A Newsletter from Baby's Space   January, 2012 Volume 3, Issue 1

Baby's Space is a holistic, research-based approach to infant through 3rd grade education, adolescent mental health services and support for children and families residing in poverty and violence.

Dear Friends,

I am incredibly proud of the children, families, staff and you, our supporters. Frequently, I talk about the dedication of our teachers, the hard work of our Tatanka students and the great love of the families and community. But, it is the babies who drive my passion.


The year closed with an announcement of the largest spending increase on early childhood education in Minnesota in nearly 20 years. This is wonderful news for the organizations working to provide Minnesota's low-income families with access to high-quality, effective preschool education. We've long known by our own research that high-quality preschool education prepares children academically and socially for school and now the word is getting out.


At Baby's Space, we think waiting until preschool to provide high-quality education and support is overlooking the point of greatest impact. It's during the baby's first months and years that unparalleled brain growth and emotional development happens. A baby's future health and development are directly shaped by the earliest experiences with her surrounding adults.


And, as you may have heard me say before, for a baby in poverty, trauma can trump development.


It's because of you that a baby of a mother who is finishing high school and struggling to avoid gang activities can be guaranteed a strong start and quality education through 3rd grade.


Thank you for your generosity and commitment to the baby. Happy New Year!  


Best Regards,


Terrie Rose

Founder and President

What's New at Baby's Space
Heroes: Breck School
March 2 is Annual FUNdraiser
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Minneapolis Public Schools
Visits Baby's Space
MSP supt visits Baby'sSpace
Baby's Space recently welcomed Minneapolis Public Schools. Pictured above are
left, Mark Bonine, associate superintendent and right Sandy Reichert, director of contract alternative programs (pictured with Terrie Rose, center) Mark and Sandy met with Terrie and the Baby's Space board of directors for a tour and meeting. Mark and Sandy are responsible for contract schools like Tatanka Academy and work our staff to ensure Tatanka is integrated into the Minneapoliswith  public school system.





Heroes Breck School Volunteers

Our thanks to Breck School students, staff and families for supporting Baby's Space. Breck School

Dad gift recipient
A father and his infant happily leave family night with gifts.

volunteers help at Baby's Space October through April. A group of 20 students spend time in the classrooms leading and participating in classroom activities. Each November, Baby's Space families make wish lists, which are given to Breck families who would like to shop for a family. Prior to the December Baby's Space family night, the Breck students arrive via school bus with wrapped gifts for each of our 54 families.


Thanks to Breck School for their support throughout the year!



Baby's Space Annual FUNdraiser is March 2


Attend a Party and Save a Life

Baby's Space Annual FUNdraiser

BS Logo CLEARWalker Art Center

March 2, 2012

6:00 to 8:30 p.m.


6:00 to 7:00 p.m. features an Art Auction

Complimentary Martinis

Black & White Informal Attire

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Click below on the >donate icon and be directed to, a secure way to donate and 100% of your gift goes to Baby's Space.  If you prefer to contact us directly, download our Baby's Space Donation Form for credit card and check donations that may be sent directly to us.  Thank you!
