Minnesota Municipal Beverage Association Newsletter
(September 9, 2012 - September 15, 2012)
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As I See It...


It is important to note, we are a small town in Greater Minnesota.


On Tuesday, August 27, 2012 we had our second wine tasting of the summer.


It was a nice warm evening and since the tasting was scheduled for 7pm we decided to have it outside in our pavilion.


We set the tables with table cloths and plastic grapes to set the theme and made it easy with sliced cheese and crackers with ice water to cleanse the palates.


We had about 20 people attend. Joe Toohey from Chateau St. Michelle and Brian Held from Southern Wine and Spirits gave the presentation.


We tasted four white wines and four red wines. Joe is very knowledgeable and gave a great presentation.


The tasting gave our customers a chance to taste different wines and compare them to ones they already know. They had fun and we made some wine sales that we would not have normally made.


If you are thinking about a wine tasting you should contact your wine rep for a date. If you know your customers tastes your rep will tailor the wine tasting to your customers.


I collected e-mails from my customers to keep them informed about upcoming events (including wine tastings) and I send them my monthly calendar so they can plan what events they want to attend.


A large banner out front two weeks before the event reminds them too.


This was our biggest turnout and we were pleased. The group was diverse with customers and some new people so remember to advertise and remind your regulars about the tastings.


Good luck and have fun!


Toni Buchite

50 Lakes Bar & Off Sale



Minnesota Alcohol Tax Delinquency List 


The MMBA office was recently asked about the Alcohol Tax Delinquencies List.


The Tax Delinquency List prevents active liquor establishments from purchasing liquor, beer and wine for resale.


This list is updated by 12:00 p.m. each business day.


The taxpayers listed in the first section are 10 or more days delinquent in the filing or payment of their taxes; therefore wholesalers, manufacturers and brewers cannot sell or deliver any product to them beginning the third business day (business days are non-holiday Monday through Friday) after the date of this list.


The taxpayers listed in the second section remain on liquor posting from previous lists and are subject to the rule of liquor posting until they have resolved their delinquencies.  Liquor deliveries cannot be made to these taxpayers while their names remain on the list.


The taxpayers listed in the third section are previously posted businesses removed from the list within the past month. Liquor deliveries can resume for these businesses.


To be removed from the list, the Minnesota Department of Revenue requires full payment with secured funds. Taxpayers must notify the department upon making payment. Once the payment is received, the department has two business days to remove the business from the list. Failure to notify the department of the payment will delay the removal from the list.


Click Here for More Information & to See the List


Minnesota State Substance Abuse Strategy Includes Alcohol Related Items 


Minnesota Department of Human Services Press Release 


The Department of Human Services has released the first statewide plan to tackle substance abuse and addiction in Minnesota.


The Minnesota State Substance Abuse Strategy calls for a multi-agency, multi-faceted approach to achieve a healthier, safer and stronger Minnesota.


The strategy was developed in collaboration with the state departments of corrections, education, health and public safety as well as the State Judicial Board, Minnesota National Guard and Minnesota Board of Pharmacy.


It recommends close coordination among state agencies to prevent and address the far-reaching impacts of drug and alcohol abuse.



"Substance abuse is a serious and costly issue that affects us all," said Human Services Commissioner Lucinda Jesson. "The long-term and immediate steps recommended in this comprehensive strategy will help save lives and dollars by making our prevention and treatment efforts more efficient and effective."


Substance abuse exacts large costs to law enforcement, courts, corrections, human services, public health systems, and ultimately, Minnesota taxpayers. The Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University estimates that state governments spend 15.7 percent of their budgets, or more than $135 billion collectively, each year dealing with abuse-related issues. A 2011 report from the Minnesota Department of Health showed the impact of alcohol use alone in Minnesota to be over $5 billion a year.


