Minnesota Municipal Beverage Association Newsletter
(July 8, 2012 - July 14, 2012)
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for the
As I See It...

Bad Week


I thought summer was supposed to be fun, relaxing and rejuvenating!


Nothing has been going well at all this week!


Monday started with a computer virus that was a hoax computer virus. (I know! Right!) Then I couldn't get the bank statements to balance. Ah, what is a couple hundred here or there?


The air conditioner in my office keeps blowing fuses, and the city hall basement is wet and smells. So when people come into my office they think I need to bathe!


Council meeting tonight as I write this, and since I didn't get council packets sent out (virus) my council thinks there is no council meeting.


On my way over to the Liquor Store to get my supper (pizza), as soon as I stepped out the back door I saw a boy on the ground, handcuffed, another boy standing over him, and of course, a girl watching them.


When asked what was going on, I was told that the boys wanted to get the girl to come outside so they pretended one boy was arrested and they needed her.


Gee Whiz, I think I need a drink!


Have a great rest of the summer......I hope I make it through the week!




Shelly Dillon

Callaway City Administrator

A Note from Randy Dobratz 
Ste. Michelle 

To all Members of the MMBA:

As of August 1, 2012, Ste. Michelle Wine Estates will be moving distribution of our brands in Minnesota to Southern Wine and Spirits of Minnesota.  


We thank you for your past business and look forward to many more years of serving you and the MMBA. 


Please feel free to contact me with any concerns or requests as we transition in the market.

Again, many thanks for your partnership in the past, present and in the years to come.


Randy Dobratz
North Central Divison Manager

Ste. Michelle Wines Estates


Welcome Eisley Bianca Chance!
Eisley Chance 

Eisley Bianca Chance

Born 11:51PM 7/12/12

8Lbs 4oz

20" Long


Congrats to MillerCoors' Jon Chance and wife Bianca! 


Daddy's Little Girl! 

Baudette Job Opening

Baudette Minnesota, a community located on the Canadian border, is seeking a self-motivated, energetic, retail professional to provide leadership and direction for the City's liquor operations (Liquor Store Manager). 


This individual is responsible for the operation, supervision and management of the community's liquor store. 


Qualified candidates must possess five years experience in retail sales management, budgeting, and other applicable sales knowledge.


Bachelors Degree in Business Management or related field is preferred. 


The 2012 salary range will be $35,778 to $$48,301 based on qualifications. 


Application packets are available at the Baudette City Office, 104 Main Street West, PO Box 548, Baudette, MN 56623, by calling 218-634-1850 or on the city website at www.ci.baudette.mn.us.  


Deadline for submittal of application is 4 p.m., July 31, 2012. 


The City of Baudette is an equal opportunity employer.

Sauk Rapids Job Opening 

This individual is responsible for the business operation of the municipal liquor store in accordance with City policies. 


The responsibilities of the position include providing service to customers, making orders, training and supervising staff, and working with outside representatives. 


This position also involves stocking and rotating products, designing sales floor layout, determining price structure of products, inventory control, monitoring sales for the correct profit margins, and determining promotional ideas. 


This position is categorized as a Grade 17 which corresponds to a 2012 salary range of $54,385-$75,210.


Click Here for More Information


St. Paul Nursing Home Gets Confiscated Liquor
Elderly Couple  

The manager of a Minnesota nursing home said police have agreed to resume shipments of confiscated liquor for the senior home's happy hour.


Sister Theresa Robertson, manager of the Holy Family Residence in St. Paul, said she sent a letter to St. Paul Police Chief Tom Smith that resulted in the City Council resolving to allow police to ship up to $10,000 worth of confiscated alcoholic beverages to the home each year, the St. Paul Pioneer Press reported Thursday.


"It has been several years since we have received any liquor from the Police [Department]. We respectfully request your help with a donation of confiscated liquor. It has always been such a pleasant treat for some of our residents," Robertson wrote in the June 14 letter.


The City Council voted July 11 to allow the liquor donations.


"We have very simple Happy Hours," Robertson said. "We usually have some beer and some wine, and this will certainly enhance it."


Robertson said the Happy Family Residence is home to about 100 low-income elderly people.

2012 Election: Be Heard!

Be sure to take advantage of the opportunities candidates provide as they look for your vote in the upcoming elections.


Your participation is important and is needed to counteract the opposition.


For example, according to Growler magazine, the [grass roots organization] Minnesota Beer Activists is looking to have off-premise alcohol sales legalized on Sunday.


The magazine continues, "Consumers are tired of driving across the border for their beer on Sundays, and with the way our sports teams have been playing, we're giving a lot of money to Wisconsin."


If you need talking points on Sunday Sales or any other issue, please contact the MMBA office.

A Young Woman Named Suzy...
Woman in Bar  

A young woman named Suzy is sitting at the bar talking with her girlfriends about what makes the perfect mate.


"The man I marry," she says, "must be a shining light. He must be musical, tell jokes, sing and stay at home at night!"


Flo, the elderly barmaid, overhears this and says, "Honey, it sounds like you don't need a man. You need a TV!"

If you hire people just because they can do a job, they'll work for your money.
But if you hire people who believe what you believe, they'll work for you with blood and sweat and tears. 
Future Dates to Remember!!

2012 MMBA Regional Meetings


Fall 2012


2013 MMBA Boot Camp 


February 19 & 20, 2013

Breezy Point Resort


2013 MMBA Annual Conference


May 18 - 21, 2013

Arrowwood Resort

Ask A Director

Gary Buysse

Cathy Pletta
Vicki Segerstrom
Brian Hachey

Nancy Drumsta

Lara Smetana
Pine City

Michael Friesen

Tom Agnes
Brooklyn Center

Steve Grausam

Toni Buchite
50 Lakes

Brenda Visnovec
Bridgitte Konrad
North Branch
Shelly Dillon
Karissa Kurth
Buffalo Lake
Paul Kaspszak

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Wine 101
Beverage Alcohol Training
BAT Logo
 Bob Leslie remains available to do alcohol awareness server training.
Contact him at:
What is Your Urgency Level?

A recent poll from Kotter International asked business leaders:

What's most prevalent in your organization: complacency, false urgency, or true urgency?


They said:


True Urgency = 13%

Complacency = 40%

False Urgency = 47%


Some additional comments about the sense of urgency in your organization:


"Leaders are over-booked with meetings but few decisions are being made."

False Urgency

"Lots of discussions at the leadership level that don't result in meaningful, actionable decisions. Compounded with lots of distractions and made worse by a prevailing view that everything is 'rosy,' slow to accept reality, very reactive."

True Urgency

"Senior leaders staying in regular contact, and focusing on agreed on priorities."

2011 MMBA Platinum Members 

Contact Trinchero Family Estates 

Ste. Michelle Logo

Contact Ste. Michelle Wine Estates

Contact the National Alcohol Beverage Control Association
Miima Logo

Contact Minnesota Independent Ice Manufacturers Association


Contact MillerCoors

Beam Logo

Contact Beam Global

Arctic Glacier Logo

Contact Arctic Glacier Ice

AB Logo

Contact Anheuser-Busch