Minnesota Municipal Beverage Association Newsletter
(April 22, 2012 - April 28, 2012)
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As I See It... 
Best of Twin Cities 

The magazine City Pages recently published their Best of the Twin Cities issue.


Note the characteristics of the following two winners can be applied to any size and type of beverage operation, located anywhere:


Best Liquor Store: Zipp's Liquors


When it comes to liquor stores, you don't need much. In fact, all you really need is booze, and the folks at Zipp's realize this.


There's nothing fancy about the place, which has been in Seward since before your dad scrounged up his first fake ID, but that's not to say it's lacking class. Quite the contrary: You can find a healthy selection of craft beers, domestic and international wines, and all manner of hard liquor, all at prices that are more reasonable than those fancy (and not-so-fancy) joints.


What's more, the staff can actually help you decide whether you should take that $10 pinot noir or the $15 cabernet that's on sale - and they won't make you feel stupid or get surly about it.


Best Wine Store: The Wine Thief


Could St. Paul be edging into hipsterdom? If the town of a-beer-and-a-bump is creeping toward cool, the Wine Thief is carrying the torch.


Tucked into a tiny bit of food-and-wine heaven (Scusi and the Groveland Tap are each a bottle toss away), the Wine Thief has taken an approach to wine-selling that presumes people want to drink wines that taste good and bypass having to learn about appellations and varietals and terroir first.


Wines are organized into categories: "Spicy," "Bold," "Harmonious," "Crisp," "Fruity," "Sweet," "Fizzy," and "Sake." Within those designations is a wide selection of wines, and a well-educated staff can help you define your flavor preferences, interpret the labels, and recommend food pairings.


Although the store selects its wine with an insistence on quality, it also keeps an eye on price. There's almost always something to taste and somebody to chat with, maybe about wine or maybe about the playlist on the Current.


The Friday and Saturday wine tastings feel like a wonderful jumble of a party, sort of like Wine Thief's website, where barking dogs, a Vespa-driving career gal, inept criminals, running police, and other bells and whistles can help while away a fanciful hour.


Still want that beer to go with your bump? Try next door at the Jail Ale: same playful theme, same philosophy, same ownership.


Paul Kaspszak

MMBA Executive Director


Wine Racks
Stacy Wine Rack
Stacy Wine & Spirits has some wine racks for sale (pictured above).

There are two of them.

Each have 24 lay down display slots and storage above and below.

The dimensions are: 4' wide x 19" deep x 6'4" high.

They are asking $200 per rack or best offer. They are willing to trade as well. 

Liquor Commissioner Acquitted


Nevis Liquor Commissioner Cammy Johnson was acquitted April 18 by a Hubbard County jury of selling liquor to a minor during a compliance "sting" operation while working as a clerk at the Nevis Municipal Liquor Store.


Johnson admitted selling a six-pack of Mike's Hard Lemonade to an underage decoy who was accompanied by law enforcement officers. The decoy, Amber Dearstyne, was one month shy of her 21st birthday.


Both Johnson, who later quit her job, and store manager Lisa Kamrowski testified that Dearstyne presented a driver's license that did not have the identifying red band around it, indicating she was under 21. Johnson said she glanced at the birth date but wasn't wearing her reading glasses and looked for the identifying red band.


In finding her not guilty, the jury apparently subscribed to the defense's argument that Johnson was set up and entrapped. (Park Rapids Enterprise via Pilot Independent)

Innovation Secrets from Domino's Pizza

By John Kotter


The other night, I saw a new Domino's Pizza commercial that I thought carried an important message for leaders.


The ad tells the story of a new product that was dreamed up by a franchise store owner in a small town in Ohio and is now being sold at locations across the country.


"A great idea can come from anywhere," says Patrick Doyle, the CEO of Domino's. While a bit tongue-in-cheek, the commercial reveals an essential leadership lesson: seek input from your front-line employees. They know your customers the best, and they often have valuable insights for new and innovative ways of growing your business.

