| Anaheim Hills 5310 E. La Palma Anaheim Hills, 92807
Preschool-8th Grade 714.693.3812
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Anaheim Hills Campus Newsletter
FRIDAY, MARCH 16, 2012 |
Thank to our amazing "survivors' who walked the first lap of our Relay Recess! It was so touching and emotional to see these amazing brave women walking to the cheers of the entire student body. Thank you Mrs. Husovsky, Mrs. Clark and Mrs. Patel!
Thank you to Gail and her children, Audrey and Parker, for their participation in Relay Recess. They walked in memory of their brave dad, Jared!
News and Announcements
Re-Enrollment Drawings and Celebrations
Re-enroll by Friday, March 30
In order to show our appreciation for those families who have re-enrolled we are celebrating in FOUR special ways.
1. Two Drawings for $1000.00 Tuition Discount
All families re-enrolled by March 30 will be eligible for this drawing. There will be a drawing for a $1000.00 discount for grades P3-2nd grade, and one drawing for a $1000.00 discount for grades 3rd-8th.
2. Monthly Parking Space Drawing 2012-2012
All families re-enrolled by March 30 will be eligible for this drawing. There will be one family name drawn per grade level for a one month reserved parking space for the 2012-2012 school year.
3. Ice Cream Parties
Ice Cream parties will start next week for the classrooms
that have reached their 50% re-enrollment goal.
4. All-School Hot Dog Picnic Lunch with parents
We are looking forward to reaching our 80% re-enrollment goal and will celebrate with a hot dog picnic lunch when we reach the goal!
Fairmont Parent Survey
Look out this coming week for an email for the annual Fairmont Par ent Survey. Your feedback is valuable and we appreciate you taking the time to provide it to us. This year we are hoping to increase parent participation so we are raffling off $1,000.00 tuition discount good for the 2012-2013 school year. One winner will be drawn from each campus and all survey participants will be eligible.Why should you Host an International Student? Here is what some our Anaheim Hills Families have to say about the Homestay Program.
 "Not only is it a rewarding experience for the student, it also is for the Host Family. My son now has two new playmates. They can get another brother or sister at home to teach them about their custom s a nd even a few words of their language. My son is just attached to his host sister.
Looking at it from your child's viewpoint, they become a part of the family. You're not just parenting a kid, its adding to the joy of your family." - Carrise Moriyasu, an Anaheim Hills Parent currently hosting two Russian students "Homestay was an amazing experience for my family and me! We really enjoyed learning a lot about the Chinese culture and traditions as well as sharing ours with them. It was so much fun introducing them to things they had never experienced before, such as the beach and bowling. Overall it was a great experience and we definitely would do it again!" - Michelle Anderson, a Fairmont Anaheim Hills Teacher who hosted 2 Chinese students for 5 weeks
The Fairmont Homestay Program is looking for Fairmont Families to host an international student for our short-term, long term, and summer programs at our Anaheim Hills Campus. Fairmont has a variety of student programs ranging from two weeks to an entire academic year allowing any family the opportunity to participate in this rewarding experience. Families will also receive financial compensation for their participation.
Interested families are invited to attend our Homestay Program Informational Meeting at the Anaheim Hills Campus on March 28, 2012 from 6:30pm to 8:30pm. Families can RSVP for the meeting by visiting our website at http://www.fairmontschools.com/homestay. For more information, please contact the Homestay Office at 714-999-5055 x 1689 or email jgubersky@fairmontschools.com.
Library Renovations are Moving Right Along!
Almost finished! Final inspection...is all we are waiting for now!
Girls Scouts eRecyling Event
On Friday, March 23 our Girls Scout Troop #950 will be hosting an eRecyling Event. Please bring in all your old monitors, computers, televisions, cell phones, MP3 players, ink and toner cartridges, printers, microwaves, cables and wires, laptops and all electronics.
Girl Scout eWaste Collection List
Girl Scout eWaste Info
Congratulations to the Fourth Grade Spelling Bee Winners!
Adam Assal
Shreya Krishna
Hailey Kang
Noah Chak
Chloe Wei
Jaden Deleon
3rd place (tie):
Kayden Holt
Parker Laskin
Patrick Givargiss
Faith Simpson
Karina Patel
Aaron To
Pranav Kantamaneni
2nd place (tie):
Leela Gala
Arjun Marwaha
1st place:
Kayla Torbaty
March Lunch Menus
Feature Article
Jungle Bungle is SMASHING Success! The Junior High Drama "Jungle Bungle" was utterly entertaining, witty, funny and showcased our amazingly talented Junior High students!
The show features a goofy group of actors, an angry stage crew, and a clueless director as they struggle to prepare for the big opening night of The Jungle Book. Can the 'actors' get their 'play' ready in time? Congratulations to: Sabrina T, Jerius A, Nick C, Naomi W, Winnie S, Maya W, Yannie H, Megan M, Armaan M, Lauryn D, Kyle C, Sean K, Leila B, Zara A, Sachin K, Shelby K, Lizzie G, Nima G, Erik E, Shiya P, Jessica C, Fabricio E, and Alex K!! You all were wonderful and entertaining!
Check out the pictures on Flickr
Upcoming Schedule: Monday, March 19 Tri-Way Soccer vs Carden Academy (HOME) Girls-3:00pm/Boys-4:00pm
 Wednesday, March 21 Tri-Way Soccer vs Mable (HOME) Boys ONLY -3:00pm DSL Soccer vs Mable (HOME) Co-Ed-4:00pm
This Week On Our Blog... 
Dates to Know
Monday, March 19 -Tri-Way Soccer vs Carden Academy Girls-3:00pm/Boys-4:00pm
Wednesday, March 21 -Tri-Way BOYS Soccer vs Mable 3:00pm -DSL Co-Ed Soccer vs Mable 4:00pm
Thursday, March 22 -Eighth Grade to Orange County Superior Court Tour -Seventh Grade to Museum of Tolerance -Second Grade Music Program "Nuts" Student Program at 9:30am Parent Program at 7:00pm -DSL Co-Ed Soccer at TVT 3:00pm
Friday, March 23 -Girl Scout eWaste Project Collection Day -Cougar Coffee 7:30am-8:30am -Honor Roll Assembly Fourth and Fifth Grade - 1:20pm Junior High - 2:00pm
Sunday, March 25 Debate Tournament @ JSerra
Monday, March 26 DSL Soccer @ Edgewood 3:00pm
Tuesday, March 27 -BMX Bike Show @1:20pm -Tri-Way Soccer@ Oakridge Boys ONLY-3:00pm
Wednesday, March 28 -Fourth and Fifth Grades to Jason and the Argonauts at Segerstrom -5th Grade Parents Meeting regarding Catalina Trip 3:15pm -Homestay Information Night 6:30-8:30pm
Friday, March 30 Teacher In-Service NO SCHOOL