Prove your power to yourself...
Put the Law of Attraction to work for you Right Now!
This one is easy and may sound familiar.  Attract a cup of coffee.  You are going to receive a cup of coffee today.  (Please substitute your favorite daytime beverage, if coffee doesn't do it for you)  You will not have to buy it.  It will come to you at no cost. You will nearly smirk when you take the first sip, at the ease with which it came to be in your hands.  There is no need to plan the circumstances, the universe takes care of the "how".  All you have to do is ask for your free cup of joe, then be ready to receive it.   
Please, share your results with us, we'd like to feature your story in a future newsletter.

Real-life LoA Story
I received the Personal Success Programs newsletter on July 8. 2010. There was an exercise in it that one could try if they wanted to prove to themselves that the law of attraction really worked. Ever since I took my first workshop from Kevin and Suzanne, I have willed a lot of great things into my life; so, I didn't feel as if I needed any proof. I did think that the exercise sounded like fun; so, I thought, what the heck?
I read the instructions given which suggested that just before walking into the place where I would be conducting business, I was to imagine that my boss or associate would approach me and would then give me recognition for something important to me. For the next step, I was
to close my eyes and really picture it, and then I was to think about how I would feel when I received the recognition. I was then to set my intention to receive the compliment, to know that I deserved it and then plan on how thankful I would be for it.
The next morning, I followed the instructions and went into my client's office where I was working on a big interior improvement project. I walked in with the intention that I would receive the recognition that I desired. I did receive a few compliments; but, I really wanted a compliment from the person who was actually in charge of the project, in essence, my boss. Needless to say, I did not get what I was looking for until......I went back to finish working on the
project the next morning.
When I walked in, my client (the boss) approached me and presented me with a gift bag! I looked inside at all of the nice items in it which even included a gift card! But, the very best thing in the bag was the card. It read:
I just wanted to personally tell you how much I do appreciate you. I honestly can't repay you the
value of your kindness, but, I hope maybe you will do something for yourself or will go to dinner
with your hubby. Thank you 100 times over for being "spot on" for me and for making sure my
project was a success.
I was so touched by her words that I actually got tears in my eyes. So, once again, I was given proof that the law of attraction really does work!
~Nora in Livonia, MI

We want to hear what the LoA has been doing in YOUR life lately.  Send us an email, we might feature your example in a future newsletter!
This workshop has helped me see what I can do to get out of the negative rut I've been in. knowing the power of my thoughts is amazingly empowering - thank you!
- A.D.

*Mention this newsletter and receive $10 off the next workshop you attend.  Even better:  Bring a friend and you BOTH save $10!*

Suzanne & Kevin
Helping people improve their lives, 
one thought at a time