First, we want to thank everyone who came to the
Senate Commerce Committee hearing today to either testify against or show their opposition to SF 197, the bill to allow Sunday Sales of liquor. It is important to the Legislators to see that there are private liquor stores and municipal liquor stores that do not support Sunday Sales of liquor.
Below are files with all a copy of the agenda for the hearing, a copy of the bill, the revenue estimate or anticipated revenue gain to the state from Sunday liquor sales, and the handouts that were passed out at the committee.
If you want to watch the video of the hearing, it can be found at the March 16 archive at this link:
Testifying in support of the bill were: · John Wolfe - Chicago Lake Liquors. Mr. Wolfe testified that the
present liquor law is archaic and not practical and out of line with most families. With most working families, Sunday is the second most busy shopping day. He said that it is unfair to boarder cities that lose business to stores across a state line.
· Louis Dachis - Merwin Liquors. Mr. Dachis testified that he is a proud member of MLBA and values the hard work they do, but he doesn't always share their views such as Sunday Sales and Surly. He said that these positions were taken at the Board level and do not support all of the MLBA members. He testified that the same arguments were made when Minneapolis considered going from 8 p.m. closing to 10 p.m. closing. When he moved to 10 p.m., he realized a 20% increase in sales. · Dave Erickson - D'Ericks Liquors, Tower, MN. Mr. Erickson testified that he owns the on/off sale store in Tower, MN. In 2010, they began Sunday on-sale liquor sales which improved their business and the revenue to the state, they have hired another ½ time person. They have had many people come in to request to purchase off-sale at their location.
· Tom Hanson - lobbyist for DISCUS, Distilled Spirits Council of the United States. Mr. Hanson testified that since 2002 the trend is to allow Sunday Sales - several states have passed bills. He talked about the revenue piece of the bill, stating that the bill has the potential to bring in about $1 million up to $7-$10 million. He said that as you think about the bill, this is an opportunity to bring additional revenue in by increasing economic activity. · Senator John Harrington (DFL, St. Paul) - Former St. Paul Chief of Police. Sen. Harrington testified with his "old hat" as a police officer. He said that he doesn't believe that allowing Sunday Sales will have a negative effect on law enforcement. Sunday Sales will not have an effect on training, no effect on personnel - police work 24/7, 365 days a week already, no effect technological effect. So, no negative effect on public safety, no need or more work for the police. · August Berkshire - President, Minnesota Atheists. Mr. Berkshire takes no position on is people should drink on Sunday, but they take positions on laws that favor one religion over another. Thus, they oppose the current "blue law".
Testifying in opposition to the bill were:
· Rick Anderson - France 44 Liquor Store. Rick highlighted the fact that there are many reasons a consumer might purchase liquor in Wisconsin that are not related to the issue of making purchases on Sunday, including selection and price. Wisconsin stores have products we do not, they have lower prices due to a lower cost of doing business, lower insurance rates and lower excise taxes. Rick stated that there is no harm from the status quo and likely harm from the bill to small business - he urged the Senators to think about this. · Candice Woods - Liquor Hutch, Hutchinson Municipal Liquor Store. Candice talked about the likely revenue loss to the city and the cost of being open on Sunday. She testified that last year annual profits increased 0.4%. In order to cover the estimated costs to operate on Sundays, annual sales would need to increase 12% and if not, they would have fewer funds to transfer to the city. They are under more and more pressure to provide revenue to the city with the reductions of LGA. · Ed Reynoso - Minnesota Teamsters. Ed testified that this proposal would take away funds from municipalities and that convenience would c ome at a cost to public safety. He stated that unions have enjoyed spending Sundays with their families for over 70 years. · Dan Campo - Minnesota Tavern League. Dan testified that as the operator of a liquor store and on behalf of the Minnesota Tavern League, they believe that the proposal will be a cost to private businesses, not result in additional revenue. That border town liquor stores operate under a business model that does not include Sunday Sales, but increases overhead for every store. · Tom Prichard - MN Family Council. Tom testified that they support the current law and that they believe it is ok to have a day and spend it with one's family, it is a quality of life issue. He said that there are significant social costs that must be looked at. He sited the New Mexico study that showed there was an increase in traffic accidents and traffic fatalities. He said that he was glad to hear that many liquor stores oppose this bill. · Colin Minehart - Mainstreet Bar and Grill, Alden, MN. Colin testified that if a city wants to have Sunday on-sale liquor sales, sales at a bar, t here must be a referendum that the community approves. It would be inconsistent for off-salers to be allowed to be open without a referendum when on-salers must have a referendum. The bill was amended in committee to also remove the prohibition against sales on Christmas Eve. After the testimony and discussion, the bill passed the committee by a vote of 8-7 and was sent on to the Senate Finance Committee. The roll-call vote was as follows:
Voting Yes - Sen. Gerlach (Republican, Apple Valley) Sen. Bonoff (DFL, Minnetonka) Sen. Chamberlain (Republican, Lino Lakes) Sen. Kruse (Republican, Brooklyn Park) Sen. Pappas (DFL, St. Paul) Sen. Scheid (DFL, Brooklyn Park) Sen. Thompson (Republican, Lakeville) Sen. Reinert (DFL, Duluth) Voting No -
Sen. Brown (Republican, Becker) Sen. Dahms (Republican, Redwood Falls) Sen. Gazelka (Republican, Brainerd) Sen. Jungbauer (Republican, East Bethel) Sen. Rest (DFL, New Hope) Sen. Sparks (DFL, Austin) Sen. Vandeveer (Republican, Forest Lake) We have been told that the Senate Finance Committee will not hear the bill for several weeks, but we thought the Senate Commerce Committee hearing would not happen until mid-April. Below is a list of the Senate Finance Committee members. We think it would be a good idea to put in a few calls early to these members to let them know about your opposition to SF 197, Sunday Sales of liquor. As always, we appreciate knowing any feedback you receive.
Senate Finance Committee - Sen. Claire Robling (Republican, Jordan) 651-296-4123 Sen. Sean Nienow (Republican, Cambridge) 651-296-5419 Sen. Dick Cohen (DFL, St. Paul) 651-296-5931 Sen. Linda Berglin (DFL, Minneapolis) 651-296-4261 Sen. Teri Bonoff (DFL, Minnetonka) 651-296-4314 Sen. Michele Fischbach (Republican, Paynesville) 651-296-2084 Sen. Barb Goodwin (DFL, Columbia Heights) 651-296-4334 Sen. David Hann (Republican, Eden Prairie) 651-296-1749 Sen. Bill Ingebrigtsen (Republican, Alexandria) 651-297-8063 Sen. Keith Langseth (DFL, Glyndon) 651-296-3205 Sen. Doug Magnus (Republican, Slayton) 651-296-5650 Sen. Scott Newman (Republican, Hutchinson) 651-296-4131 Sen. Gen Olson (Republican, Minnetrista) 651-296-1282 Sen. Mike Parry (Republican, Waseca) 651-296-9457 (There will likely be another member added, Sen. Ellen Anderson (DFL, St. Paul) was on the committee but is resigning to serve on the Pollution Control Agency.)
Finally, it would be great to get some city resolutions against Sunday Sales. Please forward them to Paul at the MMBA office.
Again, thank you to all of you who made phone calls, came to the committee and testified. It makes a difference!
Sarah Psick and Joe Bagnoli