Minnesota Municipal Beverage Association Newsletter
(January 15, 2012 - January 21, 2012)
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As I See It...
Bar - 2 

As City Clerk I rarely get to see how the "other side" works; until last night!


I had the pleasure of working as a bartender. 


Thank goodness for slow, cold Tuesday nights. If there had been more than one customer in at a time I would have had to call for backup! It didn't help that my father had to prank call me! (You would think that retired people in Arizona would already have been in bed by 8pm!!)


Our liquor store manager had arranged for Alcohol Awareness Training from 7 to 9pm, and it was a night that all regular full time and part time bartenders could attend. So one other very part time bartender and myself were asked to work. He knew how to make drinks and I could run the credit card machine. Together we made a great team!


So besides having a little fun last night, I had a great experience seeing and doing what a bartender does.


Even though it was a slow night, there were things to be done besides opening the occasional beer or mixing a drink. Being constantly vigil with customers coming and going, monitoring security cameras outside, making sure my work area is clean (I can clean up spills very efficiently!), waiting on customers, counting correct change, all things I have taken for granted, as having never worked in a retail/customer service job before.


So what did I learn from this experience? To appreciate a job well done by our bartenders. The job isn't only mixing drinks and running a cash register. There is responsibility and lots of it.


As City Clerk I may not have appreciated that as much as I should have. But thanks to a very organized manager and bartender team, I experienced a night in their life and want to thank them for being organized, having items clearly marked, and cheat sheets on how to do things properly.


If possible I would encourage other City Clerks to spend a couple hours in someone else's job, just to experience the experience. It gave me a whole new perspective on my fellow employees, and appreciation for a Manager that runs a tight ship! Maybe next month I can spend some time with the Public Works crew cleaning sewers....No Thanks!




Shelly Dillion

Callaway City Clerk

Bar For Sale
Bar for Sale

Received a note from a member....


Know if anyone who would be looking for a massive but beautifully ornate bar?  I have a friend who just moved here from Dallas and the bar is too large to fit in his basement and he needs to sell it. 


He paid $15,000 for it at an auction about 10 years ago.  Now because he just wants it gone, he is willing to take much less because it is currently sitting in his entry way. 


If you are interested, contact: Michael Robinson,



Apple Valley Position Opening 

The City of Apple Valley is looking for a Liquor Store Manager that will report directly to the Liquor Operations Director.


The Liquor Store Manager will be responsible for the management and direction of a municipal off-sale liquor store, including but not limited to: managing and directing the day-to-day operations of the store; supervising and scheduling employees; recommending employment actions; developing retail objectives for the store; assisting in preparing marketing and merchandising concepts for the store; assisting the liquor operations director with the preparation of an annual store budget; establishing procedures and guaranteeing compliance with store policies and appropriate laws; and maintaining proper store inventories.


Click Here for More Information 


Good Luck to Deb Mitchell who has been a part of the Apple Valley liquor operation 1979.

How to Pour the Perfect Beer


There's an art to getting that perfect pour to maximize your beer experience.


Click Here to See the Video

Two Wiseguys Go Into a Country Pub...
Two Friends 

Two wiseguys go into a country pub, they call the landlord over and ask him to settle an argument. "Are there two pints in a quart, or four?" asked one.


"There are two pints in a quart" confirmed the landlord.

They moved along the bar to where the barmaid was and she asked for their order. "Two pints please Miss, and they are on the house."


When the barmaid appeared to doubt her boss would dispense free beer, one of the lads called out to the publican at the other end of the bar: "You did say two pints, didn't you?"


"That's right," called the landlord, "Two pints."

Next Week 

Next Issue 


Due to your humble editor's attendance at a conference next week, there is a pretty good chance the newsletter will be delayed a bit.


I plan to share the wisdom I gain in future issues.

Future Dates to Remember!!
2012 MMBA / MLBA Legislative Day
February 27, 2012
Kelly Inn - St. Paul

MMBA Boot Camp
February 21-22, 2012
Breezy Point Resort 

2012 MMBA Annual Conference
May 20-22, 2012
Arrowwood Resort


Ask A Director

Gary Buysse

Cathy Pletta
Vicki Segerstrom
Brian Hachey

Nancy Drumsta

Lara Smetana
Pine City

Michael Friesen

Tom Agnes
Brooklyn Center

Steve Grausam

Toni Buchite
50 Lakes

Michelle Olson
E-Mail Me

Bridgitte Konrad
North Branch
Shelly Dillon
Paul Kaspszak

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