August 29, 2012
In This Issue
The Gallery's Open

So Nice to Meet You!

How Was the Weekend?

See? They're Already
Having Fun!

The Beloit Mindset:
Class of 2016

Tell Me Again about Church

Help! My Daughter Called Home Crying!


Stepping Out!

Mark the Date
Parents UKnighted!
RAs welcome

The RAs welcome all students and parents to MLC.

Welcome to the first issue of MLC ParentsPage 2012-2013. This e-newsletter will appear in your box about 8-10 times this year, connecting you to campus, uniting you to other MLC parents, and keeping you up to date with news and issues specifically related to your role as parents of MLC students.


For the first time ever, we are sending this publication to ALL MLC parents, not just first-year parents.
Certain articles, however, are designated specifically for first-year parents.We hope these articles will ease the transition for you as your child takes this major step toward independence.
Permit us to tell you what one parent told us last May after receiving a year's worth of ParentsPage: "Thank you for the ParentsPage we received as a guide to our daughter's first year at MLC. It was comforting to know that the emotions, pride, homesickness and independence were all 'normal' reactions to a changing environment from both sides. It gave us the same reassurance that What to Expect When You're Expecting did so many years ago."
First-year parents, we hope you feel the same! And all other parents, you may be veterans, but we hope you'll enjoy the newsletter too!

photo gallery
The Gallery's Open 

You can check out our Photo Gallery at any time. Public Relations Director Bill Pekrul and his staff update the photos regularly. The opening worship service photos are now available. Or go back to 2011-2012 and look at the spring sports photos you didn't have time to peruse last year.


So Nice to Meet You!                         First-Year Parents!
moving in
We hope our dorm staff served you well!
We enjoyed meeting so many of you. We hope you found the orientation meetings informative, the RAs helpful, and the fellowship opportunities a good chance to meet faculty, staff, and other parents. If you have any questions or concerns that were not addressed this weekend, please give us a call.  Start with Director of Admissions Mark Stein.  If
he doesn't know the answer, he'll find it for you. 

How Was the Weekend?                               First-Year Parents!

We can assure you that your kids are finding
their way around campus just fine!
Your sons and daughters are officially college students. How did the weekend go? Were there tears? Perfectly normal. No tears? Also normal.


Was there a snarky comment when you were just trying to help hang up some shirts in the closet? Perfectly normal.


Was there an awkward moment or two - like when you weren't sure whether you should help make the bed or not? Or when your student  started talking to his new roommate and gave you a look that seemed to say, "Could you please go to the car for awhile?"

Perfectly normal.


It's an emotional weekend, and since we're human, we respond in human ways - happy, sad, worried, giddy, shy. Rest assured: it all makes for a perfectly normal goodbye.

See? They're Already Having Fun!    First-Year Parents! 
First-years had a great time at the Ballroom Blast.
If their smiles are any indication, your kids had a great time at the Ballroom Blast. The mixers, the dance contests, the speed dating - it all helped make some of those vital first connections. Look for more photos of your son or daughter in the MLC Photo Gallery - today and all year! Public Relations Director Bill Pekrul and his assistants take lots of photos of all major events.
The Beloit Mindset: Class of 2016 class of 16
Each August since 1998, Ron Nief and Tom McBride of Beloit College have released the Beloit College Mindset List, providing a look at the cultural touchstones that shape the lives of students entering college this fall. Here's what they say about today's incoming first-years - who, by the way, are joined by Justin Bieber, also a member of the Class of 2016:


This year's entering college class of 2016 was born into cyberspace and they have therefore measured their output in the fundamental particles of life: bits, bytes, and bauds.


They have come to political consciousness during a time of increasing doubts about America's future, and are entering college bombarded by questions about jobs and the value of a college degree.


They have never needed an actual airline "ticket," a set of bound encyclopedias or Romper Room.


Members of this year's freshman class, most of them born in 1994, are probably the most tribal generation in history and they despise being separated from contact with friends. They prefer to watch television everywhere except on a television, have seen a woman lead the U.S. State Department for most of their lives, and can carry school books--those that are not on their e-Readers--in backpacks that roll.


The class of 2016 was born the year of the professional baseball strike and the last year for NFL football in Los Angeles. MORE.

Tell Me Again about Church
St. John Lutheran Church


The two WELS churches in New Ulm are within walking distance and offer a variety of worship formats and service times. Students with cars are always willing to offer a lift when the snow hits.


Some MLC students jump right into congregational life at St. Paul and St. John: teaching Sunday school, helping with youth group, singing in the choir, adding instrumental music, and (for older preseminary students) doing liturgy. Other students simply go to church there, and that's fine too.


One question you may have is this: How can I make sure they go to church?


Truth is, you can't. You've simply got to trust that the spiritual habits they've learned from you at home will continue here at college. Does that mean that they'll never, ever skip? No. They may rationalize at times that since they attend campus chapel every weekday - often twice a day - they can sleep in on Sundays. It happens.


But in general, we've found that our students are faithful church-goers, both at campus chapel and at church in town. And when they do falter, their fellow students encourage them as needed. That's just one of many blessings of a body of students united in faith and pursuing the same calling.

Help! My Daughter Called
Home Crying!                                  First-Year Parents! 
Daughter Crying

Those first calls home can be

exciting - and painful too.

We don't have to tell you what a huge transition this time is - both for you and for your students. The person you dropped off at MLC this weekend is going to emerge from this period of life a more mature individual -spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. But some of that growth is painful, and the first few weeks can be especially difficult. You know your student best, so we won't tell you what to do. But we will suggest a few dos and dont's to ease the journey. 

Want to Worship with Your Child?
President Mark Zarling gives benediction at opening service.
Worship with us daily at 10:45.
Find live broadcasts of chapel services, concerts, recitals, and home football, volleyball, and basketball games on MLC TV . Archived videos are also available. 
Stepping Out!
Sand Volleyball

August and September offer lots of activities to keep students busy.


Stepping out - out of their dorm rooms and out of their comfort zones - will make the college experience so much more meaningful for your students.


This week's Portal offers opportunities to join Student Senate, cross country, fall baseball, women's golf, the AV department, hand bells, and a jazz ensemble for the musical. It publicizes jobs in athletics and admissions. And it asks for volunteers at St. Paul's and for New Ulm's Day of Play. 


If your student says they're bored, encourage them to "step out" and try something new.  

Mark the Date:
October 12-14 Homecoming/Parents' Weekend