Minnesota Municipal Beverage Association Newsletter
(November 28, 2010 - December 4, 2010)
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As I See It... 

Jingle Bells 



"Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear - not absence of fear"


Mark Twain 






Sing to "Jingle Bells"


Dashing through the store, with the salesman at my heels,


Food drive is all done, people got free meals!


Holidays are here, I know you think it's fun.


Only 31 more days until 2010 is done



Oh, Holidays, Holidays, one more time you're here.


Time is short, sales are off, hope to sell more beer!


Holidays, Holidays one more time you're here.


Time to the cut the inventory, December you are here.



Don't need a floor stack or value brand; I really don't care!


Time to make some cash, the shelves must be bare.


Your great deals don't phase me, your timing is askew,


I know you'll have the same sales pitch in 2092!



Oh, Holidays, Holidays one more time you're here.


Time is short, sales are off, hope to sell more beer!


Holidays, Holidays one more time you're here.


Time to the cut the inventory, December you are here.



To all our managers, you now know why you're here.


Make a pile of cash, for your cities that is clear.


Do so with a smile, do so with some pride.


Your residents depend on you, all b.s. aside!



Oh, Holidays, Holidays one more time you're here.


Time is short, sales are off, hope to sell more beer!


Holidays, Holidays one more time you're here.


Time to the cut the inventory, December you are here.



Thanks to all who have assisted me in 2010.  Most great ideas are stolen, after all.


Gary Buysse

Rogers Liquor Manager

MMBA Director




Designated Driver Gift Cards
Designated Driver 


For the past couple of years MMBA and MLBA members have displayed and distributed Minnesota Department of Public Safety "Designated Driver Gift Cards" during the holidays.
The cards serve as an informal contract for the giver to offer their designated driver services for a night to help friends and family get home safely.

This year the cards can be ordered directly online at no charge.


Fifty Lakes Passes Profit Minnesota Resolution

Profit Minnesota 

The City of Fifty Lakes has joined the cities of Stacy and Tracy by passing a resolution in favor of allowing state-regulated gaming in licensed and municipal bars and restaurants and allows for these games to upgrade to 21st century technology as an additional option to the paper format currently used.


Click Here to See The Resolution

Refusing Service: The Pink Elephant in the Room 

Pink Elephant

By BarOwnerTips.com


Refusing service is like the pink elephant in the room - we all know it's a necessary part of operating a bar, but nobody likes to do it.  And for most bartenders, it's their least favorite part of the job.
But like most things that we don't like to do, we don't like to talk about it either...and unfortunately for lots of bartenders and managers, that leaves them not knowing how to refuse service or what to say when they cut a customer off.
Below we'll go over exactly what you can say to refuse service to a customer who's intoxicated or getting there quick.
1.  When a customer is getting close to intoxication, first offer food and water.  
What to say:  "Leslie, you need to get something into your stomach. I'm concerned about what you've had to drink so far and you need something to absorb it. Let me get you an order of chicken wings and
2.  Let the customer know when it's their last drink.  Instead of cutting a customer off when they want another drink, let them know that after this one drink, you can't serve them anymore. 
What to say: "Joe, enjoy this one, I don't think I can serve you another."
"Here you are Barbara.  Drink slowly because this is the last one I can serve you safely."
3. Enlist the customer's friends - It might be easier to have one of the customer's friends explain to them why they can't and shouldn't have any more alcohol.

4. And if you must cut a customer off, be firm and come from a place of concern for the customer.  
What to say: "I'm sorry Jim, we can't serve you anymore.  Can I call a taxi for you?" 
"By my judgment you've had too much to drink Sal, so I cannot legally serve you another.  Can I call a taxi for you?"
If the customer tries to argue or engage you in a conversation about why they can't have another drink, repeat that you can't serve them and ask if you can call a taxi.  Do not let the customer bring you into a conversation or argument, just stay calm and repeat that line to anything they have to say.
While the customer is still in your bar, offer them food and a non-alcoholic beverage.
Whenever you or your staff are going to cut a customer off, make sure you have backup.  Staff should let the manager know and all other
servers & bartenders should be made aware (so they don't serve the customer either.)

Future Dates to Remember!!
MMBA / MLBA Legislative Day

January 31, 2011
Kelly Inn, St. Paul
MMBA Boot Camp

February 21-23, 2011
Breezy Point Resort

MMBA Annual Conference

May 22-24, 2011
Arrowwood Resort

Ask A Director

Gary Buysse

Bob Leslie
 Pelican Rapids

Brian Hachey

Nancy Drumsta

Lara Smetana
Pine City
Michael Friesen

Virgene Shellenbarger

Tom Agnes
Brooklyn Center

Steve Grausam

Toni Buchite
50 Lakes

Michelle Olson
E-Mail Me

Bridgitte Konrad
North Branch

Paul Kaspszak

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Wine 101
A Guy Walks into a Bar
A guy walks into a bar with a carrot in his ear.

He sits down for a few drinks and the bartender ignores the carrot, not wanting to offend the guy.

This goes on for four nights.

On the fifth night, the guy walks in with a broccoli spear in his ear.

I've got to ask you, buddy --- why do you have broccoli in your ear?"

"They were out of carrots."

Victorious leaders feel the alternative to winning is unacceptable, so they figure out what must be done to achieve victory, and they they go after it with everything at their disposal