Minnesota Municipal Beverage Association Newsletter
(March 25, 2012 - March 31, 2012)
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As I See It... 


We all need to promote our business so the public is aware of us and what we have to offer them.


There are many ways that this can be done for very little cost.


We have collected e-mail address from our customers and mail them a monthly calendar of events.


I try to get the calendar put together by the middle of the previous month so people have time to plan. These calendars are also available to be picked up on our off sale counterand posted on our bathroom walls and bulletin board. I also e-mail any specials and news.


Recently we started a Facebook page. It is still very new so we don't know how much this will help us. But it has been fun updating with news and photos of doings. We are getting more friends every day. I post upcoming events and photos of activities that have recently happened.


We have windows on the walls of our bathroom decorated to match the décor. Then we put ads in the panes for our weekly specials and monthly events. These are easily changed and I use colored paper to make it bright and noticeable.


Our entryway was getting cluttered with the ads and postings on the bulletin board so we decided to eliminate it. I then painted the wall with metal paint to make it magnetic. Over the magnetic paint I put black board paint and now change the look every time I change the black board. It is more noticeable as patrons enter and I can change it easily.


An upcoming event is the conference at Alexandria in May. Tom Agnes will be presenting a class on social media that I will be attending to pick up some pointers. Hope to see you there!


Toni Buchite

50 Lakes Bar & Bottle Shop


2010 State Auditor's Report on Municipal Liquor Operations


The 2010 State Auditor's Report on Municipal Liquor Operations has been released.


Highlights Include:


* The combined net profit of all municipal liquor operations totaled $21.74 million in 2010. This represents a decrease of $204,781, or 0.9 percent, from the amount generated in 2009.


Among on-sale operations, net profits totaled $2.0 million in 2010, which was a decrease of $266,079, or 11.9 percent, from 2009. Total net profits for off-sale operations totaled $19.7 million in 2010, which was an increase of $61,298, or 0.3 percent, over 2009.


Over the past five years, net profits have increased 8.0 percent. Among off-sale stores, there was a 16.0 percent increase in net profits, while on-sale stores showed a decrease of 35.7 percent.


* During 2010, Minnesota's municipal liquor operations reported a 15th consecutive year of record sales totaling $313.5 million. Total sales generated in 2010 increased by $2.2 million, or 0.7 percent, over 2009.


* During 2010, Minnesota's municipal liquor stores transferred $16.6 million of their profits to other city funds. This represents an increase of 0.7 percent from the total net transfers made in 2009. Transfers totaled $6.3 million among Metro Area establishments, compared to $10.3 million for Greater Minnesota establishments.


When making facility comparisons, it is important to understand how the numbers were generated for each operation.

If you have questions, feel free to contact the MMBA office.


Click Here for the Full Report 

Auditor's Report Comments


The State Auditor's Report in the above article always generates local press.


Here are some comments being made:


* "Dave Potvin and his staff definitely operate and maintain an impressive operation," said Elk River City Administrator Cal Portner. "Our locations, along two prominent highways, are an advantage. However, the attractive facilities and knowledgeable staff provide a service not found in many other liquor operations."


Portner said the entire Elk River community benefits from the liquor operation as the proceeds have been used to offset the use of property taxes to fund numerous city park improvements, to purchase city equipment, to general fund operations as well as provide a significant contribution to a new public works facility.


* Blue Earth's municipal liquor store has been a boon to the city.

City Administrator Kathy Bailey said the muni's munificence allowed  the city to pay off its bond on the store earlier this year, and this summer  a park picnic shelter will be built using store earnings.


"We're really doing well. It's a win-win all around," Bailey said.


* St. James City Manager Joe McCabe said the reasons for their store's yearly success is threefold: People know the city-owned swimming pool and movie theater depend on revenues from the store and patronize it accordingly, store manager Janice Stoesz runs a fiscally tight ship, and employees are routinely trained in customer service skills.


