Minnesota Municipal Beverage Association Newsletter
(January 22, 2012 - January 28, 2012)
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As I See It... 

With boot camp right around the corner I hope that many of you, if not all, are making your plans and arrangements to attend.


I have heard many make the comment they feel repeated attendance is not necessary as for the information is redundant, or the need to cut expenses for budgetary purposes.


I myself have attended all but the first couple. Yes we go over some of the same basic materials, but this is how we learn. We send our children to school to learn, and for the first years that is exactly how they are educated, by repetition.


But it's more than that.


There are always new things that are happening in our industry, changes that are forever keeping us on our toes and at our wits end, fellowship and friendships. We find out from discussions that we all have similar issues, and with that also some suggested solutions to be adapted or modified to our individual needs.


So if you have never attended, be there. If it's  been a couple or three years or perhaps last year, be there.


Go to the MMBA Website for more information: www.municipalbev.com


As I see it...It surely won't do you any harm, and only good can become of it. Come learn and help teach, so that we all may be successful in our jobs in the year to come.


Michelle Olson

Sebeka Liquor

What Happens If I Lower My Price Calculator 
Price is Right 
At last year's MMBA Regional Meetings there were several requests for MMBA Conference presenter Tom Shay's "What Happens If I Lower My Price Calculator."

There is always a discussion with businesses about the prices charged for a product or service.  If the price is $12, a manager will wonder if they can sell a lot more of the product if the price is reduced to $10.

This calculator helps to answer that question.

Winton Position Opening
Position Open


City of Winton Municipal Liquor Store Manager


Resumes being accepted through 

January 31, 2012.


Questions regarding position can be directed to city clerk at 218-365-5941 or 



The City of Winton is in far northeastern MN on the edge of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness in the heart of the Superior National Forest, approximately three miles from Ely MN.


Resumes may be sent to:


Winton Clerk

PO Box 163

Winton MN, 55796

Legislative Update 


The following is from MMBA Lobbyist Sara Pisick... 


The 2012 legislative session began at noon on Tuesday, January 24 in what legislators are predicting will be a "short session".  Many legislators had not returned to the Capitol since the divisive 2011 legislative session which resulted in a government shutdown and special session to enact a state budget in July.

Going into the 2012 legislative session there is a short list of items which legislators  are  looking  to  tackle.    The  second  year  of  the  biennium  is  typically  a "bonding" year when a capital investment bill is passed.   It is something that many legislators look forward to passing as they head into their re-elections.   Other issues that are likely to be considered this session include a variety possible Constitutional Amendments.  


Possible amendments include requiring a photo ID to vote, "right to work" (eliminating union membership rights), requiring a super majority to approve any tax increase, and limiting state spending to  98  percent of  anticipated  revenue.   A "Reform 2.0" agenda that is being put forward by the Republican Majority in the House which contains a variety of reform ideas.   And, the issue that continues to capture headlines almost daily - the funding of a new Vikings football stadium.    


All of these issues will be floating around while legislators anxiously wait for the Court to release the new redistricting maps which will set out the legislative districts for the 2012 elections.

Budget -  The November Budget Forecast projected an estimated $876 million surplus for the 2012-2013 biennium, all of which will be used to restore state reserves.


Current law is triggered by the forecasted surplus, directing the surplus to the state's cash flow account ($255 million) and the budget reserve ($621 million).  If the surplus were  larger,  current  law  would  direct  the  additional  funds  to  buy-back  the  K-12 education shift. 


Another budget forecast will be released at the end of February and this is the forecast that legislators will use to make any budget decisions for the 2012 legislative session.

Capital Investment/Bonding - The even-numbered year of a legislative biennium has typically been considered the year for a "big" bonding bill. 


By law, the Governor is required to submit  his recommendations for a capital investment budget in mid-January.  Governor  Dayton  met  this  requirement  and  submitted  a  capital investment budget request in the amount of $750 million general obligation bonds. During the 2011 Special Session, a bonding bill was passed that authorized $521 million in general obligation bonds.  


The Republican Majorities in the House and Senate have stated that the Governor's recommendation of $750 million in general obligation bonds is too high and will likely propose a bonding bill that is around the $500 million amount.

New Members - Several Special Elections were held during the interim to fill vacancies in the House and Senate.  Following is a list of the new members.

*    Senate District 46 - Senator Chris Eaton (DFL) replaces former Senator Linda Scheid (DFL) who passed away.

*    Senate Disctrict 59 - Senator Kari Dziedzic (DFL) replaces former Senator Larry Pogemiller (DFL) who was appointed to the Office of Higher Education by Governor Dayton.

*    Senate  District  61  -  Former  House  member  Jeff  Hayden  (DFL)  was elected to the Senate to replace former Senator Linda Berglin (DFL) who resigned to take a job with Hennepin County.

*    House District 61B  - Representative Susan Allen (DFL) was elected to fill the seat of former Rep. Jeff Hayden who ran for the Senate.

Schedule - The House and Senate have not adopted committee deadlines at this time.  However, the Leadership in both bodies have set out the following schedule:

Precinct Caucus Break

*   House:   February 2 - 7, House Session will convene on February 8 at

*   Senate:  February 6 - 7, Senate Session will convene on February 8 at

Easter/Passover Break

*   House:  April 6 - 13.  Official House business will begin on Monday, April 16 at 8:15 a.m. with Session convening at 3:00 p.m.

*   Senate:  April 6 - 13.  Senate Session will convene on Monday, April 16 at Noon.

End of Session

*   The House Speaker has set a deadline of Monday, April 30 for the date that the House will adjourn sine die.   The Constitution requires that the legislative must adjourn sine die by midnight on Monday, May 21. 

Future Dates to Remember!!
2012 MMBA / MLBA Legislative Day
February 27, 2012
Kelly Inn - St. Paul

MMBA Boot Camp
February 21-22, 2012
Breezy Point Resort 

2012 MMBA Annual Conference
May 20-22, 2012
Arrowwood Resort


Ask A Director

Gary Buysse

Cathy Pletta
Vicki Segerstrom
Brian Hachey

Nancy Drumsta

Lara Smetana
Pine City

Michael Friesen

Tom Agnes
Brooklyn Center

Steve Grausam

Toni Buchite
50 Lakes

Michelle Olson
E-Mail Me

Bridgitte Konrad
North Branch
Shelly Dillon
Paul Kaspszak

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Wine 101
Looking for Shelving

Barnum Liquor is looking for used shelving, (48" L x 32" W  at least 4 or 5 shelves tall or 72" L x 24" W at least 4 shelves tall), for bottles in the off-sale.


Click Here to Contact Manager Rose Anthony 

Two Drunks in a Bar..
Two Friends

There were two drunks sitting in a bar.


Drunk #1: "Why are you drinking so much?"


Drunk #2: "I donated my body to science and I'm preserving it until they're ready to use it."

Don't be stubborn, just adapt to the facts
2011 MMBA Platinum Members 

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