Prove  your power to yourself...

Real-life LoA Story
My 2002 Pontiac had been a great car but, over the summer, she started having issues.  When she went on life support, I knew it was time to replace her.

I prefer to buy used cars but the only car that was catching my eye was the new Buick LaCrosse.  Unfortunately, when I drove one, it just didn't "feel" right.  I'm learning to trust my instincts so I moved on.

Then, for some reason, I started noticing the entry level Lincoln MKZ sedan.  I never thought I could afford a luxury car so put it out of my mind.

As I was coming home one Friday, I had the sudden impulse to turn into the Ford dealership by our house, not remembering that Ford dealers sell Fords, not Lincolns.

I also didn't realize that this dealer had a used car section. I pulled into the lot and drove right to the only Lincoln MKZ they had on the lot!  I wanted metallic gray and, although it was red, I asked to drive it anyway.  As soon as I got in I knew this was the right car.  It just fit me perfectly and boy, did it drive nicely.

When I returned from the test drive, I asked if they had any other Lincolns and the salesperson said that one had just come in the previous day and was still in prep.  And the color was metallic gray!

We returned the following Monday and by Tuesday, I had the car.  In addition, they took my steadfast Pontiac in trade and, with an extended warranty and extras, the price ended up being only $1,000 more than I paid for the Pontiac 6 years before!

This experience has reminded me that the Law of Attraction is constantly lining things up for me.  All I have to do is trust my gut feelings and then follow positive impulses I receive and I can have anything!

Southeast Michigan
Put the Law of Attraction to work for you Right Now!
Paying Attention to Impulses

One of the primary components of the Manifestation Process is intuition which comes in the form of positive urges or impulses.

We've all had times where we had the urge to do something and then later regretted not doing it because it would have turned into something good in our lives.

Even if you've mastered the Emotional Scale and are generally feeling good about your life, without this last step, things won't be able to manifest for you.

So, to prove your manifestation power to yourself, begin to notice and trust these small, positive impulses.  If you feel the urge to do something but don't know why, do it anyway and see what happens.  Don't look too hard for results; just get into the stream of following your impulses and see where it takes you.

When something you want shows up (and it will), make note of it, pat yourself on the back and say, "I did that!" You've now become a deliberate creator!

We want to hear what the LoA has been doing in YOUR life lately.  Send us an email, we might feature your example in a future newsletter!
"... like opening a big door to your own "Wonderland!"

*Mention this newsletter and receive $10 off the next workshop you attend.  Even better:  Bring a friend and you BOTH save $10!*

Suzanne & Kevin
Helping people improve their lives, 
one thought at a time