News and Announcements
Fairmont Parent Survey
Look out this coming week for an email for the annual Fairmont Par ent Survey. Your feedback is valuable and we appreciate you taking thetime to provide it to us. This year we are hoping to increase parent participation so we are raffling off $1,000.00 tuition discount good for the 2012-2013 school year. One winner will be drawn from each campus and all survey participants will be eligible.
Orange County Spelling Bee Results!
Congratulations to Nicole K. and Sherry X. for competing in the Orange County Spelling Bee. Nicole finished 20th and Sherry X. finished 18th in the county!
Click here for the Register's article, and a video which features our own Sherry X.!
Mrs. Vogel's Art Students Represent Fairmont at the Laguna College of Art and Design "Color It Orange" Exhibit
Congratulations to:
Ryan C. "Panda" brush painting
Sunny Y. "Sunface" oil pastel drawing
Isabella L. "Sunface" oil pastel drawing
Karina P. "Galleon" watercolor painting
Ava M. "Presidential Portrait" oil pastel drawing
Sarah M. "Golfer" plaster sculpture
These student's art work will be on display for the "Color It Orange" exhibit until March 18, 2012 at the Laguna College of Art and Design.
Calling All Interested Homestay Families
The Fairmont Homestay Program is looking for Fairmont F amilies to host an international student for our short-term, long term, and summer programs at our Anaheim Hills Campus. This is an incredible opportunity to enrich a student's life as well as create a lasting cultural experience for you and your family. Fairmont has a variety of student programs ranging from two weeks to an entire academic year allowing any family the opportunity to participate in this rewarding experience. Families will also receive financial compensation for their participation.
Interested families are invited to attend our Homestay Program Informational Meeting at the Anaheim Hills Campus on March 28, 2012 from 6:30pm to 8:30pm. For more information, please contact the Homestay Office at 714-999-5055 x 1689,, or visit our website at "
Library Renovations are Moving Right Along!
Almost finished! The carpet is being installed and looks wonderful. There are great colors and patterns and the library looks so beautiful! The posts are being converted into 3-D trees and look absolutely amazing. The ceiling tiles are all installed. Almost there!
Girls Scouts eRecyling Event
On Friday, March 23 our Girls Scout Troop #950 will be hosting an eRecyling Event. Please bring in all your old monitors, computers, televisions, cell phones, MP3 players, ink and toner cartridges, printers, microwaves, cables and wires, laptops and all electronics.
Girl Scout eWaste Collection List
Girl Scout eWaste Info
Character Counts Workshop: Bullying
Tuesday, March 13, 7pm-8:30pm
Fairmont Edgewood Campus
Fairmont's Edgewood Campus is pleased to invite all Fairmont parents to a special Character Counts workshop on the topic of bullying. Fairmont believes in teaching students good character skills that will help them be positive contributors to our global society. We want to help our students learn how to interact in appropriate ways and to maintain our respectful campus environment.
As part of this Character Counts program, we've invited Mr. Mike Dreiblatt, author of How to Stop Bullying and Social Aggression and national speaker, to speak with our parents about bullying and show us how to address potential challenges. You'll leave with a better understanding of what bullying really is and some great tips for promoting good character in your home.
Congratulations to the Fifth Grade Spelling Bee Winners!
Sunny Y.
Sophia B.
Riana P.
Sean R.
Christopher M.
Brooke F.
Ava M.
Jelissa L.
Mariano C.
Jake M.
Arezu M.
Aidan A.
Sameera S. - 3rd Place (tie)
Nishaan A. - 3rd Place (tie)
Bita Z. - 2nd Place
Allison T. - 1st Place
March Lunch Menus