Minnesota Municipal Beverage Association Newsletter
(October 3, 2010 - October 9, 2010)
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As I See It...... 



I am sure that you have all heard somebody say to you that once you are in a "City" position you are set until you retire.  They also say that it is a "cushy" job?! 


Well let me tell you neither of those descriptions fit in with the real deal.  That cushy job my fellow workers and I are working hard at is being changed. 


Two full-time and one part-time co-workers are being laid off. 


My position is changing from Assistant Manager to a full time clerk position.  


All of this is due to citywide budget cuts, stemming from the shortage of Local Government Aid (LGA). 


Our store is more profitable than ever.  We are making our annual transfer to the city of over $366,000.  But the cuts are still happening in our store.


OK, they have rocked our world.


It could happen to anyone, are you ready for it? 


Is there a way you can prepare for the day your City Council or Administrator say to you that your job is being eliminated?


Are you keeping up with the times?  How does your store look? Is it clean? Are signs up to date?  Are your customers happy with your selection or do you have a lot of old stuff and don't try anything new?  How is your Gross Profit?  Do you make enough to support your store, or are things on a downward slant?


It is not only the Local Government Aid or I should say the lack of it that puts your job in jeopardy. What can you do to help prevent this from happening to you? 


Are you changing with the times?  How can you keep up with the times?  Check your sales monthly, eliminate your slow or non-moving items.  Make sure you have great customer service.


Read all the informational material that you can.   Make sure that you get, and read the MMBA newsletter and e-mails.  


Attend the MMBA Regional meetings and Conference, network, with your fellow MMBA Managers while you are there.  It is very important to find out what is going on out there and talking to others helps you stay informed.


Good Luck at staying in your "cushy" position.


Be aware of what is happening and keep up with the changes!


Finally, The changes here at Hutchinson also affect my position as an MMBA Director.  As of the first of January my full-time clerk position starts, my Assistant Manager position ends and so to does my position as an MMBA Director. 


So here is an opportunity for a change for somebody out there to apply for my position on the board of directors. 


It has been a very good motivator for me.  Everybody has new ideas and they are energized. Paul brings in people from business and government. 


You cannot even imagine it. You really need to experience it for yourself to be able to appreciate what it can do for you and your store." 


Thank you for two good years and I am still willing to take calls or e-mails if you have any questions for me.


Virgene Shellenbarger

Liquor Hutch (Hutchinson)

MMBA Director

Sales Are Booming at New Mora Liquor Store

Sales are booming at Mora's new municipal liquor store. Profits for the month of August were, according to store manager Dan Greene, up by more than $16,500 compared to last year. Year-to-date sales for the city's liquor operation are up more than $72,000 year over year.

New Sleepy Eye Liquor Sign

Sleepy Eye Sign


Employees from Sid's Signs on Broadway recently installed a new sign at the Sleepy Eye Off Sale Liquor Store with help from store manager Nick Finstad.


The new sign is two feet higher than the previous sign and is hoped to attract those passing through town on Highway 14.


The profits from the municipal store help lower taxes. In the 25 years prior to 2000, the store contributed $1 million to the city's general fund.

Retail Wine Sales Up in September 


Off-premise wine sales data increased 4.6 percent from the same period last year in the four weeks ending September 18 according to The Nielsen Company-tracked data. In the 13 weeks ending September 18, sales were up 3.7 percent.


Domestic wine sales increased 5.9 percent while imported wine sales increased 1.7 percent in the 4 weeks ending September 18. In the 13 weeks ending in the same period, domestic sales increased 5 percent while imported wine increased 0.5 percent.


Most of the growth took place in the $9 to 11.99 price segment, which increased 11.2 percent in the 4 weeks ending September 18 and 10 percent in the 13 weeks ending during the same period.


The over $20 price segment followed behind, growing 9.5 percent in the 4 weeks ending September 18 and 11.7 percent in the 13 weeks ending during the same period.


Other price segments showing strong growth include the $12 to 14.99 and $15 to 19.99 price points. The $12 to 14.99 grew 9.3 percent; and $15 to 19.99 grew 8.4 percent in the 4 weeks ending September 18.


Wine sales in the $0 to 2.99 and $6 to 8.99 price points continued to decline in September. In the 4 weeks ending September 18, wine sales fell 2.9 percent in the $0 to 2.99 price segment and fell 2.3 percent in the $6 to 8.99 price category.

Future Dates to Remember!!
MMBA Regional Meetings

October 13 


 Duluth Holiday Inn


October 14 



(Formerly Best Western) Marshall Inn

October 20 


 Austin Holiday Inn


October 21


 Holiday Inn Metrodome


October 27 


 Arrowwood Resort Alexandria


October 28 



Restaurant - Bemidji
MMBA Boot Camp
February 21-23, 2011
Breezy Point Resort
MMBA Annual Conference
May 22-24, 2011
Arrowwood Resort
Ask A Director
Gary Buysse
Bob Leslie
 Pelican Rapids
Brian Hachey
Nancy Drumsta
Lara Smetana
Pine City
Michael Friesen
Virgene Shellenbarger
Tom Agnes
Brooklyn Center
Steve Grausam
Toni Buchite
50 Lakes
Michelle Olson
E-Mail Me
Bridgitte Konrad
North Branch
Paul Kaspszak

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