I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and were able to relax, if only for a day. I know once Thanksgiving is over, the real fun begins for the next month.
Every holiday season brings new challenges, whether it is customers, employees, products we sell or wholesalers and suppliers we deal with. I truly believe there is never a dull moment in the liquor business, so enjoy every minute as best as you can.
I had the chance this fall to go to all 6 MMBA Regional Meetings held throughout the state, and it was very eye opening to me in many ways. It was great to hear all the stories from managers about what was working well. From special promotions, to community events, to wine club events, to poker night and the list goes on.
We heard how some stores saved money by cutting back on hours of operation, or by cutting staff during slow times, to keeping tighter control on inventory, to raising ice prices and changing their prices to .49 and .99.
Every manager, assistant manager and any other staff members should be commended for any and all changes made throughout the year.
See, there is never a dull moment in the liquor business.
I learned many managers need to get more comfortable in using their POS system, and not to worry so much if they make a mistake.
I also learned many managers don't like the idea of having to deal with another wholesaler or more salespeople. They say "I have too many salespeople and wholesalers the way it is."
So that brings up the question of, "How many is too many?" I wish I knew.
However, I do know if they have product I need, and product my customers want, I better start doing business with them.
The easy way to do business is to buy most products from one wholesaler. But no one said this business is easy.
I have found working with multiple wholesalers keeps all of them on their toes to make sure I'm getting the best price.
In addition, if I choose not to work with a wholesaler, who does that hurt? I say both the liquor facility customer (they can't purchase what they came for) and the liquor facility itself (they lose sales and profit due to less customers and possible higher cost of goods).
I know we can't work with every Minnesota wholesaler but I would think we would want to work with the biggest in the market. I know of stores that do not do business with Johnson Brothers or Wirtz or Southern or Quality for some real or perceived reason.
I believe to be as profitable as possible I need to work with and foster good relationships with each and every wholesaler I do business with.
In these tough times we need to be smarter than ever, and limiting access to product and pricing will only limit our profitability over time.
Every day we see change, so embrace it and good things will happen.
Wishing you all a safe and happy Holiday Season!!!
Steve Grausam
Liquor Director-City of Edina