As I See It... |

Autumn is here, which means we should not have to tell our customers to put on their shirt and shoes for awhile.
As the seasons change so do customers drink preferences.
We are preparing new, fun Holiday displays.
Halloween is just around the corner so we have pulled all our 24 cans and bottles of beer off the floor. We will be replacing them with all the new Pumpkin and Oktoberfest beers, along with more specialty beers.
The premixed displays will be replaced with Halloween liqueurs and fall wines.
No one wants to hear this yet, but I've already started my Christmas shopping, so that means other people will be as well.
Gift sets will be out soon, so display them with your other Holiday ideas as well.
Involve all your employees with the change of displays. Ask for ideas, someone may have a better one than you!
Most of all enjoy the hustle and bustle of fall and have a great selling season.
Hope to see many of you at the Regional Meetings.
Good luck with your local food drives.
It is not too late to decide to join the Food Drive. We can get you set up if you decide to go for it.
Vicki Segerstrom
MMBA Director |
Lakeville Liquor Study Presented |
By Troy Thompson, Lakeville Patch
Lakeville's City Council got its first look at a highly anticipated liquor study during a work session on Monday, and the results were pretty clear.
Without the municipal liquor stores, property taxes would go up, more private liquor stores would fill the city, in some cases popping up near residential areas, and municipal liquor is not costing the city retail opportunities.
Representatives from the Minneapolis-based Shenehon Company were on hand to share the results of the comprehensive liquor study, and Mayor Mark Bellows said he hopes the community can come together and unify on the issue since the liquor operations first came under the microscope last fall.
Click Here to Read the Entire Article
Profits Up in Isle - Correction for the Better! |
Last week we noted....
Isle Liquor manager Cheryl Miller reported that the Municipal Liquor Store made $99,000 so far this year, up from $96,000 last year.
She said promotions and the good service employees provide contribute to the increase in sales.
As a result, Isle Liquor manager Cheryl Miller sent the following correction...
The Messenger Newspaper transposed those numbers...$99K in SALES for the month versus $96K last year.
However, our year to date net income is way ahead of last year $109K this year thru the end of August versus last year $83K.
We ARE having a good year, and I do think it is because of the great people we have working here! |
Municipal Liquor Revenues to Pay for Elk River Public Works Expansion |
by Joni Astrup, Star News
An expansion of Elk River's public works facility is planned, and profits from the city's liquor operation will help pay for it.
Elk River owns the Northbound and Westbound liquor stores, and intends to spend $2.75 million in liquor store profits to help pay for the public works expansion.
While costs are still preliminary, total cost of the public works expansion is estimated at $10 million.
Not having to bond for the full cost of the project over 25 years is expected to save the city a little more than $1 million in interest, according to Finance Director Tim Simon.
"If anybody would ever question why you would be in the liquor business, this is why," Dave Potvin told the council Sept. 19. Potvin is operations manager for the liquor stores.
Potvin said liquor store profits have also paid for an ice resurfacer at the Elk River Arena and a fire vehicle, paid debt on City Hall and made regular transfers to the city's general fund. So far this year, for instance, $270,000 in liquor store profits was transferred to the city's general fund in 2011 and $95,000 to parks.
"It's very gratifying to my staff and myself," Potvin said. "This is why we exist and this is why we work so hard for the city." |
A Man Walks Into a Bar..... |
A man walks into a bar obviously stone drunk, and asks for a drink.
"Sorry, but you obviously already had a little to much to drink already." the bartender says.
Fuming mad the drunk walks out the front door and walks into the side door. "Can I have a drink please?"
"Sorry" the bartender says "but you can't have a drink here."
The drunk walks out and goes in through the back door. "Can I please have a drink?"
"Enough!" The bartender screamed "I told You No Drinks!"
The Drunk looks at the bartender closely and exclaims "Darn! How many bars you work at?" |
Future Dates to Remember!! |  |
2011 MMBA Regional Meetings
September 21 Fergus Falls
September 28 Bemidji
October 5 Roseville
October 12 Marshall
October 19 Duluth
October 26 Austin
Click Here for More Information 2012 MMBA Boot Camp
February 21-22, 2012 Breezy Point Resort 2012 MMBA Annual Conference May 20-22, 2012 Arrowwood Resort |
Ask A Director |
Gary Buysse
Cathy Pletta Kasson 507-634-7618 Vicki Segerstrom Milaca 320-983-6255 Brian Hachey Stacy 651-462-2727
Nancy Drumsta Delano 763-972-0578
Lara Smetana Pine City 320-629-2020
Michael Friesen Hawley 218-483-4747
Tom Agnes
Brooklyn Center
Toni Buchite
50 Lakes
Bridgitte Konrad North Branch 651-674-8113 Shelly Dillon Callaway 218-375-4691 Paul Kaspszak MMBA 763-572-0222 1-866-938-3925 |
Wine 101 |  |
You don't have to know everything...all you have to know is know who knows |