Inventory is just like cash to your bar. You wouldn't make a deposit at the bank without knowing how much the deposit was for, and the same diligence should be applied to your inventory tracking.
You should know where you inventory is from the moment it enters yourbar to the time it is served to the customer. Inventory trackingdoesn't have to be complex, but it does need to be accurate to be effective.
Use perpetual inventory forms to track inventory in the storeroom, requisition sheets to track when it is moved from the storeroom (off-sale in combination facilities)to the bar, breakage and spillage sheets to record when inventory is wasted, and bar par sheets to track inventory behind the bar.
Track inventory with these steps:
1. Liquor arrives at your bar from the distributor. Inventory isentered onto a perpetual inventory sheet that tracks current inventory, what is newly stocked and what is sent to the bar.
2. Liquor is needed to be restocked at the bar. Fill out a requisition sheet and move the liquor to the bar.
3. Add newly stocked liquor at the bar to the bar par form.
4. As bottles are used or broken each day, check them against the parform and requisition what needs to be restocked.
Each step in tracking inventory is essential to knowing where your inventory is and when to order more.
Inventory is a high risk area for your bar so you must keep very close track of everything.
Track inventory at every stage as it moves through receipt of shipment to behind the bar to the customer.
Keeping track of inventory can be time consuming but you'll find that when you have a much tighter control on your liquor inventory bottles don't disappear anymore and your costs go down.