Week 5 - July 20: Irvine Regional Outdoor Education Center
On Friday, July 20, all campers will be attending a field trip to the Irvine Ranch Outdoor Education Center at the Irvine Regional Park. Campers must be on campus by 9:00am and will return to campus at 4:00pm. All campers must bring a SACK lunch, wear their camp shirt and closed-toed shoes (no crocs, flip-flops or sandals, please). Please apply sunscreen to your child before they arrive at camp. We will reapply sunscreen throughout the day.
While at the IOEC, campers will participate in many fun activities depending on their age. Some of the activities will include:
-Arts and Crafts
-Lawn Games
Our middle group of campers (approximate age: 8-9) will participate in these activities if we receive signed waiver (blue waiver):
-Low Challenge Course
-Zip Line
Our oldest group of campers (approximate age: 10-13) will participate in the following activities if we receive signed waivers (both yellow and blue waivers):
-Low Challenge Course
-Zip Line
ALL campers will swim. Please have campers wear their swimsuits to camp:
- Girls: wear swimsuits underneath shorts and camp T-shirt
- Boys: wear trunks and green camp shirt
Please send a change of bottoms and undergarments in a small bag with your camper so they may change after swimming. All campers will need to wear their green camp shirt before and after swimming. While in the pool area, campers may wear flip-flops, crocs, or water shoes. Campers MUST have a towel.
Please make sure all items brought to camp are labeled.
We are looking forward to a fun day filled with new experiences!
Week #6 - July 27: Corona Del Mar Beach
- Be here by 8:30am
- Send your child in their swim suit and send a change of clothes
- PLEASE put lots of sunscreen on your child
- Pack a lunch in a small insulated lunch box (to keep lunch cool at the beach!) Please pack extra water or drinks.
- You can send boogie boards or sand toys. PLEASE make sure they are labeled because these things all look alike to other children!
- You can send a hat or visor for extra protection
- We will return to campus by 4:00pm