Minnesota Municipal Beverage Association Newsletter
(March 27, 2011 - April 2, 2011)
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As I See It...

So you've been hired to be a bartender. That glamorous job of flipping bottles, stirring up secret concoctions, and opening exotic beers for your customers.


Well that's not all this job is about, and not everyone can be a good bartender. It takes more than showing up for the job.


* A good bartender has knowledge of alcohol drinks and their preparation or a source to find the recipe.


* A good bartender can make change, count money and learns how to use  the various cash registers.


* A good bartender has the ability to accept supervision, can follow written and oral instructions and complete the required tasks. 


* A good bartender has the ability to use good judgment and discretion in sales based on age, inebriation, and the possibility of bad checks. 


* A good bartender deals courteously and tactfully with the public. 


* A good bartender may also be required to clean glasses, equipment, the bar area, restrooms, and the store as necessary.


* A good bartender will also stock coolers and shelves in the  liquor room.


* Then there is that on-going training (MMBA Boot Camp and the Annual Conference in Alexandria) and server training to help make them better.


If you can do all these things you are a great bartender.


For most of us it is an ongoing process and we can all improve in some area.


I see lots of bartenders doing more things to help their business succeed especially in the municipal liquor stores and bars.


Hats off to all of you out there trying to succeed and may you have a great summer with great bartenders!


Toni Buchite

MMBA Director

2009 Municipal Liquor Sales & Profits Increase


The 2009 State Auditor's report on municipal liquor has been released. 


The report indicates:


The combined net profit of all municipal liquor operations totaled $21.94 million in 2009. This represents an increase of $1.5 million, or 7.1 percent, over the amount generated in 2008.


Among on-sale operations, net profits totaled $2.2 million in 2009, which was an increase of $298,099, or 15.3 percent, over 2008. Total net profits for off-sale operations totaled $19.6 million in 2009, which was an increase of $1.2 million, or 6.3 percent, over 2008.


During 2009, Minnesota's municipal liquor operations reported a 14th consecutive year of record sales totaling $311.2 million. Total sales generated in 2009 increased by $8.2 million, or 2.7 percent, over 2008.


Click Here to See the Entire Report 

Material Safety Data Sheets

At the recent MMBA Boot Camp, an OSHA required Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) book was discussed.  MSDS information is required by all businesses when potentially hazardous materials are used in the work place or a public location.


 This requirement is based on a simple concept - that employees have both a need and a right to know the hazards and identities of the chemicals they are exposed to when working.


MSDSs must be readily accessible to employees when they are in their work areas during their workshifts. This may be accomplished in many different ways. You must decide what is appropriate for your particular workplace. Some employers keep the MSDSs in a binder in a central location.


As long as employees can get the information when they need it, any approach may be used.


The employees must have access to the MSDSs themselves - simply having a system where the information can be read to them over the phone is only permitted under the mobile worksite provision, paragraph (g)(9) of this section, when employees must travel between workplaces during the shift. In this situation, they have access to the MSDSs prior to leaving the primary worksite, and when they return, so the telephone system is simply an emergency arrangement.


In the retail setting discussed at Boot Camp, a simple 3-ring binder was used.


Click Here for More Information

Avoca Liquor Under New Management

By: Kari Lucin, Worthington Daily Globe


She might be the new manager of the Avoca Municipal Liquor Store, but Jonelle Loehlein (pictured right) of Slayton has already been working there for nine months, and she's certain of one thing - it's fun work.


"I enjoy the bar life. I like the people who come in," Loehlein said. "You have a good time with customers, and I like it when the older people come in and tell stories."


Loehlein officially took over as manager on March 1. The on- and off-sale liquor store also has a brand-new assistant manager, Scott Burger (pictured left) of Avoca, who started working at the bar the same day Loehlein became its manager.


She graduated from St. Cloud Technical High School and for two years owned the bar in Iona. Loehlein tried other jobs, but found she missed the bar work and decided to get back into it. She started working part-time at the bar before applying for the manager position in January.


