Lake Travis photo 1 from PLTA website


Nov 08, 2009  -  Issue 6             Lake Travis - it's worth protecting

PLTA Board
Lonnie Moore, President
Ken Fossler, Vice President
Gloria Eckstrom, Secretary
Richard Eason, Treasurer
Janet Caylor
David Gavenda
John Strickland
More Information on City of Burnet's Application To Discharge
 The City of Burnet is seeking a permit to allow discharge of 1.7 million gallons/day of treated wastewater effluent into Hamilton Creek and thence to Lake Travis.
See the background article in the PLTA eNews Issue 3.
Burnet Bulletin Article 11/04/09
Notable Quote
"Because of the vulnerability of Hill Country streams, reservoirs and aquifers to wastewater contamination, this area should be afforded wastewater criteria that is stricter than the remainder of Texas and designed specifically for this region."
Raymond Slade, Jr, Certified Professional Hydrologist (MORE)
Quick Links
LCRA Board To Consider Drought Plans 11/10 and 11/18/09
Staff Recommends Four Strategies 
(Dear PLTA eNews);
Despite ample rains in September and October, the Colorado River basin drought persists from a water supply perspective.  LCRA staff has revised recent recommendations to the LCRA Board regarding strategies to manage the drought in 2010.  The revised recommendations - four separate actions - take into account both feedback from stakeholder groups to initial proposals and the fact that much of the basin has experienced one of the rainiest September-October periods on record, increasing the amount of stored water available to our customers.
The LCRA Board will discuss the revised recommendations and hear input from the public at a special called Board meeting on November 10 at 1 p.m.  Staff plans to ask the Board to take action on the recommendations at the regularly called Board meeting on November 18.

Attached is a fact sheet about the revised recommendations (click).
Roland Pe�a
Lower Colorado River Authority
Public Affairs Specialist
1-800-776-5272, ext 7438
Why Oppose Leander's Plans to Discharge Treated Wastewater Effluent Into Lake Travis? 
You don't have to take our word for it....
Read what some others are saying about the problems associated with discharging treated wastewater effluent into our Highland Lakes: (click on each name)