Minnesota Municipal Beverage Association Newsletter
(October 30, 2011 - November 5, 2011)
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for the
As I See It... 

Witch East 

Friends and colleagues,


On September 9, 2011 MMBA Director Lara Smetana inked a column for this weekly newsletter.


You may say that it created a minuscule poop storm within our membership. Some said it was too harsh, some said it unfairly represented our association, some hated the truth.


Director Smetana, known by some as the "Wicked Witch of the East", stated some hard reality for some of us to swallow. Now please allow me to preface the rest of this by saying that Lara is not perfect; sorry Lara!


I am not perfect either, none of our Directors speak from a point high above on a mountain top. I don't even know how to spell oracle; I guess I do.


The interesting fact in all of this, is that most of the people who responded negatively to the editorial content were some of our best retailers, and we have a great number of them; the best in the business, the crème de la crème if you will.


The point is, if this doesn't apply to you don't worry about it. If you think it's too harsh give me a call and I will regale you with stories without specifics concerning some of our discoveries as we travel across the state.


The overall benefit all of you should take away from the article is this; take a look at what you're doing from time to time! A little comprehensive introspection is a great source of humility for me. Too much, and you might lose your hair.


If you don't think any of this applies to you, look deeper. You may find something you need to change.


If XYZ liquor goes under, it's just another liquor outlet that couldn't rise above the current business climate and succeed. If a municipal liquor store fails, to some "it's just another example of the poorly run 'Muni'"and a convenient argument to support the erroneous conclusion that the rest of us have no idea what we are doing!


Let's give Lara a break. I believe it requires a certain amount of courage to have a controversial opinion and put your name on it and share it. In this case the opinion was based on a relatively comprehensive, objective period of observation.


If we're not comfortable with facing our faults , we continue to perpetuate them. If we have an open mind we grow and change.


Gary Buysse

MMBA Director



Shelving For Sale

For Sale


Firehall Liquor in Barnesville has a 16' section that is 55" tall of gondola style shelving that the store is wanting to sell.  They also have a 6' and 8' section of Strater that is 55" tall.  

Contact Sara Lien:  




Gift Certificates
This week, a member asked about Gift Certificate expiration dates.

The following is Minnesota Statute

 Section 1. [325G.53] GIFT CERTIFICATES.

    Subdivision 1. Definitions. The definitions in this subdivision apply to this section.

    (a) "Gift certificate" means a tangible record evidencing a promise, made for consideration, by the seller or issuer of the record that goods or services will be provided to the owner of the record to the value shown in the record and includes, but is not limited to, a gift card, stored-value card, store card, or a similar record or card that contains a microprocessor chip, magnetic stripe, or other means for the storage of information, and for which the value is decreased upon each use.

    (b) "Affiliate" of another entity means any entity directly controlling, controlled by, or under common control with the other entity.

    Subd. 2. Prohibitions. It is unlawful for any person or entity to sell a gift certificate that is subject to an expiration date or a service fee of any kind, including, but not limited to, a service fee for dormancy.

    Subd. 3. Nonapplication. The provisions of this section shall not apply to gift certificates:

(1) distributed to a consumer for loyalty, promotional, award, incentive, rebate, or other similar purposes without any money or other tangible thing of value being given by the consumer in exchange for the gift certificate or gift card;

(2) that are sold below face value or at a volume discount to employers or to nonprofit and charitable organizations for fund-raising purposes;

(3) that are debit cards or other legal access devices used to access a deposit account and that are subject to the federal disclosure rules in the Electronic Fund Transfer Act, United States Code, title 15, section 1693, et seq., and its implementing Regulation E, as amended from time to time;

    (4) issued by an employer to an employee in recognition of services performed by the employee;

    (5) issued by a federally chartered or state-chartered bank, bank and trust, savings ank, savings association, or credit union, or by an operating subsidiary or other affiliate of any of them, and that can be used at multiple sellers of goods and services, provided that the issuer discloses any expiration date and fee associated with the gift certificate; or

    (6) that are prepaid calling cards used to make wireline or wireless calls.

    Subd. 4. Remedies. The remedies of section 8.31 apply to violations of this section.

EFFECTIVE DATE; APPLICATION.This section is effective August 1, 2007,
and applies to gift certificates issued or sold on or after that date.


Government Funding Used for
New Jersey Business Customer Service Training

New Jersey 

By DMS Retail


There are still retailers who haven't figured out how important even decent customer service is to their success.

According to a recent article, there is a group of retailers and businesses in New Jersey who are just now training their employees on basic customer service skills. Up until now they've been completely unaware that the lion's share of their sales and profit shortfall can be directly linked to the fact that customers don't like dealing with them...and rarely come back for another dose of whatever it is they are getting.


The customers in question have reported driving quite a few miles, to another town, to do their shopping. Not because the stores in the other town offer more variety, and not because the stores in the other town have better prices.

No... they say they are doing it because they want to shop at stores where the associates treat them properly!

So, now, with the help of government funding, the employees in this town are being trained to provide better customer service. It's all being done to help the local economy which, naturally and quite expectedly, is struggling.

It's all fine and well to help the economy but, honestly, isn't this a little too much? Wouldn't you think that some of the business owners might have figured all of this out on their own and taken steps to do better?

Who have they been hiring? What kind of training are they giving new employees, if any? The local business owners and management obviously need some training themselves!

Well, hopefully some good will come from the customer service training. Maybe the local customers will finally be able to shop in their own town without feeling mistreated. Or maybe it's too little, too late. We wish them all the best of luck.


Click Here for New Jersey Grant Program Information

The Horror of War
Future Dates to Remember!!
MMBA Boot Camp
February 21-22, 2012
Breezy Point Resort 
2012 MMBA Annual Conference
May 20-22, 2012
Arrowwood Resort


Ask A Director

Gary Buysse

Cathy Pletta
Vicki Segerstrom
Brian Hachey

Nancy Drumsta

Lara Smetana
Pine City

Michael Friesen

Tom Agnes
Brooklyn Center

Steve Grausam

Toni Buchite
50 Lakes

Michelle Olson
E-Mail Me

Bridgitte Konrad
North Branch
Shelly Dillon
Paul Kaspszak

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Wine 101
Off Sale Deliveries
Recently a member asked about delivery of alcohol.
According to Minnesota Administrative Rules:

7515.0580 DELIVERY.


Only licensed or authorized off-sale liquor retailers and no other class of retailers may make deliveries of alcoholic beverages from their stores to the residence of a purchaser or other location, provided however, that such delivery shall be made only to a person 21 or more years of age; and provided further, that such delivery must not be made to alcohol beverage licensed establishments or other public or private place in violation of law or ordinance.


Click Here for More Information

A Snake Crawls Into a Bar...

A snake crawls into a bar.


The bartender says, "Sorry, I can't serve you."


May I ask why not?"


"Because you can't hold your liquor."

I may not be able to change the world I see around me, but I can change the way I see the world within me
2011 MMBA Platinum Members 

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