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August 17, 2010

The Upper West Side ...
in the palm of your hand!

This is the start of something BIG!

2010 marks a major milestone for LANDMARK WEST! ... our 25th Anniversary!  As part of our year-long celebration, we're getting a jump on the future by developing an "app"--the first ever iPhone walking tour of Manhattan's Upper West Side.
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As all of you who love Prof. Andrew S. Dolkart's ever-popular walking tours will be happy to know, he will be the app's "virtual" tour guide.  And whether you're a New Yorker OR a student OR a tourist OR any else with an insatiable appetite for local history and architecture, this app is for YOU!

But that's where our know-how ends.  LANDMARK WEST! needs to hire computer programmers to make the iPhone app a reality.  And for that we're trying something new ...

Click on the image above to head to the Kickstarter project page to learn more and to pledge your support!


We're using a revolutionary website called Kickstarter.  Already, Kickstarter is a proven tool for project-specific fundraising that crosses geographic boundaries, connecting people all over the world to projects they care about and that inspire them.  Through Kickstarter, we're casting our net wider than we ever thought possible, making it easy for supporters like YOU to give online at whatever level works best for you (pledges start at $1)*.

But there's a catch: Kickstarter is an all-or-nothing endeavor.  We have a specific amount of time (until September 21, 2010--that's 35 days!) to meet our fundraising goal of $3,000.  With your help, we can do it!  But if enough pledges don't come through by Sept. 21, we get nothing.  Nada. Zilch!  So we need your help ... and fast!

Click here to check out our Kickstarter project page, watch our video and get inspired to help LANDMARK WEST! make history!

*LANDMARK WEST! is a 501(c)3 organization, and all pledges made via Kickstarter are tax-deductible.