Minnesota Municipal Beverage Association Newsletter
(April 15, 2012 - April 21, 2012)
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As I See It... 


The City of Callaway just finished up the 2011 audit.


I am so glad when it is done. It is like a big test. Every year I think I am organized and ready. Unfortunately there is always something that needs to be done or improved upon. Each year is a little easier then the last. One thing that makes it easier is a good relationship with the Liquor Store Manager.


The three big items that help me stay organized and on task for the liquor audit are:


1)    Cycle Inventory; each week the manager does a portion of the inventory. I do a spot check on the inventory once a month. By doing this we no longer have to do the January 1st inventory with council. Plus, we find problems sooner and we are able to run less inventory if we have to.


2)    The Manager makes a daily deposit and I receive the deposit slips daily. The Manager only keeps cash that is needed on hand, everything else is deposited. I can review the credit card deposits immediately so if there is a problem we fix it quickly.


3)    Last but not least; COMMUNICATION between the Liquor Manager and City Hall. We are on the same team, so the better the Liquor Manager understands what I need from her, and the better I understand what she needs from me, the better EVERYTHING is.


We are not the perfect Municipal On/Off Sale facility. We certainly have problems we are dealing with, but we do try to do the right things for the City. We offer local employment, put money in the city funds to offset taxes, and are a contributing member of the community.


Looking forward to next year's audit, NOT!




Shelly Dillon

City of Callaway


Southern to Distribute Yellow Tail 
Yellow Tail 

WJ Deutsch & Sons, a US-based marketer of domestic and international wines and spirits brands including Yellow Tail and Southern Wine & Spirits, a wine and spirits distributor, have inked a distribution agreement with Southern Wine & Spirits of America of Minnesota (Southern).


The agreement grants Southern the rights to sell all product offering from WJ Deutsch & Sons in Minnesota starting from 12 April 2012.


The new deal is in line with the distribution agreement between WJ Deutsch & Sons and Southern for the other regions in the US, which includes sales and marketing initiatives and targets.


WJ Deutsch & Sons CEO Peter Deutsch said the comapny has worked with Southern Wine & Spirits for 31 years to build the brands, and looks to widening the success in Minnesota.


Southern executive vice president and general manager Brad Vassar said working with Will Conniff - executive vice president, general manager of Minnesota, Illinois and Kentucky divisions - along with the company's entire in-state Minnesota team, they are confident that their partnership with Deutsch in Minnesota will soon bring a new level of service excellence to all of the on- and off-premise customers across the state.


WJ Deutsch & Sons portfolio includes wines from Australia, California,

France, Italy, New Zealand, Chile, Argentina, Poland and Spain.
MOFAS Hosting Mocktail Photo Contest

During Alcohol Awareness month in April, the Minnesota Organization on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (MOFAS) is hosting a Mocktail (non-alcohol beverage) Photo Contest on their Facebook page!


With your help, they will be able to share their mission with others and raise awareness about FASD, and you'll have a chance to win some great prizes.


The contest is open for entries and votes through April 30. Be sure to submit a photo of your favorite Mocktail and include the name of your concoction. Don't forget the recipe so others can make it too.  


Visit www.facebook.com/mofas.org to submit your entry.


Get your friends and family to vote for your entry, and the top three people with the most votes will win a $100 gift certificate to Hot Mama (www.shopmama.com). These can be redeemed at any location, or online.


The winners will be announced on April 30. Good luck!


(Remember: Only non-alcohol drinks will be considered as submissions)

Legislative Update

From:   MMBA Lobbyist Sarah J. Psick


The Legislature returned from the Easter/Passover break on Monday, April 16 and has spent most of the time working to pass bills on the House and Senate Floors.


 A number of bills and conference committee reports were passed and a few high profile committee hearings were held.


Governor Dayton, Speaker of the House Zellers and Senate Majority Leader Senjem met several times during the week to discuss issues that they hope to find agreement on before the end of session. However, there have not been any breakthroughs or plans for end of session negotiations.


Bonding Update: The House and Senate have not voted on the bills to provide funding for the state's capital improvement projects. The Governor has recommended a bonding package of $750 million, the Senate has proposed a $460 million bill, and the House has proposed a $280 million bill.


In addition, the House has proposed a second bill to provide $221 million in general obligation bonds for improvements to the Capitol building. On Thursday, the House debated this bill for several hours before taking a vote. The Minnesota Constitution provides that passage of a bonding bill requires a vote of at least three-fifths of the members of each body in the legislature - or 81 votes in the House and 41 votes in the Senate. The vote on the bill for the restoration of the Capitol was 80-50, thus the bill was defeated.


Vikings Stadium Update: The efforts to pass a bill this session that will provide for the construction of a new stadium for the Minnesota Vikings has taken several turns this week. On Monday night, the House Government Operations and Elections Committee held a hearing an extensive hearing on the bill. At the end of the hearing, the bill was defeated by a vote of 6-9.


The separate bill to authorize electronic pull tabs, linked bingo and sports themed tip boards was heard in the House Taxes Committee on Thursday night. This bill is also included in the proposed Vikings Stadium bill as the state's funding source for the stadium. However, the bill heard in the Taxes committee was only the electronic charitable gaming bill with no language authorizing a stadium. The bill was passed without recommendation to the House Ways and Means Committee.


