Are you on Target?
The Minnesota rifle season for the ghost of the woods or in other words White-tailed deer season is upon us.
There are so many things to get organized in the coming days; food, ammunition, buying the license, sighting in the rifle, get the camper ready, hunting clothes, purchase doe in heat scent(for that big buck), scent eliminator - for the hunter, tree stand placement, or a 6x6 enclosed box with heat, window and a recliner for the "serious" hunter.
Deer hunting makes me think about some of my earliest experiences with my step grandmother. Grabbing her red hunting jacket (that was the color to use back in the day) and a couple packs of cigarettes along with what seemed like a gallon of coffee.... She always shot her share of deer. I miss you Grammy!
We all know some hunters who wait to the last moment to buy their license even hours before the hunt. While others have been to deer camp, rifles are sighted and all organized a month before opening day.
The point is, there are many tasks to get accomplished for the hunt and the same can be said for managing our stores.
I recently read an article on Steve Jobs, founder of Apple. In a conversation with Steve Page CEO of Google, Jobs warned Page not to let Google get lazy or flabby.
"The main thing I stressed was to focus," Jobs told Isaacson about his conversation with Page. "Figure out what Google wants to be when it grows up. It's now all over the map."
So in your operation, what are the five products you want to focus on?
Get rid of the rest because they're dragging you down. They're turning you into Microsoft. They're causing you to turn out adequate products that are adequate but not great."
Figure out what you want your store to be.
What are your 5 focus points?
Are you sharing these with your council/liquor committee on a monthly basis?
Plan ahead and take baby steps to your goals, rather trying to accomplish everything in a week or two and stressing you and your employees out.
Prepare for that "Inevitable Day."
I hope you hit your target this season, with preparation you will.