Minnesota Municipal Beverage Association Newsletter
(August 19, 2012 - August 25, 2012)
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As I See It...



As I sit here thinking of what I should write for this week's article I hit a roadblock and just couldn't come up with something I thought would be relevant. I took a break from the computer and then it came to me. Funny how that works sometimes, so here goes......


We all consider our time very valuable in our work day and there can be many interruptions by salespeople or others who may want to have a few minutes of our time.


In our stores we have made it clear to all of our salespeople that it's best if they set up an appointment in advance if someone other than our salesperson wants to come in and see us. This has worked well for the most part.


In my situation with not always being at a particular store, it is very important that our sales staff contact me ahead of time to see if I can meet. I always try to make myself available if someone specifically wants to meet with me.


A few weeks ago I had a request from a local wholesaler that the owner of the company and the president of the wholesaler plus two supplier reps wanted to meet with me and talk about our business. I have done this in the past for this company as I respect the relationship, from the president on down, we have with them.


The meeting was set up for a Wed. at 10:30 at our main store. I printed out some of our sales reports so they could see what our business was doing with their brands, good and bad. I was actually looking forward to meeting with them because they wanted info from our perspective; they were not coming to sell me something.


They never showed up.


I waited over 45 minutes, not a word from anyone as to if they were going to show or sorry were running late. I had to make a call to my sales person saying I had to take off and that the group might as well not show up as I would not be available the rest of the day. He knew I was upset and mad that they didn't show up.


I received a phone call the next day from a sales manager apologizing for not notifying me that the reps plane was late due to a storm that blew through that morning.


What I took away from this is that my time or your time if this has happened to you is not as valuable as their time, and that by making a simple phone call they could have avoided me being upset and frustrated by their lack of respect for me and the time I set aside to meet with them.


I will forgive and forget about this because it doesn't do any good to hold a grudge forever.


I hope this company has learned that our time is just as valuable as theirs, and that if they will be late for an appointment, the respectful thing to do is to call to let the account know what's going on.


Let's hope they don't make this mistake again.  


Steve Grausam

Edina Liquor

Nevis Town Events Boost Municipal Liquor Store Sales

By Jean Ruzicka, Park Rapids Enterprise


July has proven to be a record-breaking month for the Nevis Liquor Store, the muni reporting a net income of $25,893.


Independence Day, Muskie Days and, in recent years, the Pig Races have generally sent the month's figures into highest-of-the-year territory.


This year's all-school reunion, celebrating the district's 100 years, may have contributed to the 24 percent increase in profit from July 2011, manager Lisa Kamrowski said. Hundreds arrived to commemorate the centennial.


Year-to-date liquor store earnings are $28,691.

Spring Valley Winery the Toast of the

U of M Wine Competition 


By Bill Ward, StarTribune


The host state in general  -- and a new kid on its block in particular -- came up big at Thursday's International Cold Climate Wine Competition. Four Daughters' 2011 La Crescent captured "best in show" among white wines  in the fourth annual event at the University of Minnesota.


Four Daughters Vineyard and Winery, which opened just last year in Spring Valley, Minn., also won the Minnesota's Governor's Cup trophy for top wine from the state.


For the second straight year, Vermont winery Shelburne Vineyard's Marquette (in this case a 2010 Reserve) was named best red wine. The Midnight Voyage Dessert Red Wine from Danzinger Vineyards in Alma, Wis., was deemed  best specialty/fortified wine.


The Marquette and La Crescent grapes developed by the University of Minnesota, showed especially well in the competition. Another Minnesota winery, Hinterland of Clara City, received one of just two "double golds" (panel judges unanimously designated it gold) for its Marquette Reserve. A Marquette from Indian Island in Janesville, Minn., and a La Crescent from Wild Mountain in Taylors Falls earned gold medals.


Cannon River Winery in Cannon Falls grabbed two gold medals, for its Sogn Blush and St. Pepin. Also garnering a gold was the Frontenac Gris from Whispering Oaks in Melrose, Minn.


This year's competition included more than 325 entries from commercial wineries in 12 Northern states and Canada (only grapes that can withstand harsh winters are eligible). Twenty gold, 61 silver and 79 bronze medals were awarded.


Click Here for a Complete List of Winners

Panther Distillery 
Panther Distillery  
During a recent road trip, your humble editor discovered a new Minnesota distillery in Osakis, Panther Distillery.


According to their website, "After 154 years, the wait is over. We're proud to be Minnesota's first legal whiskey distillery."
They also state, "Our flavorful spirits [will be] available for purchase at our distillery and in liquor stores throughout Minnesota."
Silly Ponderings 



Why is it that we recite at a play and play at a recital?


Why is a wise man and wise guy opposites?


If lawyers are disbarred and clergymen defrocked, doesn't it follow that electricians can be delighted, musicians denoted, cowboys deranged, models deposed, tree surgeons debarked and dry cleaners depressed?


Have you ever noticed....that anybody going slower than you is

an idiot, but anyone going faster than you is a maniac?

Future Dates to Remember!!

2012 MMBA Regional Meetings


October 3 - Roseville

October 4 - Marshall

October 11 - Fergus Falls

October 17 - Austin

October 18 - Duluth

November 8 - Bemidji


2013 MMBA Boot Camp 


February 19 & 20, 2013

Breezy Point Resort


2013 MMBA Annual Conference


May 18 - 21, 2013

Arrowwood Resort

Ask A Director

Gary Buysse

Cathy Pletta
Vicki Segerstrom
Brian Hachey

Nancy Drumsta

Lara Smetana
Pine City

Michael Friesen

Tom Agnes
Brooklyn Center

Steve Grausam

Toni Buchite
50 Lakes

Brenda Visnovec
Bridgitte Konrad
North Branch
Shelly Dillon
Karissa Kurth
Buffalo Lake
Paul Kaspszak

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