News and Announcements
Martin Luther King, Jr Day
There is NO SCHOOL on Monday, January 16
Junior High Spelling Bee
Congratulations to the winners and participants in the Junior High Spelling Bee!
First Place - Sherry X.
Second Place - Nicole K.
Second Place - Yannie H.
Third Place - Max C.
Terrell S. Naomi M. Austin K. Farooq A. Zara A. Armaan M. Erik H. Dylan R. Michael U. Nikhil P. Lyndon B. Donia O. Dania B. Zoe W.
Fairmont Welcomes Yinchuan Students
Fairmont's partner school in Yinchuan, China will be sending one teacher and twelve students to the Anaheim Hills campus from January 17-February 17. They are coming to study American History and to experience life in America. These students are part of a joint diploma program and are preparing for college in the United States. They will be visiting local colleges, participating in community service projects, and they will also be visiting local southern California attractions. They will be living with local host families that will enrich their experience here in the United States. Please help us in welcoming them to their first adventure in our country!
Fairmont Expo
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Chapman University
We invite you to join us at our inaugural joint open house event as we kick off the New Year and launch our 2011 Report Card. This is the first time in Fairmont history that all five campuses will be together in one location, and you won't want to miss it! Preview your child's next grade level while exploring our art and science exhibits and enjoying student performances and informative presentations. Spend time with fellow parents and meet families and teachers from other Fairmont schools.
Bring your children along to play with their school friends-kid's activities will include treasure map crafts and pirate themed face painting at our Summer Programs table, photos with our mascots, and a milk and cookie bar!
Mini Open-Houses
Join us for our Annual Re-enrollment Open Houses, January 24th - January 26th. These mini open houses are wonderful opportunities to visit classrooms, meet teachers, explore curriculum, field trips, homework, special projects, and find out all of the wonderful things in store for your child at the next grade level!
Tuesday, January 25
First Grade at 3:05pm
Third Grade at 3:15pm
Kindergarten at 12:05pm and 3:05pm
Wednesday, January 26
Junior Kindergarten at 12:05pm and 3:05pm
Fourth Grade at 3:15pm
Thursday, January 27
Second Grade at 3:15pm
Fifth Grade at 3:15pm
Junior High Presentation in the MPR at 3:30pm
Fairmont Girl Scouts in Charity Program 
Fairmont Girl Scouts girls (Ella D., Lily M., Shayana F., Aynaz F.) performed in the Nutcracker Ballet for a non-profit charity over winter break. We are so proud of our girls! They had to practice for 2-3 hours every week leading up to the performance in December. Their hard work and commitment paid off. The recital was wonderful and the girls were absolutely beautiful. Well done girls!
Winter Extra-Curricular Classes start on Tuesday, January 17
The WINTER session of extra-curricular classes is kicking off soon. Join us for all the fun in our after-school classes for pre-school and elementary!
Pre-school classes include:
Pre-School Extra Curricular Classes
Elementary Classes include:
Junior Detectives
Flag Football
Mixed Martial Arts
Hands-On Science
Advanced Mandarin
Elementary Extra Curricular Classes
Mark your calendar!
Fairmont Family Night at Angel Stadium
Friday, April 20, 2012
Come help us cheer the Angels to victory over the Baltimore Orioles! Tickets are $16.00 and we always have a fun evening visiting with friends and family!
Fairmont Family Night at the Angel Game
January Lunch Menus