Minnesota Municipal Beverage Association Newsletter
(May 27, 2012 - June 2, 2012)
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As I See It...

No Negativity 


Well, another great MMBA annual conference has come and gone.


It is always great to see everyone who regularly attends, as well as meeting new people who attend for the first time. I always leave the conference with new ideas and discovering things I currently do that I should be doing different or better.


One thing that sticks with me every year is are the "glass half empty" people who attend and spread their negativity amongst other attendees.


The place I experience both the good and the bad discussions is mostly at meal times. It is so helpful to sit at the table at mealtime and hear what others are saying about their operations and sharing helpful information with the people they are with.


The conference cannot always offer totally "new" seminars that no one has heard before. We use our Commercial Members and outside presentors to facilitate these sessions and although you may have "heard it before," it is important to respect what they do and listen to what they have to say!


My Mother had a great saying we should all live by........" If you can't say anything nice then don't say anything at all". Appreciate that people work hard to put together a presentation to help us make our operations successful.


Paul just put out a survey about the conference this week. I encourage you to fill it out and let us know what you would like different for next year. He works very hard to see that there is something for everyone; but he is also always looking for new ideas.


Click Here to Access the Survey


Please try to keep in mind all the hard work that goes into this conference and let us know if you have any suggestions to make it even better next year.


I would like to say thanks to Paul Kaspszak for all his efforts to make each year's conference a success and he is already looking towards the future to make every MMBA event valuable to all members.


Nancy Drumsta

Delano Wine & Spirits


Q & A: Electronic Pull-Tabs & Linked Bingo
Gambling Control Board 
The Minnesota Gambling Control Board has prepared a document addressing various aspects of the new electronic
pull-tab and linked Bingo legislation.
Remember, both on and off sales can participate.
                                           Click Here to See the Document 
Find Your Niche
Hot Dog Vendor
MMBA constantly stresses the importance of finding your "business niche."

Many places sell alcohol, but what makes your establishment different?
For example, many people sell hot dogs at ball parks, but Mike Vedder does it differently at Target Field,  He promotes his product enthusiastically while walking the aisles and carefully writes "TWINS" on the dog with mustard and catsup. 
It makes him different.  It makes him popular.  It makes him money!!
Hot Dog
Man Faces Fourth Drunk Driving Charge After Lawn Tractor Incident
Lwan Tractor 

JACKSON, Wis. - Authorities say a man who drove a lawn tractor on the sidewalk, street and into a Walgreen's parking lot in Washington County is facing his fourth drunken driving charge.


Jackson police say a preliminary breath test showed the 69-year-old man had a blood alcohol content of .21, more than 2½ times the legal limit for operating a motor vehicle.


Squad car video shows the man on the lawn tractor motioning for police to go around him when an officer pulled up behind him Sunday evening, May 27.


The Journal Sentinel says he's being held in the Washington County Jail on $1,200 bond.

When Urgency is Needed




Top signs urgency is needed in an organization:

  • Employees miss meetings
  • Meetings are all discussion, no action items
  • No (or few) decisions being made
  • No action items are completed since the last meeting
  • People blame others for things not getting done
  • Specific assignments are regularly not finished on time
  • Meetings end with no decisions made
  • Schedules are too full to attend important meetings
Future Dates to Remember!!

2012 MMBA Regional Meetings


Fall 2012


2013 MMBA Boot Camp 


February 19 & 20, 2013

Breezy Point Resort


2013 MMBA Annual Conference


May 18 - 21, 2013

Arrowwood Resort

Ask A Director

Gary Buysse

Cathy Pletta
Vicki Segerstrom
Brian Hachey

Nancy Drumsta

Lara Smetana
Pine City

Michael Friesen

Tom Agnes
Brooklyn Center

Steve Grausam

Toni Buchite
50 Lakes

Brenda Visnovec
Bridgitte Konrad
North Branch
Shelly Dillon
Karissa Kurth
Buffalo Lake
Paul Kaspszak

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Wine 101
An Elderly Couple is Sitting at a Restaurant
Elderly Couple

An elderly couple is sitting at a restaurant and

 neither one of them is speaking to the other.


After a while the wife says to the husband,

"How come you never talk to me anymore?"


To which the husband replies

"I already told you everything I know a long time ago." 

Failure is no more fatal than success is permanent

2011 MMBA Platinum Members 

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