790+ Upper West Side buildings     on road to landmark designation

Decades of grassroots advocacy were handsomely rewarded this week as the Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC) presented its proposal for a large new historic district centered on West End Avenue, encompassing nearly 800 buildings from 70th to 109th Street, Riverside Drive to Broadway.

The proposed new historic district (see map below) weaves together 5 smaller, existing historic districts along West End Avenue, taking in 8 individual buildings that have long been on LW's Wish List of landmark priorities:
West End Ave. proposed map revealed
Columbus Ave. Street Festival on Sunday
Four days left in Kickstarter campaign
Evening of Song with Peter Yarrow
Click on the image to access the LPC's Draft Map.
  • Astor Apartments               Broadway & 75th Street
  • The Cornwall                Broadway & 90th Street
  • Euclid Hall                    Broadway b/w 85th & 86th Streets
  • Cliff Dwelling                            Riverside Drive & 96th Street
  • The Level Club                         73rd Street b/w Broadway & West End Ave.
  • West Side Republican Club, Broadway b/w 83rd & 84th Streets
Couldn't make the meeting? Click here to review the LPC's presentation. 


Help reinforce Upper West Side support for landmarks preservation--and the neighborhood beauty and livability it sustains--by sending a short email to LPC Chair Robert B. Tierney and the LPC staff. 

Big thanks also go to thhe West End Preservation Society (WEPS) for their stalwart advocacy, together with our local elected officials:
Please take a moment to send your email of support to each of these leaders to make sure they know the community is behind them.

If you're a property owner or resident in the area pictured on the LPC's draft study area map, or if you just want to know more about how you can become further involved, please call LW! at (212) 496-8110 or contact WEPS.

Annual Columbus Ave. Street Festival
See you on Sunday!

It's a street festival, Upper West Side style!  This Sunday,
Get your signature LW! tote bag!

September 19, visit LANDMARK WEST! at the annual Columbus Avenue Street Festival!

WHERE: The LW! table will be located between West 67th
              and 68th Streets.  Just look for our signature "W"!

  WHEN: Sunday, September 19.  We'll be there from 11AM
              until about 4PM (pending weather and visitor traffic).

  WHAT: Come meet LW!  Not tempting enough? 
              Visit our table and ...
  • Get copies of our essential Upper West Side    landmarks map and our Wish List newsletter!
  • Pick up one of LW's eco-friendly tote bags, featuring    our Milton Glaser-designed logo!

  • Learn about ongoing preservation advocacy projects, volunteer opportunities, and other ways you can become involved with LW!
     WHY: Because you value the architecture and special sense of place that makes the West Side                 ... the West Side!

We'll see you on Sunday!

Make a pledge; make history!
Three days left in Kickstarter iPhone app funding campaign

Thanks to press coverage by DNAInfo.com, CBSNew York, the MyUpperWest blog, Curbed, and the West Side Spirit (click here to read their articles), and recognition by the Kickstarter staff as their featured Technology project (twice!), our online campaign to fund the West Side's first ever iPhone walking tour app has been a great success! 

On Monday, we announced that we had reached our goal!  Right on cue, the Office Maracas went wild (not familiar with the Office Maracas yet?)!  And since then, more pledges have come in, bringing our current total of monies pledged to $3,155!  And there's still three days left.

The campaign comes to a close next Tuesday, September 21, at 5PM.  Please join the "backers" who have already found inspiration in our Kickstarter project video and pledge their support.

An Evening of Song and Community
with Peter Yarrow
Peter YarrowPeter Yarrow Benefit Concert for the
Museum at Eldridge Street

Monday, September 20, at 7PM

An evening of song and community with performer and social activist (and Upper West Sider!) Peter Yarrow.  Tickets $36

Click here for more information and to make a reservation!

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