Legislative Update - Sunday Sales

Today (Friday, March 30), the House of Representatives took up the Omnibus Liquor bill which contains various provisions related to alcohol.  

Last night, MMBA / MLBA lobbyists Joe Bagnoli and Sarah Psick were told that two amendments involving Sunday sales would be offered on the floor.   


Joe and Sarah have been working all year to line up votes on the assumption that these amendments might be offered.  


In the morning and early afternoon, they worked to confirm legislator's previous commitments as well as to encourage supporters to speak against the amendments. 


They were very successful.  Both amendments were soundly defeated.

The first amendment was offered by Representative Drazkowski (R-Mazzeppa) to allow for the Sunday Sale of alcohol statewide.   


The following representatives, spoke against the amendment in support of off-sale license holders:

Joe Atkins (D-Inver Grove Heights)
Morrie Lanning (R-Morehead)
Kerry Gauthier (D-Duluth)
Tom Rukavina (D-Chisholm)
Joe McDonald (R-Watertown)
Bob Gunther (R-Fairmont)
Greg Davids (R-Preston)
Dean Urdahl (R-Litchfeild)
Larry Howes (R-Walker)
John Ward (D-Brainerd)
Bruce Anderson (R-Buffalo)
Mike Benson (R-Rochester)

In addition to Representative Drazkowski, the amendment's author, the following representatives spoke in favor of the amendment:

David Dill (D-Cross Lake)
John Kriesel (R-Cottage Grove)
Tina Liebling (R-Rochester)
Phyllis Kahn (D-Minneapolis)

This amendment was defeated 97-25.


Those voting in favor of the amendment (and FOR Sunday Sales):


Benson, J.



















Peterson, S.






The second amendment was offered by Representative John Kriesel (R-Cottage Grove).  This amendment allowed Minnesota counties that bordered Canada, Wisconsin, Iowa, North and South Dakota to allow Sunday sales.  


With very little discussion, this amendment failed 99-21.


Those voting in favor of the amendment (and FOR Sunday Sales in certain counties):


Anderson, P.


Benson, J.




















Thank you to all members who continue to contact their legislators to express their opposition to Sunday Sales and great job Joe and Sarah!

Future Dates to Remember!!

2012 MMBA Annual Conference
May 20-22, 2012
Arrowwood Resort



Ask A Director

Gary Buysse

Cathy Pletta
Vicki Segerstrom
Brian Hachey

Nancy Drumsta

Lara Smetana
Pine City

Michael Friesen

Tom Agnes
Brooklyn Center

Steve Grausam

Toni Buchite
50 Lakes

Michelle Olson
E-Mail Me

Bridgitte Konrad
North Branch
Shelly Dillon
Paul Kaspszak

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Wine 101
Fabulous News from Twin Valley!!
Money Bags

The MMBA office happily received the following note from Twin Valley.

 a small combination facility in

Greater Minnesota:


I just wanted to catch you up on the progress our facility has made this past year.


We just had a meeting with our city auditor  & we had a operating income of $21,300 for the 2011FY.  This is a definite improvement over the previous few years of losses. 


Our auditor noted the reduction in inventory, making timely deposits, tighter internal control measures and staff expectations have improved our operation.


Though we have had some glitches with our inventory control program, the cost of inventory counts have been much better than in the past. The auditor instructed us to continue to do periodic checks to monitor the inventory and the staff helped the audit go smoothly. 
A Guy Bumps Into a Drifter...

A guy bumps into a drifter who wants money for food.


The guy says, "If I give you $10, are you sure you won't spend it on beer?"


"I don't drink," the drifter says. 


"If I give you $10, will you gamble it away?"


"I don't gamble," the drifter says.


"If I give you $10 will you use it for golf?"


"I haven't played golf for 20 years," the drifter says.


"Well," the guys says,  "instead of money, I'm going to take you home so my wife can cook for you."


The drifter says, "But I look and smell awful.  Won't she be mad?"


"Maybe," says the guy, "but I want her to see what a man looks like after he's given up beer, gambing and golf."

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