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On the Dance Floor...
Hip Hop for all this Saturday

Are you reading Weigh Wise,  a monthly series dedicated to focusing on the managing weight by Certified Health & Wellness Coach, Michelle Barth, RD, CDE? If you come to this Saturday's dance, you'll get volume 4 before everyone else. 
Check out Volume 3 here.

How about the top 10, free Weight Management phone apps?

Do you know how much is 5 or 10 percent weight loss? Check the chart

Would it help to get daily reminders about positive things you can do to keep your waist in check? Text messaging is useful for many.

Hip Hop into Spring! 
Keeping up with Dance Out Diabetes

Fun while dancing for the health of it?   
Yes, it's true. Check out our Spring video that intern Kenzie Kujawski put together which summarizes a lot of the efforts being made by participants, volunteer staff and dance instructors.   
Dance Out Diabetes: Spring 2012 Update
Dance Out Diabetes: Spring 2012 Update


Hip Hop THIS Saturday, 4/14, 1-3 pm!
(Download flyer and share with others here.)

Eddie Garcia toured internationally with Tony! Toni! Tone! and has volunteered his skills as a hip hop instructor for Dance Out Diabetes several times. He knows how to teach it in such a way that everyone can follow and enjoy, regardless of your level. Please join us at the African American Art & Culture Complex (AAACC) located at 762 Fulton Street, San Francisco 94102 (between Webster and Buchanan, with easy Muni access and free parking). AAACC donated Dance Studio A space for us to use. We so appreciate it!

Watch what Eddie says about hip hop:
Dance Out Diabetes: Eddie Garcia Explains Hip Hop 
Dance Out Diabetes: Eddie Garcia Explains Hip Hop

And if you want to break out some moves virtually, check out our Hip Hop playlist, compliments of DJ Charis. 


Email Theresa at tgarnero@danceoutdiabetes.org or call 1-877-765-4386 to say you plan to attend. This secures your spot and helps us have enough staff & supplies.  


Healthcare costs are crazy and we are doing something about it.  You have access to certified diabetes educators who will answer your questions and provide a free health screening ($100 value) including an A1C test (3 month glucose average), glucose, blood pressure, waist measurements - all tracked over time so you can see your progress. Some people just come to dance and want to pass on the health screening. That's fine. Our friendly environment welcomes all types.  


Please arrive promptly at 1 p.m. for check-in (or 1:15 if you are not doing the health screening). Bring water, a snack if you need it and comfortable shoes.  
Urban Future Leaders Of the World hosting a walk to benefit DOD.


On Saturday, May 5, from 10 am to 3 pm at Lake Merced Park (515 John Muir Drive, San Francisco), UFLOW students will host a walk to help raise awareness about diabetes and funding for our programsFind out more info here. 


To find out how you can make a pledge
for a student walker ($1, or add a couple zeros), please contact:

Shibin Tharayil: (408) 425-4348

Emily Parathara: (408) 890-9913

Omar Paul: (415) 570-9223

Our model is successful because of individuals and organizations who provide monetary backing, as well as volunteer time. Thanks for your ongoing support!

Two things until we connect again:

1. San Francisco Bay Area Dance Week! From Friday April 20 - Sunday April 29, 2012, it's as if nothing else will be going on except for dancing! The cool part is there are MANY FREE CLASSES.
Check out all the different dance class opportunities here. Just put in your city and hit enter (only SF Bay Area).
2. Dance Out Diabetes will unveil a national "Cash and Care for Wellness Program"! 
Intern Kenzie Kujawski and I have been working with Anyware Group to put the final touches on this virtual program that will allow you to connect in between dances, get points for your wellness efforts and be eligible for small monthly cash drawings, DOD merchandise
or individual time with a certified diabetes educator. This is worthy of its own newsletter so you can learn how to participate. We'll have it to you before the end of April 
P.S. Next month is American Line Dancing. 


TG headshot



Theresa Garnero, APRN, BC-ADM, MSN, CDE

Dance Out Diabetes Founder and Executive Director
Tired of the expense of healthcare? Looking for an innovative way to invest in your body or support someone with prediabetes or diabetes (type 1 and 2, and gestational)? Then come join the free movement with Dance Out Diabetes. Stay connected with us on Facebook (and no, you don't have to have a Facebook account to read our updates).