Minnesota Municipal Beverage Association Newsletter
(May 13, 2012 - May 19, 2012)
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As I See It...


Vignette (literature), short, impressionistic scenes that focus on one moment or give a particular insight into a character, idea, or setting.


The 2006 mockumentary Borat stars English comedian Sasha Baron Cohen in the title role as a fictional Kazakh tourist interacting with real Americans. In a relevant scene Borat tours a grocery chain store. He is perplexed by the store's cheese selection; it seems to stretch endlessly! " Is this cheese, is this cheese is this cheese, is this cheese?" Do we really need all of this cheese/vodka, etc.?


Paco Underhill tells us in his 1999 book Why We Buy that consumers buy what they see. This is an over simplification but the book makes a valid point. Who are we serving with multitudinous flavors of the same product?


Do we really need the 13 pack bump out baker's dozen light beer 16 oz. can? Does the layout of your store perpetuate the contemporary mantra of maximization of gross profit while perpetuating overall sales growth? Increased selection does not mean 16 different package sizes of the same brand!


Shop your store as a consumer. Are you directing your customers to value packaging or to items that enhance your gross profit?


Plan a road trip to visit other stores in your area! Contact managers in your general vicinity and meet for lunch to share ideas and industry concerns. You do yourself and your city a disservice by not playing hooky, authorized hooky that is, to visit other retail locations. Shop a Target or Walmart store scientifically; these people know what they're doing!


A resident of your community will ask why your city is selling liquor. Are you prepared to answer?


Still room in Alexandria for our Spring Conference!!!! Call Paul at 612-799-1629.


Gary Buysse

Rogers Wine & Spirits

Fixtures For Sale
For Sale 

Due to their move to a new location, 
Robbinsdale Wines & Spirits has fixtures
for sale.

A More Modern Look in Eagle Bend
Eagle Bend

by Marlo Benning, Todd County Independent News

You can now order drinks off the roof at the city-owned muni in Eagle Bend.

Well, not literally "off the roof" such as where the shingles are, but from what may be described as the roof of the bar area where the drinks are prepared and served.

A new look has been slowly taking form inside the bar over the past few months including this area above the bar that used to be shingled. It has now been redone and will list a variety of drinks for order "off the roof".

If you've frequented the store lately, you would have seen that two new big screen TVs grace the walls and a change of decor and new paint schemes have transformed the bar area into a more modern look. Some of the shelving has also been replaced in the store.

"Barb Hess [Kevin's wife] has been instrumental with new ideas and creativity," said Deputy City Clerk Twila Pierce, who also noted that a lot of the elbow grease came in the form of volunteer help.

Last summer, the exterior was given a facelift as windows were repaired or replaced and tuck pointing was done to the brickwork. New entrance doors are next on the docket to be installed.

"We are trying to spruce it up. It can be hard with an older building, but you have to work with what you have," said Pierce, who has been handling many of the day-to-day operations at the bar since previous Liquor Store Manager Steve Maland left the position in mid-September.
Maland was not replaced due to the city's budget, but the cost savings has helped to fund some of the upgrades in the bar.

Pierce works in the city office with City Administrator Kevin Hess. Together they handle the duties at the liquor store. The financial part of it fell naturally into Hess' hands, while Pierce takes care of the inventory and scheduling.

Pierce noted that the store employees have been really good about filling in when they can and taking on additional responsibilities.

"Even a couple of the council members have been willing to fill in. It is good because they learn more about the operation," said Pierce.

They've been putting on some special events as well to bring in more customers such as wine and lager tasting sessions. They now also offer birthday packages with three different options. A ten percent off table is also present in the off-sale area.

Pierce feels that the new paint colors have brightened up the bar. Old pictures from the museum were blown up and placed on the walls and more may be added in time.

"It makes it feel more like community I guess, too," concluded Pierce.

Wine Aerobics
Wine Aerobics
Future Dates to Remember!!

2012 MMBA Annual Conference
May 20-22, 2012
Arrowwood Resort



Ask A Director

Gary Buysse

Cathy Pletta
Vicki Segerstrom
Brian Hachey

Nancy Drumsta

Lara Smetana
Pine City

Michael Friesen

Tom Agnes
Brooklyn Center

Steve Grausam

Toni Buchite
50 Lakes

Michelle Olson
E-Mail Me

Bridgitte Konrad
North Branch
Shelly Dillon
Paul Kaspszak

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Did you hear about the new drink called a "card table?"

You drink one and your legs fold up under you.
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