as well as extreme focus.

I've always considered myself a very lucky person who is leading a blessed life. Now I know what I've done to make that happen. Read "The Answer" then do the work to change your luck and your life!

Sun Microsystems burns brightly
Best known for Java programming, Sun Microsystems continues to blaze new trails in technological innovation. Recently, they formed a group, "Business Analysis and Process" (BAP), to focus their expert resources into a powerful team. On March 11 & 12, BAP convened to discuss how to best serve their customers. To this end, Achievement Consulting & Training, Inc. customized a training workshop to help BAP efficiently capture their customer needs and develop effective solutions. According to manager, Lori Shaw, "the training was very successful! We were already applying the principles on Friday in some meetings, which is a very good sign."

We congratulate Sun for already implementing best practices!

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$100 off your next Achievement Consulting & Training workshop.
May not be combined with other offers including early bird discounts.
