WH Cornerstone Investments
Feburary 2012 
Issue: 102
Sound, visionary stewardship




February is a fun month, with some silly holidays. 


Earlier this month, we celebrated Groundhog Day with a mailing (yep, via the USPS!).  It asked people if their lives felt more like the movie than a celebration of Punxsutawney Phil.  


Will you let this year be a repeat of those same old financial resolutions and goals? If you are looking for a straightforward approach to fee-only advice, we can help you take the steps to solve them and make this year different from the past.


Today, we celebrate Valentine's Day. It's a day to remember those we love, respect and appreciate. We are so grateful to YOU, our newsletter readers! Thank you!     



     Paula Signature 

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From Bill's corner... 


Create a solid financial 2012


A quick glance and a little action on your finances will make your balance sheet better in 2012. A new year is a time for resolutions. These following resolutions are easy, and if you follow them, you will create the foundation for a financially successful 2012.  


Automate. Make sure you always pay yourself first, and by automating you ensure that you don't just "save what's left at the end of the month." We all know that never happens. The easiest way to do this is to have a set amount, perhaps 5 or 10 percent, automatically transferred out of your paycheck to your savings account.


Read on... 

 Bill signature

In This Issue
Keep in mind these five tax-trimming tips
Refinancing: Is it time to act?
The invisible rich
Money games for kids
Frequent-flier tax traps
About us
Time to Share. Create a Buzz.
Do you want to become meaningfully involved in your community but don''t know how to get started? Are you concerned that your unpredictable schedule might not allow for the level of commitment organizations might require? Well, check out Boston Cares.  You'll be connected to over 200 volunteer projects each month. They can help you find a non-profit organization that could utilize your help on a flexible basis.

How much good can YOU do in a day? Try out their Dash for a Difference on Saturday, April 28, 2012 and find out!
Keep in mind these five tax-trimming tips


Paying your taxes is no fun. But paying more than you need to by overlooking common deductions makes it even more of a pain.Don't ignore these tax-trimming deductions:


Refinancing: Is it time to act? 


Mortgage rates have been hovering at historical lows for months-but some homeowners are waiting for even better deals before they take the plunge and refinance.


Experts say that could be a mistake.


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The invisible rich      

The biggest barrier to becoming rich is living like you're rich before you are.

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Money games for kids       

A galaxy of new web tools and games have popped up that are designed to teach children about "financial literacy"-the buzzword for the stuff you are supposed to know to stay out of debt and save enough for retirement.


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Frequent-flier tax traps        


The tax treatment of frequent-flier miles is at center stage following the disclosure that thousands of Citibank customers received notices in January that miles they received for opening new accounts last year produced taxable income.     


Read on... 

About us

We are authentic, thoughtful, straight-shooters who provide the sound, visionary  stewardship that helps our clients protect their financial foundation while building their wealth.


We are private and independent, which means we have the unique ability to build deep, meaningful relationships with our clients with no competing agendas.


We have several decades of broad financial and business expertise that enables us to knowledgeably advise on a wide range of financial and business affairs and to help our clients navigate the sea of complexity with confidence.


We are strong believers in the power of near-term, actionable planning and disciplined focus on forward-facing goals.


We are at our best when we help our clients optimize their financial resources to realize their goals and dreams.   


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Paula Harris and Bill Harris, CFP
WH Cornerstone Investments

Sound, visionary stewardship