Minnesota Municipal Beverage Association Newsletter
(July 15, 2012 - July 21, 2012)
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As I See It...


Wow has it been hot!!!
I hope that heat combine with the 4th of July holiday has equated to increased sales in your stores this month.
I'm sure there were things that went great during this busy time but I also imagine that there were things that didn't go as well as you wished they would have.
I'm finding that my mind isn't as sharp as it used to be! Because of that I've been starting to make notes on recurring events or projects.
I just take a few minutes to write down what went right, what to change for next time and what supplies are needed (or in your case what inventory).
It not only is helpful to me next time around, but if something were to happen to me it will be helpful to the person trying to fill in for me.  
After you have a few years' worth of notes it will be fun to see how things have evolved over the year.
Now that you can slow down a bit from the busy week I would encourage you to take a few minutes and put pen to paper and start making notes!


Bridgitte Konrad

North Branch City Administrator


Electronic Pull-Tabs Moving Forward 
Electronic Pull Tabs  

By BRIAN BAKST, Winona Daily News


Minnesota regulators have approved guidelines for new electronic gambling devices that are a major revenue source to offset debt on a new Vikings football stadium.


The Gambling Control Board voted unanimously for the standards, resisting calls from some corners of the charitable gambling industry to slow the rollout until more is known about how the hand-held devices will work. The action provides the guardrails for makers of the devices, which could show up in bars and restaurants as soon as fall.


"The ship has sailed," board member William Gillespie said to those urging a more deliberative process. "We're moving now. We didn't pick the departure date. It was picked by the Legislature."


The stadium finance law authorized the introduction of electronic pull-tabs and linked bingo games to be sold alongside paper gambling now operated by charities. Paper pull-tabs are cardboard games often sold for $1 that involve players peeling back tabs to see if they have the right alignment of symbols to win.


Minnesota is becoming the first state to widely offer electronic pull-tabs and linked bingo, where players in multiple locations vie for a common pot of money. The state is betting that annual tax collections from pull-tabs and bingo would more than double, from $37 million to almost $95 million, when the games are fully implemented by mid-2013. Some proceeds would be used to repay state borrowing on the nearly $1 billion stadium.


Tom Barrett, the gambling board's executive director, said he's heard from at least a dozen manufacturers that could vie for a share of the Minnesota market. Many, he said, wanted to know the standards before pressing ahead.


The standards cover everything from what types of animation can be used to alert winners to the sophisticated encryption technology that must be in place. Regulators are trying to ease worries that the new machines will resemble mini-slot machines popping up in more than 2,500 sites across the state.


The board also approved the license of the first potential game maker, Las Vegas-based Acres 4.0. Company founder John Acres said the company is aiming to have pull-tab games on iPads ready for use in Minnesota soon.


Acres said the company is prepared to outfit up to 10,000 devices to ship to Minnesota within six months and he's planning to install a computer server to the state next month. The standards require the central gaming system to be housed in Minnesota.


"We have to start. We have to presume there is a desire to go forward," Acres said. "I'm happy to put the server in in August even if it takes until November or December to be deployed. Our hope is we can have everything done and running in September."


Some distributors of the paper games wanted the board to go through a more intense rule-making process that could have taken several months longer.


Fabian Hoffman, an attorney for one distributor, was among those speaking against the expedited process.


"I don't know why the board would cut corners," Hoffman said to members before their vote.


The board voted to allow agency staff to consider writing the standards as formal rules later on, a process that allows for more public comment and puts the requirements on firmer legal footing. But that process won't get in the way of the quicker rollout lawmakers envisioned when they passed the Vikings bill in May.

For Those Who Want Minnesota to be Like Wisconsin

This picture is currently on Twitter with the heading, "Wisconsin supermarkets are GREAT!"


Wisconsin Shopping Cart 



Here are some responses:


* That makes me miss my hometown, Sheboygan, WI.


* They sell the hard stuff in the grocery store in Washington State, now, too.


* That's one way to get 'em to nap!


Click Here to See Tweet

Minors in Bars & Liquor Stores 

The MMBA office has recently received questions on minors in bars and liquor stores.


In short, minors can be allowed in bars and liquor stores. They can also be prohibited from doing so.


It is up to the establishment to decide these policies, except for any local ordinances that may apply.


Here is state statute on minors in alcohol establishments:




Contact the MMBA office if you have questions.

An Older Woman Was Sitting at a Bar...
Middle Aged Woman  
Feeling low about her romantic prospects, an older woman was sitting at the bar at her regular hangout.
A man walks over and sits down one seat away from her 
 After a few moments, the woman asks, 'Are you a stranger here?'                        
 The man replies, 'I used to come here years ago.'                        
 'So,' the woman asks, 'Where have you been since then?'
'In prison,' the man says.
'Why did they put you in prison?' she asks.
He looked at her and very quietly said, 'I killed my wife.'
'Oh!' says the woman wide-eyed. 'So you're single...?!'
Erroneous assumptions can be disastrous
Future Dates to Remember!!

2012 MMBA Regional Meetings


Fall 2012


2013 MMBA Boot Camp 


February 19 & 20, 2013

Breezy Point Resort


2013 MMBA Annual Conference


May 18 - 21, 2013

Arrowwood Resort

Ask A Director

Gary Buysse

Cathy Pletta
Vicki Segerstrom
Brian Hachey

Nancy Drumsta

Lara Smetana
Pine City

Michael Friesen

Tom Agnes
Brooklyn Center

Steve Grausam

Toni Buchite
50 Lakes

Brenda Visnovec
Bridgitte Konrad
North Branch
Shelly Dillon
Karissa Kurth
Buffalo Lake
Paul Kaspszak

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Beverage Alcohol Training
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 Bob Leslie remains available to do alcohol awareness server training.
Contact him at:
Liquor Profits Up in Perham

A recent audit shows the City of Perham is fiscally fit, and continued economic growth is likely.


The city is financially ahead of where it was at this time last year, according to the audit, with an increased fund balance and assets that exceed liabilities.


Its general fund increased by about $70,000, partially due to revenues exceeding the budget.


"It's nice to see the fund balance is going up," commented councilor James Johnson.


The library and liquor stores saw more revenue than expected; the library's fund balance increased by about $15,000, and the liquor store's by more than $150,000.
Auditors attributed the liquor store's growth to a new, larger store, convenient access, and new location near Highway 10. 
Contact Trinchero Family Estates 
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Contact Ste. Michelle Wine Estates

Contact the National Alcohol Beverage Control Association
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Contact Minnesota Independent Ice Manufacturers Association


Contact MillerCoors

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