As I See It.... |

"AS I SEE IT" or should I say "AS I SAW IT?"
Recently former MMBA vice president Dan Bahr & I took a trip to the Southwest part of the State visiting municipal liquor stores. Here is some of what we saw.....
We stopped at 21 stores
we were able to visit at 15 stores - 4 stores weren't open yet, they were opening later in the day - & 2 stores were no longer municipal, they had been closed & sold to private owners, & one of the stores that we did visit was preparing for a public hearing. Needless to say, "IF" you are a Store that is having any kind of problem or difficulty," PLEASE" call Paul at MMBA or one of the directors to ask for help, before it is too late.
On the bright side of things, we found the majority of stores are listening to some of the things MMBA has been saying. Most were using pricing ending in 9's (49 & 99).
I know I myself am guilty on this one. "BUT" I will say in my defense that I have a lot more pricing ending in 9's than ever before.
We saw some nice, clean, & bright stores & most of all we met some very friendly & personable people working at these stores.
I think out of the 15 stores we visited, at least 6 had new Managers. "WHY" do you suppose that number seems kind of high?
Another thing Dan pointed out to me was that it seems where you notice a little extra cleanliness or brightness or whatever you might have, generally it is a female manager. Nothing against the guys, but it just seems the gals can add that woman's touch, and it shows.
I know I having been lacking in that department also - but only because in less than 3 weeks we will be moving into a new store where everything will look like it has the "LADIES" touch.
After doing this trip & finding stores closed, managers demoted, & other managers replaced -- I guess I'm thinking more about Paul's latest question that he keeps asking, "Are you ready for the inevitable day when someone questions your municipal liquor operation"?
I hope everybody was able to attend a regional meeting & having a successful food drive.
Bob Leslie MMBA Director
Pelican Rapids Liquor Manager |
46% of Consumers Can Be Up-Sold |
Up selling is a marketing method used to persuade your customers to spend more money than they had originally intended.
So, instead of chasing new customers, you can always generate extra income from up selling your products. It's a fact that 46 percent of all people can be up sold at the time of purchase. Below is a list of strategies from Beam Global you can use to up sell your clients, and then put them into action.
Editor's Note |
Your editor has been on the road for most of this week and will be again most of next week.
Therefore, the newsletter will be shorter than usual -- and is being sent a bit later today.
Have a great weekend!! |
A Snail Slid Into a Bar..... |
A snail slid into a bar and ordered a beer.
The bartender said: "Get out, you're a snail."
And he picked up the snail, threw him out of the door and across the street."
Eleven months later, while collecting glasses, the bartender felt a tap at his ankle.
The snail said: "What did you do that for?" |