Photo from PLTA website


Dec 16, 2009  -  Issue 7             Lake Travis - it's worth protecting

Mission Statement
 The Purpose of the Protect Lake Travis Association is to protect Lake Travis and its watershed from any events and conditions that could affect the health and safety of area residents, recreational users of the lake, and wildlife, and to protect the aesthetic natural beauty and recreational quality of the area.
Donate to PLTA Online
Just in time to make your tax-deductible donation for 2009, our website now accepts all major credit cards, as well as PayPal.
To simplify the process, we have incorporated member dues payment into the same donation process. Please see our membership page and make a contribution today.
PLTA has had to  spend thousands of dollars this year on legal and expert consultant fees to help keep Lake Travis as clean and pure as possible. Your donations are important to the effort.
Burnet Wastewater Discharge Information
Quick Links
Dear Reader; 
It has been one month since our last eNews. Since then:
1) TCEQ voted unanimously to uphold the existing protections of the Highland Lakes discharge ban by denying the petition by Leander and Granite Shoals (see this Statesman article) - this was a significant victory for all of us;
2) the LCRA board voted to allow cities to lift mandatory water restrictions, while continuing to caution about the continuing drought and the possibility of more restrictions later (news release) - interestingly, we learned that City of Leander NEVER implemented the required restrictions, while continuing their request for even more Lake Travis water;
3) PLTA has continued to work with the City of Burnet to obtain a commitment to continuing to irrigate instead of discharging effluent into Hamilton Creek and Lake Travis;
4) PLTA has finished a project to accept donations and dues online via credit card and PayPal - just in time for you to make that tax-deductible contribution during the 2009 tax season.
PLTA greatly appreciates the support and encouragement we have received this year. Thank you very much. 
Lonnie Moore, President
Hamilton Creek - Unique But Not Unspoiled
excerpt from Water Matters, November 2009 
 Water Hustlers cartoon about Hamilton Creek
...A new permit application by Burnet to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) asks the Commission for permission to discharge its effluent (up to 1,700,000 gallons per day) into Hamilton Creek and to remove the City's existing authorization to irrigate.....  
See the Highland Lake Group's full article HERE
Highly Recommended Reading: Popular Science December 2009
Photo of bass from Popular Science excerpt: The Canary In The River 
...all across the country, male fish swimming in some of that water are becoming "intersex," their male sex organs producing immature female eggs.
The prime suspect? Our toilets.
Previous research indicates that wastewater treatment plants flush endocrine-disruptive compounds (EDCs), including pharmaceuticals, hormones, pesticides and hormones, into rivers.
The same compounds can interfere with the human endocrine system, but there are no regulations for controlling hormones in drinking water.
Read the full article HERE
Lake Travis photo 1 from PLTA website

PLTA board members tour the Lakeway Municipal Utility District's water and wastewater operations in November. Front row, L-R: Ken Fossler, Gloria Eckstrom, Janet Caylor, John Strickland, Richard Eason. Back row, L-R: David Gavenda, Lonnie Moore.
PLTA is an all-volunteer organization, with no paid employees.