Minnesota Municipal Beverage Association Newsletter
(January 23, 2011 - January 29, 2011)
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As I See It....
Sharing the Love  

Valentines Day is next month.


With love in the air maybe its time to share that love with your stores revenues and expenses sheets.  


Recently in a conversation with a member store they were trying to figure out ways to increase profit and looking for a model to follow.  The suggestion was made to find two stores that are a similar in sales volume and business type (off sale or combination).  One being higher and one being lower in sales volume, but both must be profitable!!!! There is a catch... because it's all about the profits. "Show Me the Money"


Examining numbers of the other stores that are profitable or more profitable we are able to review two major areas of our business.


Gross Profit:  If our margin is too low, we may need to review our buying procedures to lower our Cost of Goods.  Evaluate our mark ups.  Review our promotions, i.e. are we promoting too many popular items at one time.  Another possibility of low gross profit would be internal theft.


Operating Expenses:  Are they too high in comparison????  The first place to look is labor, are we overstaffing, can we get by with two instead of three or one instead of two?  Do we need to adjust business hours?


Our association is built on helping each other, feel free to contact similar stores and ask them "What are you doing?"


Remember, if we as managers don't do our job, it will show in the numbers.  The numbers will then show..... we are no longer the manager.


MMBA is here to help our member cities.


Michael Friesen

Hawley Liquors

Isle Liquor has 15% Net Profit

Isle Liquor Store manager Cheryl Miller reported the Muni showed sales of $955,636.73 last year, $29,748.55 over the sales of $925,888.18 the previous year.


Net income for the year to date is $142,930.03


She said the punch card promotion continues to be a big hit and two new promotions began on Jan. 1: Monday Blues Buster, and a wine club.

(Editor's Note: The above article was from the local Isle newspaper.  I checked with Cheryl to confirm the net profit number for this combination on-sale and off-sale was correct.  If it was, it is a fantastic 15% of sales. 


She responded, "Yes our net income, before year end auditor adjustments is over $142K.  We've made some great changes and tighter controls and it really shows at the bottom line.")

Alcohol Outlet Density and Domestic Violence:  An Australia Study  

Aims: A small number of studies have identified a positive relationship between alcohol outlet density and domestic violence. These studies have all been based on cross-sectional data and have been limited to assess ecological correlations between outlet density and domestic violence rates. This study provides the first longitudinal examination of this relationship.


Findings: Alcohol outlet density was significantly associated with rates of domestic violence, over time. In particular, the density of hotel (pub) licences and the density of packaged liquor licences were positively related to domestic violence rates and the density of on-premise licences was negatively related to domestic violence.

Conclusions: In Melbourne, changes in density of hotel (pub) licenses and packaged liquor licenses have been positively associated with changes in rates of domestic violence whereas the rates of on-site liquor licenses have been negatively associated with domestic violence.


Click Here to View the Study

A Wife is Tired of Her Husband Spending All His Free Time in a Bar........
Old Couple

A wife is tired of her husband spending all his free time in a bar.  So one night she decides to tag along with him. 


As they sit down, he asks her what she wants.


"Oh, I don't know.  To get the full effect, I guess I'll have the same as you."


So the husband orders a couple of shots of whiskey and throws back his shot.


His wife watches him, then takes a sip from her glass and immediately spits it out on the floor.


"Yuck, that's TERRIBLE!" she screams. "I don't know how you can drink this stuff!"


"Well, there you go," cries the husband. "And you thought I was out her enjoying myself every night!"

Celebrate failure and you will liberate innovation
Future Dates to Remember!!
MMBA / MLBA Legislative Day

January 31, 2011
Kelly Inn, St. Paul
MMBA Boot Camp

February 21-23, 2011
Breezy Point Resort

Click Here for Details
MMBA Scholarship Deadline
May 1, 2011

 MMBA Annual

May 22-24, 2011
Arrowwood Resort

Ask A Director

Gary Buysse

Bob Leslie
 Pelican Rapids

Brian Hachey

Nancy Drumsta

Lara Smetana
Pine City

Michael Friesen

Tom Agnes
Brooklyn Center

Steve Grausam

Toni Buchite
50 Lakes

Michelle Olson
E-Mail Me

Bridgitte Konrad
North Branch

Paul Kaspszak

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