On Friday, the Vikings Stadium legislative efforts garnered national attention as the NFL Commissioner, Roger Goodell, flew to Minnesota to meet with Governor Dayton, Republican and DFL legislative leadership, and the legislative authors of the Viking bill. Mr. Goodell stressed the importance of addressing the Vikings stadium needs this session and not putting off a decision to the next legislature. Following the meeting, Legislative leaders indicated that committee hearings will continue in efforts to move the bill forward yet this session.


Also on Friday, the Senate Local Government Committee met and considered two bills relating to the stadium. The first bill was a proposal from Ramsey County to build the stadium in the city of Arden Hills on the land of the former Twin Cities Army Ammunition Plant (TCAAP). The bill is similar to the proposal brought forward by Ramsey County last fall. The bill was laid over and no vote was taken.


The second bill considered by the Senate Local Government Committee was the proposal to build a stadium on the current land of the Metrodome and is supported by the Mayor of Minneapolis. After an extensive debate and several amendments to modify the bill, the bill was passed by the committee without recommendation to the Senate Jobs Committee by a vote of 8-6.


Beer at TCF Stadium: The House and Senate conference committee have worked out the differences in the Omnibus Liquor bill which provides various changes to the state's liquor laws. One of the high profile issues included in the bill is the provision that will allow for alcohol sales at the TCF Stadium on the University of Minnesota. Sales may

be made in the luxury suites as well as a designated area that is available to the general public. And, at least one Minnesota produced beer must be available. Go Gophers!


Fishing Opener: A few weeks ago the House Floor passed an amendment which would move the fishing opener up one week for the 2012 season. There was a lot of speculation that the Senate would agree with this proposal and adopt the same language. However, a lot of opposition has arisen and it looks like the Minnesota fishing opener will remain on May 12th.


County Attorneys: County attorneys or assistant county attorneys can now carry a firearm on duty provided they have a state issued permit to carry. Governor Dayton was surrounded by the bill authors and county attorneys from across the state as he held a ceremonial bill signing. This bill was passed in response to the shooting of a Cook County Attorney by a defendant in December, 2011. Supporters of the bill stressed that it is about personal safety of the county attorneys and assistant county attorneys.


New State Senator:   Former Representative Lyle Koenen (DFL - Clara City) was sworn in as the newest member of the Minnesota Senate on Wednesday, April 18. A special election was held on Tuesday, April 10, 2012 in Senate District 20 to fill the seat left vacant by the death of former Senator Gary Kubly (DFL - Granite Falls) earlier this session.


Former Representative Lyle Koenen (DFL - Clara City) won the special election with 54 percent of the vote.   He defeated Republican Gregg Kulberg who garnered 15 percent of the vote and Independent candidate Leon Greenslit who gained about five percent of the vote.


Only 19 percent of registered voters voted in the special election. However, due to the newly drawn maps and redistricting, the seat will be in the new Senate District 17 which pairs current Senator Joe Gimse (R - Willmar) with newly elected Senator Lyle Koenen. Governor Dayton has said he will not call a special election for the vacancy now created in the Minnesota House.


What's Next, What's Left: Gridlock, partisan fighting, finger pointing, little to no action on major bills - this is what grabs the headlines in the paper. "Oh wow! Cool!". This is what you hear when a group of school kids walk into the balcony of the House gallery and they take a look at the House Chamber. It is a good contrast to the often partisan bickering that is taking place on the Floor below.


The Speaker of the House sent a memo to the members of the House before the session started stating that the House would adjourn sine die on April 30, 2012. This gives the legislature a little over a week to finish its work.


A number of issues are still outstanding - omnibus tax bill, omnibus legacy appropriations, omnibus bonding bill, the Vikings stadium and others.


A week can go very quickly during a legislative session and at the same time a lot can be accomplished in a week. Everyone should be ready for late nights and long Floor sessions.

Future Dates to Remember!!

2012 MMBA Annual Conference
May 20-22, 2012
Arrowwood Resort



Ask A Director

Gary Buysse

Cathy Pletta
Vicki Segerstrom
Brian Hachey

Nancy Drumsta

Lara Smetana
Pine City

Michael Friesen

Tom Agnes
Brooklyn Center

Steve Grausam

Toni Buchite
50 Lakes

Michelle Olson
E-Mail Me

Bridgitte Konrad
North Branch
Shelly Dillon
Paul Kaspszak

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Wine 101
Bob Leslie Retirement Party
Bob Leslie

After a gazillion years as a liquor store manager, former MMBA director Bob Leslie recently retired (although he will still be doing MMBA Beverage Alcohol Trainings).


There will be a retirement party for Bob on Monday, May 7th from 5-8 pm at the VFW Post 1223 in Dilworth, MN.


The address is 1505 Center Ave. W, Dilworth, MN. It is located south of Slumberland Furniture.


For those who cannot make the event, but want to send a card, Bob's address is 2622 - 29th Ave. So., Moorhead, MN 56560

Visual Merchandising

Visual Merchandising is a very important component of any successful operation.


Visual merchandising is the activity of developing floor plans and three-dimensional displays in order to  

attract, engage and motivate the customer towards making a purchase.


Click Here for Some Visual Merchandising Tips

A Man Walks Into a Bar...
Drunk Guy 2
A man walks into a bar and orders a beer.
The bartender puts a coaster and a beer up on the bar.
Ten minutes later, the man ordered another beer.
The bartender brings him the beer and sees the coaster has disappeared, so he brings another one.
Ten minutes later, another beer and again the coaster is missing.
This time the bartender puts the beer down without a coaster.
"Hey" the man says, "what about my cookie?" 
Making yourself uncomfortable can lead to important insights about new markets
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