| Anaheim Hills 5310 E. La Palma Anaheim Hills, 92807
Preschool-8th Grade 714.693.3812
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Anaheim Hills Campus Newsletter
 PHOTO OF THE WEEK Third Graders Sophia S. and Mackenzie C. are ready for the
Winter Sing-In to start! Check out the pictures on FLICKR! |
News & Announcements
Happy Holidays

We hope that your holidays are full of simple pleasures that warm your heart and your home. All of us at Fairmont Private Schools send our most heartfelt thanks for the joy of educating your child. We wish you and your family happiness, peace and prosperity this holiday season and throughout the New Year.

Mr. Barry Drake
Campus Director
Congratulations to Sixth Grader, Raina R. for creating the holiday card for Fairmont Private School - Anaheim Hills Campus!
Feature Article All School Winter Sing-In!
Yesterday, our campus enjoyed the Holiday Spirit at our annual Winter Sing-In. All students from Preschool to 8th grade came together in the multi to sing songs to each other! Santa's elves joined us, and they seemed to look a lot like 1st grade teacher Mrs. Knudson and Kindergarten teacher Mrs. Bush. These two elves told silly stories and introduced each song.
One fun song was from the 1st graders. They made everyone giggle with their silly faces in "All I want for Christmas is my Two Front Teeth." The 7th graders surprised the JH teachers with their own version of "I'm Gettin' Nothin' For Christmas." They made these new words: "I'm getting white slips for Christmas, Mr. Drake and Ms. Jarvis are mad!" We also enjoyed a beautiful solo from 8th grader Nikasha P.
Another fun part of the program was the 3rd graders dancing the salsa to "Feliz Navidad." They really knew how to shake those hips! Then the students brought teachers up to the stage to try salsa dancing, too. Our campus mascot, Champ the Cougar, also joined in the fun!
The program ended with all the elementary students singing the special song "May All Children," which is a song about peace. It is dedicated to the children affected by the September 11 attacks ten years ago. Every grade did a super job singing!! We are so glad that our music teacher, Mrs. Zavoral, put this program together.
For the first year ever, we will be selling a DVD of the Winter Sing-In for $5.00. The money earned will benefit the music program. DVD Forms will be available in the office in January!
Check out the pictures on FLICKR!
 Upcoming Schedule: Wednesday, January 4 Tri-Way Basketball vs Heritage Christian (HOME) Boys at 3:00/Girls at 4:00pm Thursday, January 5 Tri-Way Basketball @ Pegasus (AWAY) Boys at 3:00/Girls at 4:00pm |
This Week On Our Blog... 
Dates to Know 
Monday, January 2
No School
Tuesday, January 3
School Resumes
Wednesday, January 4
Tri-Way Basketball vs Heritage Christian
Thursday, January 5
Tri-Way Basketball @ Pegasus
Friday, January 6
Early Dismissal-12:00pm NO LUNCH SERVICE
Wednesday, January 11 Chalk Talk: Becoming Bilingual 7pm-8:30pm
Sunday, January 22 Fairmont Private Schools Expo 10am-2pm Chapman University, Beckman 404