The strategy's long-term policy direction balances public safety, prevention, intervention, and treatment and recovery support services to reduce substance abuse. Among recommendations are integration of screening services in all health care settings and expanded development of recovery centers throughout the state.  The strategy also calls for increased coordination among law enforcement to fight the production and sale of illegal drugs.


Currently the Department of Public Safety, through its Office of Justice Programs, is supporting drug task forces around the state. Composed of more than 200 investigators from over 115 police agencies, these task forces focus on major cases that have the potential to significantly reduce drug trafficking and related crimes. In 2011, they made 3,522 arrests for narcotics violations, 92 percent of which were at a felony-level.


"State agencies are working together with stakeholders across Minnesota to deal with the changing nature of illegal substances," said Mona Dohman, Commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Public Safety. "We're listening to law enforcement and local officials so that we can employ appropriate strategies quickly and efficiently across the state."


The strategy also identifies rapid growth in prescription opiate and heroin abuse as a leading issue and recommends immediate action in this area. Measures include increased participation by prescribers and pharmacists in the Prescription Monitoring Program, which tracks prescriptions for controlled substances, as well as training for physicians in addiction, prescribing opiates and alternative approaches to pain management.


"This comprehensive, collaborative effort tackles substance abuse in Minnesota head on," said Carol Falkowski, State Substance Abuse Director.  "Especially when it comes to our growing problems with prescription opiates and heroin, we need to turn the tide as soon as possible by being smart and working together."


State leaders, substance abuse experts and medical professionals will discuss the strategy at community meetings in Duluth on Nov. 9 and Rochester on Nov. 14.


Their recommendations included the following alcohol related items:


Increasing efforts and enacting statewide polices to reduce underage drinking and alcohol abuse by:


* Evaluating the appropriate level of alcohol excise tax in Minnesota,

* Limiting drink specials in retail liquor establishments,


* Strengthening compliance checks to ensure that retailers do not sell tobacco and alcohol to minors,


* Requiring beverage server training at all liquor establishments to reduce alcohol sales to minors and intoxicated patrons,


* Maintaining limitations on alcohol availability including: alcohol sales restricted to 6 days a week statewide and to current locations (designated liquor outlets not grocery or convenience stores), and


* Ensuring adequate law enforcement resources for the enforcement of existing underage drinking, drinking and drugging laws.


 Click Here to See the Study

Time spent fixing the past takes time away from building the future
Future Dates to Remember!!

2012 MMBA Regional Meetings


October 3 - Roseville

October 4 - Marshall

October 11 - Fergus Falls

October 17 - Austin

October 18 - Duluth

November 8 - Bemidji


2013 MMBA Boot Camp 


February 19 & 20, 2013

Breezy Point Resort


2013 MMBA Annual Conference


May 18 - 21, 2013

Arrowwood Resort

Ask A Director

Gary Buysse

Cathy Pletta
Vicki Segerstrom
Brian Hachey

Nancy Drumsta

Lara Smetana
Pine City

Michael Friesen

Tom Agnes
Brooklyn Center

Steve Grausam

Toni Buchite
50 Lakes

Brenda Visnovec
Bridgitte Konrad
North Branch
Shelly Dillon
Karissa Kurth
Buffalo Lake
Paul Kaspszak

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Bob & Jerry are Discussing Politics...
Two Friends Talking 2  

Two friends, Bob and Jerry are discussing politics on Election Day, each trying to no avail to convince the other to switch sides.


Finally, Bob says to the Jerry: "Look, it's clear that we are unalterably opposed on every political issue. Our votes will surely cancel out. Why not save ourselves some time and both agree to not vote today?"


Jerry agrees enthusiastically and they part.


Shortly after that, a friend of Bob's who had heard the conversation says, "That was a sporting offer you made."


"Not really," says Bob. "This the third time I've done that today."

Contact Trinchero Family Estates 
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Contact Ste. Michelle Wine Estates

Contact the National Alcohol Beverage Control Association
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Contact Minnesota Independent Ice Manufacturers Association


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