"(It's) a little bit of shift in responsibility, but nothing I can't handle," Loehlein said. "Everybody's been really good and receptive and congratulating."


Loehlein said she enjoys the way things at the Avoca establishment change every day.


"It's not monotonous. You never know what's going to happen," Burger agreed.


The bar's clientele is mostly local people from Avoca and surrounding towns, but because it is on a major highway, sometimes total strangers drop by. And then there are the visitors to town who haven't been to the bar in decades, and love to talk about how things have changed or stayed the same through the years.


Generally, about 20 or 30 people show up at the bar each night, with even more on weekends. The Avoca Municipal Liquor Store is the town's major hang-out, serving burgers, chicken strips and other fried foods, as well as pizza. It offers pool and dart games, as well as a very popular bowling video game.


Beer remains the most popular drink, although Loehlein, Burger and the four part-time workers do have a copy of "The Liquor Bible" in case anyone orders anything fancy. Usually, when they do, they know how it's made anyway, Loehlein said.


She doesn't intend to change much about the place, but Loehlein and Burger both hope to put in horseshoe pits and a beanbag toss outside the bar during the summer.


"Come meet new people and have fun," Burger urged.


The Avoca Municipal Liquor Store is open from 10:30 a.m. to 1 a.m. Monday through Saturday, and from noon to 8 p.m. on Sunday.


2011 MMBA Annual Conference

The 2011 MMBA Annual Conference will be held on Sunday, May 22 - Tuesday, May 24, at Arrowwood Resort, in Alexandria, Minnesota.


Is the conference a good investment? 

Here is a note from an MMBA Member who attended a past conference:


I just wanted to let you know I talked to the U.S. Bank representative at the MMBA Conference about credit card processing.  After seeing my statement she thought they could save me at least $200 a month.


I switched over from the processor that my local bank was using and saved about $280 the first month.


This just shows what valuable information you can pick up at the annual conferences.


Click Here for More Information on the Conference -- Including the MMBA Annual Conference - A Place to Learn Video

The Doom Loop
Doom Loop 


Reinventing perspective triggers
and shapes change  
Future Dates to Remember!!
MMBA Scholarship Deadline
May 1, 2011

 MMBA Annual

May 22-24, 2011
Arrowwood Resort

Click Here for Details
Ask A Director

Gary Buysse

Bob Leslie
 Pelican Rapids

Brian Hachey

Nancy Drumsta

Lara Smetana
Pine City

Michael Friesen

Tom Agnes
Brooklyn Center

Steve Grausam

Toni Buchite
50 Lakes

Michelle Olson
E-Mail Me

Bridgitte Konrad
North Branch

Paul Kaspszak

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Wine 101
Pre-Employment Check
Pre Employment

At the recent MMBA Boot Camp, the topic of pre-employment background checks was discussed in one of the small groups.


While not

all-inclusive, two pulbic access sites could be valuable:


Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension


Minnesota Trial Court 

Seasonal Outdoor Beverage Facility
MN Department Health

The Minnesota Department of Health just updated a factsheet for Seasonal Outdoor Beverage Facilities.

A Seasonal Outdoor Beverage Facility is an outdoor beverage facility, which must be operated in conjunction with a licensed, permanent food establishment that will provide support services.   


 These facilities must meet the requirements of the Minnesota Food Code Chapter 4626 and any additional code requirements. 

Did You Hear About the Nun Who Loved Milk?
A 94 year old nun out in the country was very old and her health began to decline. Her doctor prescribed for her a shot of whiskey three times a day, to warm her and make her more comfortable.  

 However, not to be lured into worldly pleasures, she huffily declined.  

 But her mother superior knew the elderly sister loved milk. So she instructed the kitchen to spike the milk three times a day.
Eventually, the elderly sister approached her final hour of life.  As several sisters gathered around her at bedside, the mother superior asked if she wanted to leave them any words of wisdom.  
"Oh, yes," she replied. "Never sell that cow!"