Fairmont Anaheim Hills

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Anaheim Hills
5310 E. La Palma 
Anaheim Hills, 92807
Preschool-8th Grade
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Anaheim Hills Campus Newsletter
FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 2012

Lauren R. shows off her true colors as a tree in the  

Second Grade Music Program "Nuts".  

Check out the pictures on Flickr!     

 News and Announcements News     

OC Superior Court 

Eighth Grade visited the Orange County Superior Court this week.


Museum of Tolerance  

Seventh Grade visited the Museum of Tolerance in Los Angeles

Details of these great trips in next week's eNewsletter!     


Re-Enrollment Drawings and Celebrations

Re-enroll by Friday, March 30


In order to show our appreciation for those families who have re-enrolled we are celebrating in FOUR special ways.


1.   Two Drawings for $1000.00 Tuition Discount 

All families re-enrolled by March 30 will be eligible for this drawing.  There will be a drawing for a $1000.00 discount for grades P3-2nd grade, and one drawing for a $1000.00 discount for grades 3rd-8th.


2.  Monthly Parking Space Drawing 2012-2013  

All families re-enrolled by March 30 will be eligible for this drawing.  There will be one family name drawn per grade level for a one month reserved parking space for the 2012-2013 school year. 


3.  Ice Cream Parties

Ice Cream parties will start next week for the classrooms

that have reached their 50% re-enrollment goal.  


4. All-School Hot Dog Picnic Lunch with Parents
We are looking forward to reaching our 80% re-enrollment goal and will celebrate with a hot dog picnic lunch then!


Fairmont Parent Survey 

Look out this coming week for an email for the annual Fairmont Parent Survey. Your feedback is valuable and we appreciate you taking the time to provide it to us. This year we are hoping to increase parent participation so we are raffling off $1,000.00 tuition discount good for the 2012-2013 school year.  One winner will be drawn from each campus and all survey participants will be eligible.

High School/College Counselor Information Night
Fairmont Preparatory Academy College Counselor, Jonathan Dunn will be here on Tuesday, April 17 from 6:30-7:30pm.  Mr. Dunn will be talking with parents about the high school and college application process and how to prepare your child for success in these intensive processes.

Did You Know?Fairmont Prep Logo
The Fairmont Preparatory Academy Concert Choir, Concert Band and Show Choir have been honored with an invitation to participate in the London Festival of Music?   

These 45 Fairmont Prep music students, grades 9-12 compete annually, nationally as well as locally.  In April 2008 the groups attained national ranking, which earned them invitations to perform in such exotic locales as Germany, Austria, China, and a number of cities throughout the United States. Prior to London, the students have competed in San Francisco, New York, Hawaii. 

London is their first opportunity to compete internationally. Additionally, the Concert Choir has been invited to sing Eucharist mass at St Paul's Cathedral and Covenant Garden, and to perform at Regent Park. The Choirs and Band leave April 2 and return April 8. We're wishing them lots of luck!  
Contributed by Stacey Barta, Fairmont Prep Music Director

Homestay Program Info Session  
Wednesday, March 28 in the TEC Lab 

The Fairmont Homestay Program is looking for Fairmont Families to host an international student for our short-term, long term, and summer programs at our Anaheim Hills Campus. Fairmont has a variety of student programs ranging from two weeks to an entire academic year allowing any family the opportunity to participate in this rewarding experience. Families will also receive financial compensation for their participation.

Library Renovations are Moving Right Along!Library 3-22

The books are moving back into the library!  The new furniture is being moved in also.  We are thrilled with the final result and are looking forward to the grand re-opening! 



March Lunch Menus 

Feature ArticleArticle
2nd Grade Musical, Nuts!


Incoming! Look out below! The big oak tree is shedding hNuts 2er acorns all over the forest floor! On Thursday, March 22, the 2nd graders performed the musical Nuts directed by our music teacher, Mrs. Zavoral. The show was performed for the JK, Kindergarten and 1st grade students.


In full costume, the 2nd graders took the audience on a comical journey through the circle of life, reinforcing what they have learned in their science classes. Students were sneezing cashews, Hawaiian coconuts, and muscular chestnuts. Each 2nd grader also had a speaking part, and there were several solo singers and a group dance. The performers did a super, duper job!


Check out the pictures on Flickr! 

Scoreboard  Scoreboard
 AH Cougar
Upcoming Schedule:
Monday, March 26
DSL Co-Ed Soccer @ Edgewood (AWAY) at 3:00pm
Tuesday, March 27
Tri-Way Soccer @ Oakridge (AWAY)
   Boys ONLY at 3:00pm

This Week On Our Blog...  Blog
Fairmont Blog
Dates to Know Date

Monday, March 26
DSL Soccer @ Edgewood  3:00pm

Tuesday, March 27
-BMX Bike Show @1:20pm
-Tri-Way Soccer @ Oakridge Boys ONLY-3:00pm

Wednesday, March 28
-Fourth and Fifth Grades to Jason and the Argonauts at Segerstrom
-5th Grade Parents Meeting regarding Catalina Trip 3:15pm
-Homestay Information Night 6:30-8:30pm

Friday, March 30
Teacher In-Service

Monday, April 2
Kindergarten to Cinderella at Plummer Auditorium

Tuesday, April 3
-Tri-Way Soccer @ Edgewood Girls-2:30pm/Boys-3:30pm
-Chalk Talk: How to Parent Your Kids (Without Losing Your Mind) @ Edgewood

Wednesday, April 4
-Fifth Grade to Catalina Island for 3-Day Trip
-Dairy Council to visit Pre-School and JK/Kindergarten
-Third Grade "Music Showcase" Program
    11:00am-Student Performance
     7:00pm-Parent Performance

Thursday, April 5
-Pre-School Marionette Show at 9:45am
-First Grade to Ocean Institute

Friday, April 6
-Fifth Grade returns from Catalina
-Early Dismissal at 12:00pm NO LUNCH SERVICE
