LW! e-Newsletter
April 2, 2012

 A LANDMARK WEST! Wish List Priority 



ALBANY, March 26, 2012 - The Preservation League of New York State has named Manhattan's former IRT Powerhouse, located on Eleventh Avenue at 59th Street in Manhattan, to its list of the Empire State's most threatened historic resources, Seven to Save. 

Read quotes from architects Robert A.M. Stern and Samuel G. White, developer Douglas Durst, architectural historian Mosette Broderick, Council Member Gale Brewer, NYS Senator Tom Duane, Historic Districts Council, Natural Resources Defense Council,  and more.

Visit "Save the IRT Powerhouse"
for action steps and more...
The Powerhouse holds a unique position in the history, life and physical fabric of New York City. It was constructed to generate power for the city's first subway line, which opened in 1904 and revolutionized transportation between the city's neighborhoods. This massive structure-occupying an entire city block-stands as a symbol of modernity, on a par with great public buildings such as the New York Public Library, Grand Central Terminal and The Metropolitan Museum of Art. In 1902, the IRT hired Stanford White of the firm McKim, Mead and White, among the most prestigious architects of their day, to design this Beaux-Arts masterpiece. 


"Since 1999, Seven to Save has mobilized community leaders and decision-makers to take action when historic resources are threatened," said Jay DiLorenzo, President of the Preservation League. "A Seven to Save designation from the League delivers invaluable technical assistance, fosters increased media coverage and public awareness, and opens the door to grant assistance for endangered properties."

IRT Powerhouse, 11th Avenue at 59th Street.
Photo courtesy Tom Rinaldi. 
The rapidly growing waterfront neighborhood surrounding the Powerhouse presents both opportunities and challenges for the building's preservation. Most of New York's early power stations have been demolished, including four operated by Consolidated Edison (the current owner of the IRT Powerhouse) between 2005 and 2008. By virtue of its architecture and pivotal location, however, the Powerhouse has captured the imagination of developers and investors, who recognize its potential for vibrant adaptive use as a mixed-use space, with its energy functions relocated to a more efficient, sustainable facility. The inclusion of the Powerhouse on the League's Seven to Save list will help raise awareness of this building's significance and facilitate discussion around creative solutions for preserving the building. To foster the conversation, a blog called "Save the IRT Powerhouse" has been launched at http://saveirtpowerhouse.blogspot.com ... (for full post, click here

Head to the Save the Powerhouse blog now to learn more about the history of this monumental "landmark-in-waiting" and about how you can take action!  Be sure to bookmark the Save the Powerhouse blog and check back regularly for advocacy updates!