Minnesota Municipal Beverage Association Newsletter
(February 12, 2012 - February 18, 2012)
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As I See It... 

noun "A source of supply, support, especially one that can be readily drawn upon when needed."


MMBA is a "Resource" for you.


MMBA is a resource in many ways to our member cities and managers.


Over the years I have enjoyed assisting member cities as they progress on building new, remodeling and updating stores. The information shared between cities in regards to store layout, traffic flow, POS system, cooler layouts, beer caves, should we accept credit cards (the answer is YES!) has proven very valuable.


The supply of knowledge and information in our organization is a tremendous asset to all members. If you are looking into building new or remodeling let us offer your city some of our experience, The Price is Right..... Even at double the price. "Free!"


MMBA is here to support our member cities and management. As a member organization we need your involvement to let our legislative representatives know our positions regarding state policies and future laws. The days of being a manager and only looking at your store and not being concerned to what's happening in the next town, next county, elsewhere in Minnesota and for that matter our nation are long gone.


As managers for the cities we represent combined we have strength in numbers to protect our industry, not only for today but in the future.


Come join us this year at Boot Camp (Feb 20th -22nd), Legislative Day (Feb. 27) and our Annual Conference (May 20th -22nd)


Cheers to a successful year in 2012.


Michael Friesen

Hawley Liquors

14 Days of Love: Worthington Liquor Helped Customers Pick Out the Right Wine for Valentine's Day
wine glass 

In these two videos, Worthington Liquor manager Dan Wycoff offers ideas to help customers with their Valentine's Day purchases.


Click Here to See Video 

Educator Shares His Thoughts 
After 41 years in education, retiring Spring Lake Park principal Bill Sommers said he shares the following with students:
* If you don't like learning, you're not going to like life very much.  You'll have to learn at a rate I've never had to.
* I hear you say, "I can't wait until I'm 18 because I'm tired of people telling me what to do."  Well, I'm 65 and people keep on telling me what to do, so get over it.
* I sometimes consult with businesspeople and I ask them, "What do you want students to learn?"  Over the last 15 years, they've been telling me two things: We need someone who can work with a diverse group, not just ethnicity, but ideas. And we need creativity. 
Providing Great Customer Service
Customer Service 
While the following video is from a retail bread shop, the concepts discussed are applicable to any industry -- including greeting the customer, suggesting alternatives and more.
Legislative Update

By MMBA Lobbyist Sarah J. Psick


The Legislature was back at the Capitol for a full week of work after taking a break the previous week for members to attend precinct caucuses in their districts.


State of the State Address: Governor Dayton delivered his second State of the State address to a joint convention of the Legislature on Wednesday, February 15.   He emphasized three key points in his address:   (1) Invest in more jobs; (2) Invest in a stronger education system; and (3) Invest in reform of government services.


To invest in more jobs, the Governor urged the Legislature to pass a bonding bill in the near future, to pass a bill to build a Vikings stadium, and to adopt his "Jobs Now" tax credit proposal. The "Jobs Now" tax credit would encourage businesses to hire unemployed Minnesotans, Veterans and recent college graduate.  


On education and government reform, Governor Dayton pointed to the collaboration of the 2011 legislative session with passage of the Alternative Teacher Licensure and the environmental permitting and streamlining bills. He urges any reforms put forward by the Legislature this year to be developed in cooperation with the parties involved.


Governor Dayton also highlighted the structural needs of the Capitol building. He talked about the fact that the building is over 100 years old and is in structural disrepair and in need of improvements. In one final request to the Legislature, Governor Dayton asked them to make the sacrifice to move out of the Capitol building for the next four years in order to make the necessary improvements. This, of course, is easier said than done.


Voter ID Constitutional Amendment: In the first step to placing a proposed amendment to the Minnesota Constitution on the November ballot, the bill to require voters to show a photo ID when voting moved out of the Senate Local Government Committee this week.   The bill was passed along party lines after a lengthy debate about the Constitutionality of the issue and other opposition. The bill now moves to the Senate State Government Finance committee.


Teacher Reform "Last In/First Out": A key initiative in the Republican Reform agenda was passed by the House Floor on Thursday this week. The bill addresses the current method of teacher layoffs and the policy of "last in/first out" or LIFO. The bill seeks to eliminate the state policy that when a school district is forced to lay off teachers, the most recently hired teachers tend to be the first to be laid off.


The proponents of the bill and those wanting to change the current system point to young teachers whose students show high academic achievement and that is not considered when layoffs occur. If the bill becomes law, Minnesota would join about 18 other states that have moved toward performance-based decisions in recent years.  


Opponents of the bill argue that the bill would push school districts to lay off more senior, higher paid teachers.   The State's largest teacher union, Education Minnesota, is the main opponent of the bill.


Next Week: All Legislators are looking forward to next Tuesday, February 21 at approximately 1:00 p.m. when the courts will release the newly redistricted legislative maps to the public.   The new districts will guide the next election for the Minnesota House and Senate. The new maps will show where current legislators are put in the same district to face each other in the election and where newly created districts will exist.

Search for the Cleanest Pint in Minnesota
Pint Glass 

Glassware may look nice and shiny, but it does not mean a beer should be poured in it!


A "beer clean" glass is the first step to pouring a fulfilling beer! "Beer clean" is a term used to describe a glass that is free of impurities, oil, residue, and other stuff.


J.J. Taylor Distributing Company is on a search for the cleanest beer pints in Minnesota. They are taking a stand against dirty glassware in restaurants, pubs, & bars!


Joe Falkowski, created a Twitter campaign to raise awareness and praise establishments that take pride in clean glassware!


Note: The picture above is a beer clean glass!


Click Here for More - Including a Video on Cleaning Glassware

Future Dates to Remember!!
2012 MMBA / MLBA Legislative Day
February 27, 2012
Kelly Inn - St. Paul

MMBA Boot Camp
February 21-22, 2012
Breezy Point Resort 

2012 MMBA Annual Conference
May 20-22, 2012
Arrowwood Resort


Ask A Director

Gary Buysse

Cathy Pletta
Vicki Segerstrom
Brian Hachey

Nancy Drumsta

Lara Smetana
Pine City

Michael Friesen

Tom Agnes
Brooklyn Center

Steve Grausam

Toni Buchite
50 Lakes

Michelle Olson
E-Mail Me

Bridgitte Konrad
North Branch
Shelly Dillon
Paul Kaspszak

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Wine 101
Mike Walked Into a Post Office...
Post Office
Mike walked into a post office just before Valentine's day, he couldn't help noticing a middle-aged, balding man standing in a corner sticking "Love" stamps on bright pink envelopes with hearts all over them.
  Then the man got out a bottle of perfume from his pocket and started spraying scent over the envelopes. 
 By now Mike's curiosity had got the better of him, and so he asked the man why he was sending all those cards.  
The man replied, "I'm sending out 500 Valentine cards signed, Guess who?" 
"But why?" asked Mike.
  "I'm a divorce lawyer," the man replied.
It's the leader's job to initiate connection with the people
2011 MMBA Platinum Members 

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