Are you ready?
"You" could be next.
Since last fall there have been a lot of things going on in our industry.
Southern Wines and Spirits coming into the market (there is confusion out there), many wines and spirits changing wholesalers and confusing retailers as to who carries what brands (for the time being use a pencil, ink will just frustrate you), wine in grocery (it's still on the burner, although it's the back burner), Sunday sales (it's about more than just having another day off), Surly Brewery opening a restaurant owned by Surly's (maybe Omar would like to contact Miller or Bud and see if they would like to do the same), and last ( ARE YOU READY!) our own cities and city councils.
Most every city in Minnesota elected at least one new council person during the election last November. Did it turn out how you were hoping or did a person get elected that questions municipal liquor stores and whether the city should be in that type of business?
Now, having someone question our operations is not a bad thing (I hope all of our councils question what we do and how we do it). What is bad is when that person speaks about it and doesn't understand what we do and how we do it. They also do not fully understand Minnesota liquor laws, what we are able to do and not do as a municipal operation, and the history of our business and industry.
Over the past few months I and many others in the metro area have been keeping an eye on what is happening in the City of Lakeville in regards to their municipal liquor stores. Here is a liquor operation that is the leader in sales and net profit for the past 3 or 4 years at least, and they are on the hot seat with some council members as to whether the city should be in the business or not.
If you are not ready, here are some things that you should be doing to get ready if the council comes knocking.
Ø Know your inventory control system. The more info that you can extract the better prepared you'll be. As the manager it is your responsibility to learn how to use the system (Ask for help if you don't understand something). Remember, it will not bite.
Ø Know everything that you can about your operation and our industry,(past, present and future) as it relates to your city and store/stores.
Ø Have a good working relationship with the city administration (I know this is not always easy) as they can also be an advocate.
Ø Get to know your council members and educate them as much as possible on what the liquor operation does and what it means for the city.
Ø Get involved! Go to a MMBA regional meeting, go to the MMBA spring conference, go to MMBA boot camp, go to legislative day at the capital. These are just some of the things that are going on throughout the year.
Ø Be a part of the community. Join the local rotary club, join the chamber of commerce, join a local merchants association. The more people and groups in your community you are involved with, the more they rely on your participation, making it hard for a council to eliminate your operation.
Ø Keep working to get better and learn more. Don't be afraid to change or make changes. That is what makes this job so wonderful most of the time. Don't be afraid to make mistakes. That is how we learn what works and what doesn't work.
Brenda and her staff at Lakeville Liquors do most, if not all, of these listed above. I think she's ready In fact I know she's ready.
Steve Grausam, MMBA Director