Click Here to See Video

Legislative Update


From: MMBA Lobbyist Sarah J. Psick


The past week, the Legislature has spent most of its time discussing the Vikings stadium bill, working out the details of conference committee bills, passing bills on the House and Senate Floors or waiting around while the House or Senate are in "recess". End of session negotiations have ramped up between Governor Dayton, Republican and DFL legislative leaders. The biggest issues being discussed in these negotiations are an omnibus tax bill, an omnibus bonding bill and a Vikings stadium bill.


Several bills were signed by Governor Dayton during the past week:


Omnibus Liquor Bill: The Governor signed the omnibus liquor bill which will allow for alcohol sales at the University of Minnesota TCF Stadium. Other provisions in the bill address the relocation of a liquor store in Minneapolis destroyed by the 2011 tornado and provisions relating to a one-day craft beer festival.

Click Here to See Omnibus Liquor Bill


Omnibus Education Policy Bill:   The omnibus education policy bill includes a provision that school districts pay teachers who are on military leave their full salary - under current law, districts reduce teacher pay to offset substitute teacher costs.


Omnibus Lands Bill: The omnibus state lands bill was signed by the Governor. This bill is an annual Department of Natural Resources bill which authorizes the sale of certain tax forfeited lands.


Absentee Ballot Changes: This bill removes the requirement that a voter must date the back of a return envelope of an absentee ballot.   The House had included a provision to move the state's primary election from August to June, but the Senate rejected this provision and it was not included in the final bill.


Department of Human Services Policy Bill:   The bill is related to children and family services policy, adoption reform, child support, child care, child safety and MFIP provisions and modifications.


The Governor vetoed bills relating to collective bargaining, a bill which would impose licensure requirements only upon clinics where abortions are performed, a bill which would require the legislative, executive and judicial branches of state government to use the federal E-Verify program for all newly hired employees, and a bill requiring local government employers to approve participation in or withdrawal from the Public Employees' Insurance Program.


Final Days: The Legislature is maintaining its intention to adjourn the 2012 legislative session by the end of the day on Monday, April 30th.   Although the Minnesota Constitution allows the Legislature to work until Monday, May 21st.   A number of issues are currently being debated by the Legislature and working their way to the Governor's desk.   Among these issues are - omnibus legacy funding bill, omnibus environment policy bill, omnibus game and fish bill, omnibus higher education policy bill, and an omnibus pensions bill among others.


The high profile issues yet to be resolved include an omnibus bonding bill, an omnibus tax bill and resolution of the Vikings stadium issue.


Traditionally, after the adjournment of the legislative session sine die, the members of each body remain on the House or Senate Floor and spend some time allowing retiring legislators to give a good bye speech to their colleagues. To date, 27 House members have announced that they will retire from the legislature or are running for another office. In the Senate, 14 current members will not seek re-election to the Senate. It is anticipated that other retirements will be announced in the closing days of the legislative session.


Future Dates to Remember!!

2012 MMBA Annual Conference
May 20-22, 2012
Arrowwood Resort



Ask A Director

Gary Buysse

Cathy Pletta
Vicki Segerstrom
Brian Hachey

Nancy Drumsta

Lara Smetana
Pine City

Michael Friesen

Tom Agnes
Brooklyn Center

Steve Grausam

Toni Buchite
50 Lakes

Michelle Olson
E-Mail Me

Bridgitte Konrad
North Branch
Shelly Dillon
Paul Kaspszak

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Wine 101
Monticello to Add Second Facility

The Monticello city council recently approved the signing of a purchase agreement to establish a second municipal liquor store on the east side of town.


The city will use its liquor funds to complete the sale and make any necessary renovations to the site.

The main push behind the second liquor store location was to offer another choice for residents on the east side of town as well as travelers passing through on their way to Highway 10 and points north.


The location would be more amenable for travelers with boats or campers to get in and out compared with the city's liquor store off of Highway 25. Another liquor store, Mayor Clint Herbst said in previous discussions on the topic, would provide another avenue to bring revenue into the city without having to tax residents.


Click Here for Full Story


A Penguin Walks Into a Bar..
A penguin walks into a bar and asks the bartender, "Have you seen my brother?"
"I don't know.  What does he look like?" 
Is it important to the customer, or does it just make you feel better?

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