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LW! e-Newsletter
November 22, 2011
LW! e-Newsletter
November 9, 2011
West Siders Raising the Heat at West-Park...
Join Your Neighbors!  Support the Boiler Fund!
West-Park, located at the corner
of West 86th St. and Amsterdam Avenue. 
More on the church, it's landmarking, and the volunteer work day (pictured in the header!) below!

In this season of Thanksgiving, no one deserves

more thanks than YOU, generous donors to the West-Park Presbyterian Church Green Boiler Fund!


Because of your pledges, in October LW! was able to deliver $2,500 towards the necessary replacement of the Landmark church's heating system so that cultural, community, and spiritual gatherings can continue to take place in the building's glorious sanctuary -- and beyond! -- over the winter.


Already, through community efforts and a couple of major foundation grants, the Fund is within reach of its goal - a total of $84,000 is needed, $64,000 has already been raised.  And thanks to an "angel" loan to temporarily bridge the gap, work on the boiler is proceeding without delay.


Help LW! pledge another $2,500 to keep the heat on!  If you've already contributed (and many of you have, with tax-deductible gifts of $25-$500), thank you.  Please ask a friend to match your gift.  If you haven't given yet, now is the time.     


Please make checks payable to "NY Landmarks Conservancy" with "West-Park Boiler Fund" in the memo and send to: 


                     LANDMARK WEST!

                     45 West 67th Street

                     New York, NY 10023  



The NY Landmarks Conservancy is the nonprofit partner organization supervising the replacement of the boiler and continuing repairs to the church's facade.   


Pitch in today -- pledge to support the West-Park boiler replacement!  What better way to share the glow of the holiday season and keep it burning bright all winter long?


Warmest wishes,



PHOTO: West-Park congregants and volunteers rejoice following the successful clean-up day in December 2010 (more below!). 




A 20-year community effort was thankfully rewarded on May 12, 2010, when the  New York City Council affirmed the designation of the West-Park Presbyterian Church as a NYC Individual Landmark (click here to read the designation report).  The victory kickstarted a new chapter in the life of West-Park. 

Since that time, the church has benefited from community eforts such as a volunteer clean-up day sponsored by Preservation Alumni, the alumni organization for graduates of Columbia University's Historic Preservation Masters Program.  Teaming with the West-Park congregation, LANDMARK WEST!, Friends of West-Park, and the generous team of Jack Pontes Brownstone Restorations, a day-long interior clean up of the church's sanctuary was completed in December 2010.  Dusting, vacuuming, buffing, scrubbing ... you name it!  Dozens of volunteers turned out to put their muscles to work for the preservation of West-Park.  Due in large part to this incredible undertaking, the church has been able to open its doors to host a myriad of programs and events.