The Pricing Game .49's and .99's -
Are you stuck in old ruts or are you a forward thinker?
I know this has been the subject of much discussion over the last few years. MMBA representatives travel throughout the state and discuss many items with managers that can help their business. Always at the top of that list is changing your pricing structure to end in .49s or .99s. This seems like a pretty simple concept to adhere to; when pricing a product most of the time simply move it up to the next price point or sometimes move it down.
A representative of the MMBA did an analysis of a municipal liquor store not too long ago and simply did a spread sheet with this structure. It proved to bring in an additional $9,000 of pure revenue for that store. Anyone out there that does not need an extra $9,000 in revenue? In the words of Jimmy Fallon in one of his commercials "Send it to me!"
Believe me when I say I have been all over the state and heard every reason for rounding those pennies. In fact I used to be one of the people that made that excuse when I was questioned about it. After making that transition many years ago I realized I was simply carrying over old ideas that were set in place many years ago by managers who were long gone, and my fear of change would not let me see that this is a smart move.
In looking at the picture above, which is from a real municipal liquor store in Minnesota, can you see it through a customer's eyes or do those eyes of manager take over? If you are not a person who has authority over making these changes please question the person who does?
Can we as a group of Municipal liquor stores set a 2012 goal to get all our prices (Beer, Liquor, Wine and N/A) moved to this structure?
Please consider this move if you have not already. If you have already made the change please send me your story of success. If you are making the move in 2012 also send me your progress.
Finally I will leave you with a guy who was a forward thinker and achieved great success.
Most people spend more time and energy going around problems than in trying to solve them. - Henry Ford
Tom Agnes
MMBA President |