The sun is's time to make hay! For a while I didn't think summer was ever going to come, but it's finally here in full force. I hope that means your stores are busy. Make sure your customers are feeling welcomed and well served when they leave.
Recently I had a horrid experience at a store which got me thinking about what they could/should have done differently.
It was a smaller operation so staff was limited. I stood and waited for over 15 minutes before I was even acknowledged! Not a "hi" or "I need to finish up with this gentleman and I'll be with you in a minute." NOTHING.
After 5 minutes I was perturbed and critical of their store....the floor was not clean, I don't think they had dusted in a long time and when he finally got around to helping me it was like I was inconveniencing him. By that time I was frustrated and wasn't the nicest to him.
Needless to say I probably won't recommend them to anyone else. All he would have needed to do is acknowledge I was there, offer me a seat while I was waiting and apologize for the wait and I probably would have been sympathetic rather than critical of the small things.
Make sure that you value your customers. The best way to do that is make sure your employees are upbeat and positive, know the products in your store and are friendly and helpful to your customers.
Customers who walk away having had a bad experience can hurt your business for a long time in the future. Customers who are happy with your products and how they were treated in your store are your best, and cheapest, advertisement.
This month go above and beyond to make your customers feel appreciated!
Bridgitte Konrad
MMBA Director