Central Park is one of our city's
truly special places--an open, democratic, green oasis in the dense heart of the
metropolis. THANK YOU to all--residents of New York and visitors alike--who spoke up in support of keeping Central Park bubble-free!
Special thanks to the more than 1,300 people who signed the online petition "Keep Central Park Open for All"; to Community Board 7; and to the organizations who joined the chorus of those calling for the protection of Central Park from bubbles:
The Sierra Club New York City Park Advocates Historic Districts Council
Friends of the
Upper East Side Historic Districts
The Frederick Law Olmsted Society of Riverside, Illinois The Calvert Vaux
Preservation Alliance
Coalition for a Livable
West Side
80s Neighborhood Association
Defenders of the
Historic Upper East
Cunningham Park Civic Association, Inc., Fresh Meadows,
Finally, thank you to our elected officials who pledged their support on this important issue: State Senators Liz Krueger, Thomas K. Duane, Eric Schneiderman, Jose Serrano, and Bill Perkins; State Assembly members Danny O'Donnell, Richard Gottfried and Linda Rosenthal, and City Council member Melissa Mark-Viverito.
Deflated Bubbles Make Headlines
Read breaking news of the now-defunct proposal to install bubbles over existing tennis courts in Central Park, as reported by:

West Side Spirit
West Side Independent
LANDMARK WEST! has closely monitored this proposal since it was first publicly presented to the Upper West Side at a meeting of Community Board 7 on March 11, 2010. Visit the LW! blog for a look back at our updates on this issue as it developed.
With questions or for more information, contact us via email at landmarkwest@landmarkwest.org, or call (212) 496-8110. |