As I See It.... | 
Can you believe that Thanksgiving is here already! We often hear grumbling about all of the bad things going on around us....the economy, a bad day at work, our kids who've done something we wish they won't have, and on and on.
I encourage all of you to stop for just a moment and think about all of the things that we have to be thankful for. A free country, our jobs, our families, our friends and neighbors, plentiful food supplies, our homes, access to excellent education, and this list too goes on and on. I hope it is a much longer list than your list of grumblings!
Now take a few minutes each day to thank those people in your life that have a positive impact on you. I especially encourage you to thank your customers for their continued support of your operation and for your co-workers for all of their efforts to run an efficient, profitable business for your community.
I wish you all a blessed and profitable Thanksgiving and thank each of you for your participation, no matter how large or small, in MMBA.
Bridgitte Konrad
North Branch City Administrator
MMBA Director
MMBA / Coors Light Food Drive Comments |
The 2010 MMBA / Coors Light Food Drive results are still being tabulated. (If you have not reported your results, please send to the MMBA office.)
But, current results indicate a record amount will be collected.
Here are some comments about this year's efforts:
Denise in Remer: Just got back from the food shelf. They were thrilled. This was our first time and now we have some more ideas for next year.
Toni in 50 Lakes: We have taken our food shelf contribution to Emily Food Shelf in the total of 904.5 lbs. of food and money. Definitely an improvement over last year at 50 lbs.!
Jean & Denise in Finlayson: We had dime day on 10/10/10 and jam and jammie day on 10/15/10 where you could wear your jammies to the Muni and bring in jam, jelly and peanut butter.
On the 16th we had HatRageous day where all the women wore the most outrageous hats. We crowned the HatRageous queen and had 2 runner up winners.
On the 24th we had a chili cook off....with voting envelopes (please include a donation) and on the 30th we had a Halloween Costume Contest. We also had donation boxes on the bar.
For HatRageous we had two judges, the chili cook off was decided by votes and the costume contest was decided by applause. We did find that it is more fair (and less stressful) if the customer decides who wins.
Please include us on your list for this again.
City of Proctor Position Opening |
Municipal Liquor Store Working Manager
Responsible for total operation of the Proctor off-sale municipal liquor store.
Minimum requirements include two years experience in retail sales including bookkeeping experience or two years of same experience plus course work in bookkeeping or accounting.
An associate degree in business, marketing, or a related field may substitute for one year of experience.
Successful candidate will possess skills in marketing, inventory control, and personnel administration.
Must be a motivated self-starter and be able to work with minimal supervision.
Call or write City of Proctor, 100 Pionk Drive, Proctor, MN 55810, 218-624-3641 for application form to be returned with cover letter, resume and references.
Application deadline is 4:30 p.m. on December 10, 2010.
The City of Proctor is an Equal Opportunity Employer. |
Stacy Passes Profit Minnesota Resolution |
 The City of Stacy recently passed a resolution in favor of allowing state-regulated gaming in licensed and municipal bars and restaurants and allows for these games to upgrade to 21st century technology as an additional option to the paper format currently used. Click Here to See the Resolution
FDA Warns Companies About Caffeinated Alcohol Products |
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has warned four companies that the caffeine added to their malt alcoholic beverages is an "unsafe food additive" and said that further action, including seizure of their products, is possible under federal law.
The companies receiving Warning Letters and their products are:
· Charge Beverages Corp.: Core High Gravity HG, Core High Gravity HG Orange, and Lemon Lime Core Spiked · New Century Brewing Co., LLC: Moonshot · Phusion Projects, LLC (doing business as Drink Four Brewing Co.): Four Loko · United Brands Company Inc.: Joose and Max
FDA's action follows a scientific review by the Agency. FDA examined the published peer-reviewed literature on the co-consumption of caffeine and alcohol, consulted with experts in the fields of toxicology, neuropharmacology, emergency medicine, and epidemiology, and reviewed information provided by product manufacturers. FDA also performed its own independent laboratory analysis of these products.
"FDA does not find support for the claim that the addition of caffeine to these alcoholic beverages is 'generally recognized as safe,' which is the legal standard," said Dr. Joshua M. Sharfstein, Principal Deputy Commissioner. "To the contrary, there is evidence that the combinations of caffeine and alcohol in these products pose a public health concern."
The MMBA office contacted the FDA and was told there is no current requirement for retailers to remove these products from their shelves.
However, recognizing the "control" aspect of municipal liquor operations, this action should be considered by all MMBA members.
Click Here to Read the Complete FDA Announcement |
Future Dates to Remember!! |  |
MMBA Boot Camp February 21-23, 2011 Breezy Point Resort MMBA Annual Conference May 22-24, 2011 Arrowwood Resort |
Ask A Director |
Gary Buysse
Bob Leslie Pelican Rapids 218-863-6670
Brian Hachey Stacy 651-462-2727
Nancy Drumsta Delano 763-972-0578
Lara Smetana Pine City 320-629-2020
Michael Friesen Hawley 218-483-4747
Virgene Shellenbarger Hutchinson 320-587-2762
Tom Agnes
Brooklyn Center
Toni Buchite
50 Lakes
Bridgitte Konrad North Branch 651-674-8113 Paul Kaspszak MMBA 763-572-0222 1-866-938-3925 |
Wine 101 |  |
Two Pigs Walks into a Bar |  |
Two pigs walk into a bar, have a couple of cocktails and ask, "Where's the bathroom?"
The bartender points to the door and they rush in.
Two more pigs walk through the door. They have a couple of cocktails and ask, "Where's the bathroom?"
The bartender pints to the door and they rush away.
A fifth pig walks in. He has a couple of cocktails and then heads for the exit.
"Hey buddy! Do you wanna know where the bathroom is?" says the bartender.
"No thanks," the piggy says, "I always go WEE WEE WEE all the way home!"
The proof of leadership is found in the followers