April 2007
Issue: 44

Spring is upon us. It's a great time for new beginnings. This is a great time to implement those changes you've been thinking.  Getting your estate plan in order. Setting up an automated savings plan. Creating your road map to ensure you achieve your future goals. Good luck!

Time to Share. Create a Buzz.

The Center for Women & Enterprise (CWE) is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping women start and grow their own businesses. CWE offers education, training, technical assistance, women's business enterprise certification and access to both debt and equity capital to entrepreneurs at every stage of business development. Sign up for a class today and be on your way to entrepreneurship.

Psst...Paula teaching her Trenta-minuto mozzarella class.

In This Issue
Money in your 40s
13 ways to live well on less
Survive the parent/kid squeeze
Protect your identity
20 tips for using plastic on vacation
7 home-buying traps

Money in your 40s: It's make or break

The time for mistakes is over. If you haven't begun to build wealth, to control debt, to look toward retirement, then now is the time.

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13 ways to live well on less  

Every dollar you spend has consequences elsewhere in your life. Remembering that will change the ways you spend and save.

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Survive the parent/kid squeeze

Baby boomers are caught in the middle: providing financial help for both their children and their parents. Often that means delaying retirement. Here are some tips for coping.

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Protect your identity by Grace Bacon Garcia

With news of identity theft everywhere you look, including the news of the security breach involving TJX, you need to check whether you have done enough to protect yourself.  Once your identity is stolen, it can take a significant amount of your time to correct the problems.  Although there are numerous precautions one can take, here are some simple steps that you should do, at a minimum, to protect yourself from the enormous hassle and frustration of identity theft.

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20 tips for using plastic on vacation

Smart use of your credit and ATM card can make your trip easier. Here is what you need to know to protect yourself and avoid costly glitches.

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7 home-buying traps

First-time home-buyers face an unfamiliar road and risk purchasing the wrong place at the wrong time. Here's a guide to the potholes.

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Paula Harris and Bill Harris, CFP
WH Cornerstone Investments