Minnesota Municipal Beverage Association Newsletter
(June 24, 2012 - June 30, 2012)
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As I See It...



Just before the Fourth of July, some history......that involves liquor!


* What appears to be a very popular story, has to do with an innkeeper named Betsy Flanagan. Her husband was killed in the revolution, and she herself was considered to be one of the heroes of the revolution. In 1779 she opened an inn near Yorktown, which was frequented by American and French soldiers.


Nearby to the inn was an Englishman who raised chickens. Probably due to the current political climate, Betsy was none too fond of this neighbor, and she loved to promise her American and French patrons that one day she would serve them a meal of roast chicken. To which her guests would often mock her, claiming that this was all bravado and that she would never carry through with it.


On an evening that saw an unusual number of officers gathering at her inn, Betsy invited them into the living room, where they were served a grand meal of chicken, freshly "acquired" from the English neighbor.


When the meal was over, Betsy moved her guests to the bar, where she proudly served up rounds of "Bracer" (which was a popular drink recipe at the inn). Betsy had decorated each drink with a tail-feather from the recently consumed chickens.


To this, the officers gave three cheers to celebrate the defeat of this one particular Englishman. "Let's have some more cocktail" one officer proclaimed. To which a French officer added "Vive le cocktail!", and the drinking continued long into the night



* The Star Spangled Banner's tune was adapted from an old English drinking song by John Stafford Smith called "To Anacreon in Heaven"


* Wine is constant proof that God loves us and loves to see us happy.

                                                               --- Benjamin Franklin


Have a Safe and Happy Holiday!


Cathy Pletta

Kasson Liquor Manager


Municipal Liquor Operation Impresses Edina Hometown Hero
Cliff Wexler 

According to the city website, Edina is made up of people who pride themselves with making the city a great place for living, learning, raising families and doing business.


The following features Hometown Hero Cliff Wexler...


As evidenced by the continued success of the Centennial Lakes Park Farmers Market, Edina is a community that knows the value of "buying local." What some Edinans may not fully realize, however, is that the same concept is just as applicable to the wine you pair with your salad as to the greens you put into it.

Cliff Wexler and his wife, both retired teachers, moved to Edina two years ago to be closer to family. After relocating, one of the things that impressed Wexler early on about the community was its municipally owned liquor operations.

"We don't drink or purchase much alcohol, but occasionally look for a nice bottle of wine to complement dinner," he said. "The Edina Liquor store on Vernon Avenue is by far the closest option."

More important even than location, though, is the knowledge that Edina Liquor's net profits will be put right back into the community - invested in facilities and services that he enjoys in his retirement.

"For instance, revenue from [the three Edina Liquor stores] ... supports Edina Art Center endeavors," he said. In the past, he and his wife have both enrolled in a variety of art classes. Also, Wexler is a member of the ongoing Art & Culture Working Group commissioned by the Art Center Board to plan a vision for the Edina art community's future.

"When the opportunity arises, I always make a point of reminding people of the importance of the Edina Liquor subsidy to art activities - of how that income reduces fiscal pressures."

The case is much the same for Edina's sports facilities and youth leagues. "I have three very active grandsons and enjoy watching them play hockey and soccer. Braemar Arena and other venues are as great as they are because Edina Liquor money - not just our tax dollars - allow it to be that way... I'm really thankful for the great arrangement."


Click Here to See More Hometown Heroes

Wine Rack For Sale 
Perham Wine Rack 

Landmark Liquors in Perham, MN has four wooden wine display racks on wheels in excellent condition available for sale. 


The racks are each made to display ten varietals of wine.  


They are asking $200 each.


Call liquor manager Bob Dreger: 218-346-2150


Click Here to Email Bob

In Flooded Barnum, a Community Pulls Together

For those readers living outside Minnesota, there has been severe flooding in the northern part of the state.


According to a news report:


The Barnum municipal liquor store is now just a beer garden, with picnic tables and a big tent in the parking lot.


Employee Krysta Konieska said the basement was flooded, ruining the tap lines and some inventory. But they've set up an outdoor bar.


"At least we're open so people have a place now to come and take a break from cleaning up their houses," Konieska said.


Click Here for More on the Flood


New Study Reveals Underage Youth are Successful at Online Alcohol Purchases 

Under 21 

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill conducted a study to determine if minors could successfully purchase alcohol online and also examined age verification procedures for online alcohol sales.


Study findings included that 45 out of 100 orders attempted by underage buyers were successful, even though they provided their real underage driver license when asked.


Only 28% of orders placed by minors were rejected because of age verification.


The study concluded that age verification procedures used by Internet alcohol vendors do not adequately prevent online sales to minors.


Shipping companies should work with their staff to improve

administration of age verification at delivery, and vendors should use rigorous age verification at order and delivery.


The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation funded this study which was published in the May issue of the Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine and can be reviewed in its entirety here: http://archpedi.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?articleid=1149402 

Don't underestimate the power of a vision.
 McDonald's founder, Ray Kroc, pictured his empire long before it existed, and he saw how to get there.
He invented the company motto - 'Quality, service, cleanliness and value' - and kept repeating it to employees for the rest of his life.

Future Dates to Remember!!

2012 MMBA Regional Meetings


Fall 2012


2013 MMBA Boot Camp 


February 19 & 20, 2013

Breezy Point Resort


2013 MMBA Annual Conference


May 18 - 21, 2013

Arrowwood Resort

Ask A Director

Gary Buysse

Cathy Pletta
Vicki Segerstrom
Brian Hachey

Nancy Drumsta

Lara Smetana
Pine City

Michael Friesen

Tom Agnes
Brooklyn Center

Steve Grausam

Toni Buchite
50 Lakes

Brenda Visnovec
Bridgitte Konrad
North Branch
Shelly Dillon
Karissa Kurth
Buffalo Lake
Paul Kaspszak

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Wine 101
Beverage Alcohol Training
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 Bob Leslie remains available to do alcohol awareness server training.
Contact him at:
The Other Night...

The other night Jerry was out with his friends at a bar.


 He had a few drinks and got a little tipsy.  


 Knowing he was slightly "over the limit" Jerry did somethinghe'd never done before: he took a bus home.


Sure enough, the bus came to a police checkpoint but they waved it past.


So Jerry arrived home safely without incident and felt genuinely surprised because he'd never driven a bus before and wasn't exactly sure where he got it. 

2011 MMBA Platinum Members 

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