News and Announcements
Star in the "We Love Our Library" Video!
Stop by our video booth and tell us why you love the new library
Tuesday, May 15th | 8:30-11am or 11:40am to 1:45pm
We're creating a video to help launch our new library, and we want you to be a part of it! We invite our current parents, students, faculty and staff to stop by the library on May 15th and tell us on camera what you love about our new library. We'll have a video booth set up in the library from 8:30 to 11am and 11:40am to 1:45pm, ready for your close up. The final video will premiere at our Library Grand Opening event on Tuesday, June 5th, and you won't want to miss it!
Summer Camp Preview Day was a smashing success!

Last Friday we took over the campus and ninja-crawled, freeze-tagged and barked down the halls! Everyone participated in an art project of a huge mosaic "Rainbow Fish," played dodgeball, made Buried Treasures in cooking, played Lime Wire and just laughed and giggled all afternoon long! Check out our pictures on Flickr!
Junior Kindergarten and Kindergarten Mother's Day Picnic Pictures!
Check out the pictures on Flickr!
Congratulations to the winners of the Library Bookmark Contest!!
Grade Level Winners
Rapunzel - Piper O Put Me in the Zoo - Ryan L Clifford, the Big Red Dog - Lana D Mittens - Alyssa Harold and the Purple Crayon Race Car - Amanda Just Like Dora! - Sydney One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish - Daniel The Very Hungry Caterpillar - Samara Sleeping Beauty - Brooke Honey Bunny Funnybunny - Samyuta SpongeBob Squarepants - John Ali Junie B., First Grader: Shipwrecked - Sabrina Hot Rod Hamster - Varun Best Dad in the Sea - Ayah Can Adults Become Human? - Melody Pokemon - Aaron Hot Rod Hamster - Mitchell The Frog Princess - Sophia It's Raining Cupcakes - Christine Night of the Living Dummy - Jasper Ramona and Her Mother - Riya The Merchant of Death - Alex It's Raining Cupcakes - Chloe Double Fudge - Laurie Big Nate: From the Top - Ameer In the Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson - Channing Lady and the Tramp - Anastasia The Lorax - Arezu Flush - Emory Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - Bita The Hunger Games - Vanessa Icefire - Terrell  Maximum Ride - Brittney Nobody Likes You - Shelby The Phantom of the Opera - Nicole Grand Prize Winners (These will be made into next years bookmarks!) Finding Nemo - Desiree Watkins Diary of a Wimpy Kid - Lauren Rodriguez
Eragon - Jelissa Lin
The Giving Tree - Vera Wang
Fairmont Students to Represent Anaheim Hills at the Laguna Festival of Art Junior Exhibition and Imagination Celebration!
The following students have work in the Laguna Festival of Art Junior Exhibition which will be held in July and August in Laguna Beach. Their work will also be recognized in the Imagination Celebration 1,000 Pieces of Art Exhibition which will be on display in the South Coast Plaza Crate and Barrel Wing from May 16th to May 30th and then at the Laguna Festival in July and August. The student's work was selected by a panel of judges from hundreds of pieces submitted by both public and private schools in Orange County.
Congratulations to:
Myra Frank Kindergarten
Ava Malakooti Grade 5
Raina Rode Grade 6
The following students have work chosen to be in the Imagination Celebration 1,000 Pieces of Art/All District Show at South Coast Plaza Crate and Barrel Wing from May 16th to May 30th:
Aarya M. Kindergarten
Myra F. Kindergarten
Dylan H. Kindergarten
Rayanna N. Grade 2
Ava M. Grade 3
Jimmy C. Grade 3
Aaron T. Grade 4
Ava M. Grade 5
Nicole P. Grade 5
Isabella L. Grade 5
Raina R. Grade 6
Shiya P. Grade 6
Winnie S. Grade 6
Alexis M. Grade 7
Vera W. Grade 7
2012 Fairmont Summer Programs Ahoy Mateys! Fairmont's "Treasure Island" themed summer programs offer summer experiences packed with adventure, academics, friends and memories! From summer camp to summer school to enrichment programs...we have it all to keep your child engaged this summer! Faimont Summer Programs
May Lunch Menus